Arafat ne koma!

Arafat ne koma!

PARIS (Reuters) - Palestinian President Yasser Arafat was in a coma and in critical condition in the intensive care unit at a French military hospital on Thursday after his health suddenly deteriorated, aides said.

They said doctors carrying out tests on the 75-year-old leader since he was airlifted to France last Friday still did not know what was wrong with him, despite ruling out leukemia.

"Arafat is in a coma and in a critical condition," a senior Palestinian official told Reuters. Aides had earlier said he was in serious condition in the unit where he was moved on Wednesday at around 5 p.m. (11 a.m. EST).

A briefing by the hospital had been expected at 11 a.m. (5 a.m. EST) but was put off without any explanation.

"New tests have been carried out including an endoscopy (visual internal examination). Nothing was found out from those tests," a senior aide said earlier on Thursday.

Arafat, for decades a symbol of the Palestinian struggle with Israel for a state, was rushed to France from the West Bank last Friday with severe stomach pains, diarrhea and vomiting.

Arafat's slide into illness has raised fears of chaos among Palestinians locked in a 4-year-old uprising, and the death of a leader Israel and Washington see as an obstacle to peace could shuffle the cards in the Middle East conflict.

The French doctors said on Tuesday that Arafat was responding to treatment although aides said the Palestinian leader could remain in the hospital in a southwestern Paris suburb for several more weeks.

The doctors did not immediately comment on Arafat's latest condition.


Leila Shahid, the Palestinian's permanent envoy to Paris, earlier said that there was a setback in Arafat's health and that doctors were trying to find out what had caused that.

"Obviously in his case, there could be setbacks at times and this is a setback," said Shahid. "(On Thursday), the doctors will give a very clear and direct explanation and report on what is happening."
Arafat, loved by most Palestinians and reviled by many Israelis, has named no successor since emerging from exile under interim peace accords with Israel in the early 1990s.

Aides have been keen to present Arafat as still in charge. He has temporarily delegated powers to two men -- Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurie and Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian leader's number two in the Palestine Liberation Organization.

Palestinian officials said Farouq Kaddoumi, another senior PLO official, had arrived in Paris to see Arafat.

Earlier on Wednesday, Arafat had sent congratulations to President Bush on his re-election. Bush has backed the idea of a Palestinian state as part of a peace deal but has tried to shut Arafat out of Middle East decision making.

Both Washington and Israel accuse Arafat of fomenting violence in the uprising against Israeli occupation in Gaza and the West Bank that broke out in 2000, a charge he denies.

Until he was airlifted to France, Arafat had been effectively confined to his shell-shattered Ramallah headquarters by Israeli forces for 2-1/2 years.

© Reuters 2004. All Rights Reserved.


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Re: Arafat ne koma!

Gjynah i shkreti vuan nga leukemia eshte dhe 75 vjec ishalla ja hedh kete rradhe ..


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Re: Arafat ne koma!

Fatkeqesisht pak minuta perpara u dha lajmi qe Jaser Arafati heroi dhe Udheheqesi i popullit Palestinez vdiq!
Cufutet mund te festojne te gezuar: dje u rivu nje nga kukllat e tyre ne pushtet ne USA, sot vdiq nje nga pengesat ne rrugen e tyre te krimit dhe terrorizmit shteteror!


Primus registratum
Re: Arafat ne koma!

Paska ik edhe i gjarper nga qarkullimi.rrofsh antares per lajmin e mire qe na dhe :shrug:


Forumium maestatis
Re: Arafat ne koma!

Jo mor peshkatar nuk ka vdek akoma, nuk e gjen gjo ate. Shife cfare thote reutersi

Giovedì 4 Novembre 2004, 18:25

Tv israeliana: Arafat è morto. Ma medici smentiscono
CLAMART/GAZA (Reuters) - Il presidente palestinese Yasser Arafat è vivo. Lo ha annunciato questo pomeriggio un portavoce dell'ospedale militare francese in cui il leader è ricoverato.

"Il signor Arafat non è morto", ha detto il dottor Christian Estripeau ai giornalisti, smentendo gli annunci diffusi in precedenza dalla tv israeliana - che citava fonti francesi - e dal primo ministro del Lussemburgo Jean-Claude Juncker, secondo cui Arafat sarebbe clinicamente morto.

I consiglieri di Arafat hanno detto che il 75enne leader è in gravi condizioni, ma hanno dato dettagli discordanti. Alcuni hanno detto che era in coma, altri che perdeva e riacquistava conoscenza da un momento all'altro.

Intanto, i responsabili dei servizi di sicurezza palestinesi sono stati convocati a Ramallah, proprio nel quartier generale di Arafat, per un vertice d'emergenza. Un alto dirigente ha riferito che il premier palestinese Ahmed Qurie - in Italia più noto col nome di battaglia di Abu Ala - ha assunto alcuni dei poteri di Arafat in tema di sicurezza e finanze.

Un funzionario del Dipartimento di Stato Usa ha detto: "Abbiamo visto i rapporti (sulla morte di Arafat). Non possiamo confermarli, stiamo cercando di capire se sono veri.

Lo stesso presidente americano George W. Bush, in risposta ai rapporti discordanti di queste ore sulla morte di Yasser Arafat, ha detto "Dio benedica la sua anima" nel corso dell'intervento di oggi ed ha promesso di lavorare per uno stato palestinese libero.

"La mia prima reazione è Dio benedica la sua anima", ha detto Bush durante una conferenza stampa quando gli è stato chiesto un commento alla notizia che Arafat sarebbe stato dichiarato clinicamente morto in un ospedale francese.

"E la mia seconda reazione è che continueremo a lavorare per un stato palestinese libero che sia in pace con Israele".


Primus registratum
Re: Arafat ne koma!

E mo mire,po he se ate rruge ka marre,mos sot neser mos neser se shpejti...Puna eshte ta marre ndonje tjeter me sagllam p[ostin e tij.Na lodhen keta lideret qe rrine nga 50 vjet ne pushtet prandaj thashe ashtu qe pare,por po ta marresh holle holle eshte gjynah se edhe ai njeri eshte.
Shpirti i tij u prefte ne paqe :eek:


Primus registratum
Re: Arafat ne koma!

Nuk e di,por me duket Arafati ka vdekur dhe kjo vdekje nuk behet e ditur zyrtarisht sot, pasi
myslimanet duhet ti varrosin te vdekurit brenda 24 oresh (kohe kjo shume e paket per te organizuar nje varrim ceremonial me pjesmarres nga skena politike internacionale). Ne te njejten menyre u njoftua edhe vdekja e mbretit Hysein te Jordanise.(ne fillim vdekje klinike dhe ca dite me vone vdekja)

Une per vete mendoj, qe pas vdekjes se Arafatit, Palestina dhe Izraeli do do arrine te bejne paqe. Kjo mund te ndodh pas 2-3 vjetesh, ama gjithmon brenda 4 vjeteve te presidences se Bushit. Ky i fundit do jete inisiatori dhe bekuesi i kesaj paqeje.


Primus registratum
Re: Arafat ne koma!

Fillimisht postuar nga AnaBlue:
[qb] Kush flitet se do e zevendesoje Arafatin? [/qb]
Antaresi ose Amari...Kandidature e forte eshte edhe Kondrapedali /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Forumium maestatis
Re: Arafat ne koma!

Fillimisht postuar nga AnaBlue:
[qb] Kush flitet se do e zevendesoje Arafatin? [/qb]
Ka terroriste sa te duash qe mundet te marrin detyren.


Re: Arafat ne koma!

Sot ne lajme thuhej se do jete nusja e Arafatit qe do vendosi kur ti shkepusin fijet dhe mrrokllat qe e mbajne ne jete...


Primus registratum
Re: Arafat ne koma!

Fillimisht postuar nga PUTRAKU:
[qb] Sot ne lajme thuhej se do jete nusja e Arafatit qe do vendosi kur ti shkepusin fijet dhe mrrokllat qe e mbajne ne jete... [/qb]
Te ishte per gruan , mrrokllat qe e mbajne ne jete
Arafatin,do i kishte stakuar qe diten kur Arafati ka firmosur Testamentin. /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Forumium maestatis
Re: Arafat ne koma!

qeka fakt i krym dmth. pune oresh dhe Arafati nuk do jete me /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Re: Arafat ne koma!

Fillimisht postuar nga Isaac Newton:
Fillimisht postuar nga PUTRAKU:
[qb] Sot ne lajme thuhej se do jete nusja e Arafatit qe do vendosi kur ti shkepusin fijet dhe mrrokllat qe e mbajne ne jete... [/qb]
Te ishte per gruan , mrrokllat qe e mbajne ne jete
Arafatin,do i kishte stakuar qe diten kur Arafati ka firmosur Testamentin. /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif [/qb]
kete lajmet nuk e permenden /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Hajt lejini llafet po shqyrtoni nji cike Propozimin e Reneas..L-r ty te du krah te djatht /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Arafat ne koma!

Putro kur te imagjinoj me shami palestinezesh ne koke...hajde budalla hajde...masanej ta shofin cifutet


Primus registratum
Re: Arafat ne koma!

E c'na plasi per Yasser arafatin, nje idiot ka qene dhe keshtu ka per te vdekur, nje tradhetar qe shiti luftetaret e tij ne Liban ne 1982..Nje drug dealer.....Te ishte aq i rendesishem, Mosadi israelit do t'ja kishte hequr koken kohe me pare..!!!


Re: Arafat ne koma!

Vetem per dicka me vjen keq. Shume persona ketu packa se nuk e duan personazhin Arafat, gezohen me vdekjen e tij. Nuk e kuptoj pse e quani veten te ndryshem nga kasapet e Zarqawit kur vdekjen e dikujt e brohorisni. Turp. /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif