Pan ignoramus
Re: ç'farë ësht dashuria,për shkencën?
Une ato qe shkruajta me siper jane nje permbledhje e si e kam kuptuar une vete kete ceshtje ne baze te informacioneve te ndryshme qe kam hasur deri tashti.
Kerkova pak shume shkurt ne kete moment per te verifikuar ato qe shkruajta me lart. Akaba dhe House M.D perseri do te ngelen te pakenaqur me kete, por ajo qe gjeta vetem i perforcojne ato me lart.
In recent years, the sciences of evolutionary psychology, evolutionary biology, anthropology, neuroscience, and biology have added to the understanding of the nature and function of love. ... Biological models of sex tend to view love as a mammalian drive, much like hunger or thirst. Helen Fisher, a leading expert in the topic of love, divides the experience of love into three partly overlapping stages: lust, attraction, and attachment. Lust exposes people to others; romantic attraction encourages people to focus their energy on mating; and attachment involves tolerating the spouse (or indeed the child) long enough to rear a child into infancy. ... Biological models of love tend to see it as a mammalian drive, similar to hunger or thirst. Psychology sees love as more of a social and cultural phenomenon. There are probably elements of truth in both views. Certainly love is influenced by hormones (such as oxytocin), neurotrophins (such as NGF), and pheromones, and how people think and behave in love is influenced by their conceptions of love. The conventional view in biology is that there are two major drives in love: sexual attraction and attachment. ... Studies have shown that brain scans of those infatuated by love display a resemblance to those with a mental illness. Love creates activity in the same area of the brain where hunger, thirst, and drug cravings create activity. New love, therefore, could possibly be more physical than emotional. Over time, this reaction to love mellows, and different areas of the brain are activated, primarily ones involving long-term commitments. ... Studies in neuroscience have involved chemicals that are present in the brain and might be involved when people experience love. These chemicals include: nerve growth factor, testosterone, estrogen, dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, oxytocin, and vasopressin. Adequate brain levels of testosterone seem important for both human male and female sexual behavior. Dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin are more commonly found during the attraction phase of a relationship. Oxytocin and vasopressin seemed to be more closely linked to long term bonding and relationships characterized by strong attachments.
Gjate viteve te fundit, shkenca te ndryshme si psikologja evolutive, biologjia evolutive, antropologjia, neuroshkenca dhe dhe biologjia kane dhene informacion per te kuptuar nayren dhe funksionin e dashurise. ... Modelet biologjike per seksin synojne ta shohin dashurine si nje shtyse tek gjitaret, shume te ngjashme me urine, apo etjen. Helen Fisher, nje eksperte ne studimin e dashurise, e ndan eksperiencen e dashurise ne tre faza qe pjeserisht i mbivendosen njera tjetres: epshi, terheqja dhe bashkangjitja. Epshi i ekspozon njerezit kundrejt te tjereve; terheqja romantike inkurajon njerezit te fokusojne energjite drejt ciftezimit; bashkangjitja perfshin tolerimin e partnerit (madje edhe te femijes) per te rritur femijen gjate fazes se miturise. ... Psikologjia e sheh dashurine me teper si nje fenomen social dhe kulturor. Eshte shume e mundshme qe te kete vertetesi ne te dy kendveshtrimet. Eshte e sigurte qe dashuria influencohet nga hormonet (si oksitocina), neurotrofinat (si NGF) dhe feromonet. Menyra se c'mendojne dhe si sillen njerezit e dashuruar influencohet nga kuptimi i tyre per dashurine. Ne biologji, dashuria ka dy shtysa kryesore: terheqja seksuale dhe bashkangjitja. ... Studimet kane treguar se truri i te dashuruarve shfaqet ne skanime (matje) me ngjashmeri me trurin e te semureve mendore. Dashuria krijon aktivitet ne te njejtat zona te trurit me urine, etjen dhe deshiren per droge. Si rrjedhim, dashurite e reja ka shume me teper mundesi te jene fizike sesa emocionale. Me kalimin e kohes ky rreagim ndaj dashurise qetesohet, dhe aktivizohen zona te tjera te trurit, zona qe kane te bejne me perkushtime afatgjata. ... Studime neuroshkencore perfshijne substanca kimike qe jane prezente ne tru dhe mund te jene domethenese kur njerezit jane te dashuruar. Ne keto substanca permenden: faktori i rritjes se nervave, testosteroni, estrogjeni, dopamina, norepinefrina, serotonina, oksitocina dhe vasopresina. Nivele te pershtatshme te testosteronit ne tru jane te rendesishme per sjelljen seksuale si per meshkujt ashtu dhe per femrat. Dopamina, norepinefrina dhe serotonina jane te zakonshme gjate fazes se terheqjes. Oksitocina dhe vasopresina dukeshin me te lidhura me pjesen afatgjate te maredhenies si dhe lidhjet me bashkangjitje te forta.
Une ato qe shkruajta me siper jane nje permbledhje e si e kam kuptuar une vete kete ceshtje ne baze te informacioneve te ndryshme qe kam hasur deri tashti.
Kerkova pak shume shkurt ne kete moment per te verifikuar ato qe shkruajta me lart. Akaba dhe House M.D perseri do te ngelen te pakenaqur me kete, por ajo qe gjeta vetem i perforcojne ato me lart.
In recent years, the sciences of evolutionary psychology, evolutionary biology, anthropology, neuroscience, and biology have added to the understanding of the nature and function of love. ... Biological models of sex tend to view love as a mammalian drive, much like hunger or thirst. Helen Fisher, a leading expert in the topic of love, divides the experience of love into three partly overlapping stages: lust, attraction, and attachment. Lust exposes people to others; romantic attraction encourages people to focus their energy on mating; and attachment involves tolerating the spouse (or indeed the child) long enough to rear a child into infancy. ... Biological models of love tend to see it as a mammalian drive, similar to hunger or thirst. Psychology sees love as more of a social and cultural phenomenon. There are probably elements of truth in both views. Certainly love is influenced by hormones (such as oxytocin), neurotrophins (such as NGF), and pheromones, and how people think and behave in love is influenced by their conceptions of love. The conventional view in biology is that there are two major drives in love: sexual attraction and attachment. ... Studies have shown that brain scans of those infatuated by love display a resemblance to those with a mental illness. Love creates activity in the same area of the brain where hunger, thirst, and drug cravings create activity. New love, therefore, could possibly be more physical than emotional. Over time, this reaction to love mellows, and different areas of the brain are activated, primarily ones involving long-term commitments. ... Studies in neuroscience have involved chemicals that are present in the brain and might be involved when people experience love. These chemicals include: nerve growth factor, testosterone, estrogen, dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, oxytocin, and vasopressin. Adequate brain levels of testosterone seem important for both human male and female sexual behavior. Dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin are more commonly found during the attraction phase of a relationship. Oxytocin and vasopressin seemed to be more closely linked to long term bonding and relationships characterized by strong attachments.
Gjate viteve te fundit, shkenca te ndryshme si psikologja evolutive, biologjia evolutive, antropologjia, neuroshkenca dhe dhe biologjia kane dhene informacion per te kuptuar nayren dhe funksionin e dashurise. ... Modelet biologjike per seksin synojne ta shohin dashurine si nje shtyse tek gjitaret, shume te ngjashme me urine, apo etjen. Helen Fisher, nje eksperte ne studimin e dashurise, e ndan eksperiencen e dashurise ne tre faza qe pjeserisht i mbivendosen njera tjetres: epshi, terheqja dhe bashkangjitja. Epshi i ekspozon njerezit kundrejt te tjereve; terheqja romantike inkurajon njerezit te fokusojne energjite drejt ciftezimit; bashkangjitja perfshin tolerimin e partnerit (madje edhe te femijes) per te rritur femijen gjate fazes se miturise. ... Psikologjia e sheh dashurine me teper si nje fenomen social dhe kulturor. Eshte shume e mundshme qe te kete vertetesi ne te dy kendveshtrimet. Eshte e sigurte qe dashuria influencohet nga hormonet (si oksitocina), neurotrofinat (si NGF) dhe feromonet. Menyra se c'mendojne dhe si sillen njerezit e dashuruar influencohet nga kuptimi i tyre per dashurine. Ne biologji, dashuria ka dy shtysa kryesore: terheqja seksuale dhe bashkangjitja. ... Studimet kane treguar se truri i te dashuruarve shfaqet ne skanime (matje) me ngjashmeri me trurin e te semureve mendore. Dashuria krijon aktivitet ne te njejtat zona te trurit me urine, etjen dhe deshiren per droge. Si rrjedhim, dashurite e reja ka shume me teper mundesi te jene fizike sesa emocionale. Me kalimin e kohes ky rreagim ndaj dashurise qetesohet, dhe aktivizohen zona te tjera te trurit, zona qe kane te bejne me perkushtime afatgjata. ... Studime neuroshkencore perfshijne substanca kimike qe jane prezente ne tru dhe mund te jene domethenese kur njerezit jane te dashuruar. Ne keto substanca permenden: faktori i rritjes se nervave, testosteroni, estrogjeni, dopamina, norepinefrina, serotonina, oksitocina dhe vasopresina. Nivele te pershtatshme te testosteronit ne tru jane te rendesishme per sjelljen seksuale si per meshkujt ashtu dhe per femrat. Dopamina, norepinefrina dhe serotonina jane te zakonshme gjate fazes se terheqjes. Oksitocina dhe vasopresina dukeshin me te lidhura me pjesen afatgjate te maredhenies si dhe lidhjet me bashkangjitje te forta.