What is on my mind...


cherry blossom
Me mire ashtu kafe amerikane. Te pakten e ndjen qe po pi diqka. Me beso. Nje gjysem filxhan ta pish per gjysem ore? :eek:
Jo te keqen ne dreken e darken e mbarojme per gjysem ore. :p

po mire kafen pije per efekt te shpejte ti. per te shijuar kemi cajin :D


Papirus rex


Paint It Black
@gurax posa pash filmin The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, e mu kujtove ti :)
Mbase nuk eshte aq sa libri por tani e kuptova fiksimin tend me kete.
To 42 :D


Pan ignoramus
"I think you ought to know that I'm feeling...." etc. :D

Filmin e 2005? Kete?



Dicitura e kesaj fotos: "Hey slim. Are you wearing my underwear? For I'm wearing yours and they ain't doing the trick!"

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Paint It Black
Para ca ditesh me derguan nje video compilation of Marvin, sa e pash e njoha thash ah zeri i Alan Rickman ky dhe kshu mu be mendja ta shoh, i mrekullueshem :)


cherry blossom
Los justos

Un hombre que cultiva su jardín, como quería Voltaire.
El que agradece que en la tierra haya música.
El que descubre con placer una etimología.
Dos empleados que en un cafe del Sur juergan un silencioso ajadrez.
El ceramista que premedita un color y una forma.
El tipógrafo que compone bien esta página, que tal vez no le agrada.
Una mujer y un hombre que leen los tercetos finales de cierto canto.
El que acaricia a un animal dormido.
El que justifica o quiere justificar un mal que la han hecho.
El que agradece que en la tierra haya Stevenson.
El que prefiere que los otros tengan razón.
Esas personas, que se ignoran, están salvando el mundo.

Jorge Luis Borges


Pan ignoramus
@gurax posa pash filmin The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, e mu kujtove ti :)
Mbase nuk eshte aq sa libri por tani e kuptova fiksimin tend me kete.
To 42 :D

Ne liber ka disa episode te jashtezakonshem, si ky i treguar ketu psh.

Por ja edhe nje tjeter. Situata eshte dicka e ngjashme me nje lufte civile. Marvin takon nje tjeter robot, nje robot lufte me formen e nje tanku luftarak super gjigand dhe super te armatosur dhe i afte te perballoje nje ushtri te tere i vetem. Ja dialogu:

Marvin was not in fact a particularly small robot. His silver body gleamed in the dusty sunbeams and shook with the continual barrage which the building was still undergoing.
He did, however, look pitifully small as the gigantic black tank rolled to a halt in front of him. The tank examined him with a probe. The probe withdrew.
Marvin stood there.
'Out of my way, little robot,' growled the tank.
'I'm afraid,' said Marvin, 'that I've been left here to stop you.'
The probe extended again for a quick recheck. It withdrew again.
'You? Stop me?' roared the tank. 'Go on!'
'No, really I have,' said Marvin simply.
'What are you armed with?' roared the tank in disbelief.
'Guess,' said Marvin.
The tank's engines rumbled, its gears ground. Molecule-sized electronic relays deep in its micro-brain flipped backwards and forwards in consternation.
'Guess?' said the tank.

'Yes, go on,' said Marvin to the huge battle machine, 'you'll never guess.'
'Errrmmm...' said the machine, vibrating with unaccustomed thought, 'laser beams?'
Marvin shook his head solemnly.
'No,' muttered the machine in its deep guttural rumble, 'too obvious. Anti-matter ray?' it hazarded.
'Far too obvious,' admonished Marvin.
'Yes,' grumbled the machine, somewhat abashed, 'er... how about an electron ram?'
This was new to Marvin.
'What's that?' he said.
'One of these,' said the machine with enthusiasm.
From its turret emerged a sharp prong which spat a single lethal blaze of light. Behind Marvin a wall roared and collapsed as a heap of dust. The dust billowed briefly, then settled.
'No,' said Marvin, 'not one of those.'
'Good though, isn't it?'
'Very good,' agreed Marvin.
'I know,' said the Frogstar battle machine, after another moment's consideration, 'you must have one of those new Xanthic Re-Structron Destabilized Zenon Emitters!'
'Nice, aren't they?' said Marvin.
'That's what you've got?' said the machine in considerable awe.
'No,' said Marvin.
'Oh,' said the machine, disappointed, 'then it must be...'
'You're thinking along the wrong lines,' said Marvin, 'You're failing to take into account something fairly basic in the relationship between men and robots.'
'Er, I know,' said the battle machine, 'is it...' it tailed off into thought again.
'Just think,' urged Marvin, 'they left me, an ordinary menial robot, to stop you, a gigantic heavy-duty battle machine, whilst they ran off to save themselves. What do you think they would leave me with?'
'Oooh, er,' muttered the machine in alarm, 'something pretty damn devastating I should expect.'
'Expect!' said Marvin, 'Oh yes, expect. I'll tell you what they gave me to protect myself with shall I?'
'Yes, all right,' said the battle machine, bracing itself.
'Nothing,' said Marvin.

There was a dangerous pause.
'Nothing?' roared the battle machine.
'Nothing at all,' intoned Marvin dismally, 'not an electronic sausage.'
The machine heaved about with fury.
'Well, doesn't that just take the biscuit!' it roared, 'Nothing, eh? Just don't think, do they?'
'And me,' said Marvin in a soft low voice, 'with this terrible pain in all the diodes down my left side.'
'Makes you spit, doesn't it?'
'Yes,' agreed Marvin with feeling.
'Hell that makes me angry,' bellowed the machine, 'think I'll smash that wall down!'
The electron ram stabbed out another searing blaze of light and took out the wall next to the machine.
'How do you think I feel?' said Marvin bitterly.
'Just ran off and left you, did they?' the machine thundered.
'Yes,' said Marvin.
'I think I'll shoot down their bloody ceiling as well!' raged the tank.
It took out the ceiling of the bridge.
'That's very impressive,' murmured Marvin.
'You ain't seeing nothing yet,' promised the machine, 'I can take out this floor too, no trouble!'
It took out the floor, too.
'Hell's bells!' the machine roared as it plummeted fifteen storeys and smashed itself to bits on the ground below.
'What a depressingly stupid machine,' said Marvin and trudged away.