Viruset dhe parandalimi i tyre!


Primus registratum
Re: Viruset dhe parandalimi i tyre!

A mund te me shpjegoj dikush se çfare roli luajne dosjet dhe file qe ndodhen ne :

1- C:WINDOWSsystem32
Kur u mundova te heq nji file PC me shkruan :Acces refuse.

Dhe po e njejta gje me ndodh tek
Edhe ketu kam nji Fichier(File)DAT qe nuk mund ta hedh ne kosh


Primus registratum
Re: Viruset dhe parandalimi i tyre!

ne System32 jane file sistemi...eshte mire te mos i ngacmosh.

ndersa nga temp normalisht duhet te fshihen te gjitha...restarto kompjuterin (mos hap asnje prog tjeter) dhe fshiji..


Primus registratum
Re: Viruset dhe parandalimi i tyre!

Thnx.GuJack20.Sikur te kishte nji teme me pyetje dhe pergjigje ketu s'do ishte keq se here pas here del ndonji problem ne PC.


Primus registratum
Re: Viruset dhe parandalimi i tyre!

WARNING: W32.Sobig.E@mm
Threat level: Category 3, Moderate (scale of 1-5)
Virus Definitions: June 25 , 2003 or later (via LiveUpdate)

What is W32.Sobig.E@mm and how does it affect me?
Due to an increase in the rate of submissions, Symantec Security Response has upgraded W32.Sobig.E@mm from a Category 2 to a Category 3 as of June 25, 2003.

W32.Sobig.E@mm is a mass-mailing worm that sends itself to all the email addresses that it finds in files with the following extensions:


The email attempts to trick the recipient into believing it came from Yahoo(

The email message has the following characteristics:From:<br />
(W32.Sobig.E@mm may also spoof the email From: field and use any available address.)

Subject: The subject line will be one of the following:

Re: Application
Re: Movie
Re: Movies
Re: Submitted
Re: ScRe:ensaver
Re: Documents
Re: Re: Application ref 003644
Re: Re: Document
Your application
new document.pif
Re: document.pif

Attachment: The attachment name will be one of the following: (contains details.pif) (contains application.pif) (contains document.pif) (contains (contains Movie.pif)

NOTE: W32.Sobig.E@mm worm de-activates on July 14, 2003.

What action can I take from here?
Symantec Security Response posted virus definitions to protect against this threat on June 25, 2003 (via LiveUpdate). All users of Norton AntiVirus who do not have up-to-date virus protection should immediately run LiveUpdate for protection from W32.Sobig.E@mm.


Primus registratum
Re: Viruset dhe parandalimi i tyre!

WARNING: W32.Mimail.A@mm
Threat level: Category 3, Moderate (scale of 1-5)
Virus Definitions: August 1, 2003 or later (via LiveUpdate)

What is W32.MimailA@mm and how does it affect me?
W32.Mimail@mm is a worm that spreads by email, steals information from certain windows on a user's desktop and sends it to specific email addresses. It also takes advantage of a known vulnerability. Information about this vulnerability and a Microsoft patch is located at:;en-us;330994

System administrators are encouraged to apply the Microsoft patch to prevent infection by this worm.

The email has the following characteristics:

From: admin@&lt;current domain&gt;*

Subject: your account &lt;variable determined by W32.Mimail.A@mm)<br />
Hello there,
I would like to inform you about important information regarding your email address. This email address will be expiring. Please read attachment for details.

Best regards,

* The “From” address may be spoofed so it appears to be coming from the current domain


Primus registratum
Re: Viruset dhe parandalimi i tyre!

&gt;-------- Original Message --------
&gt;Subject: MAJOR VIRUS ATTACK - CERT Advisory CA-2003-20 W32/Blaster worm
&gt;Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2003 21:10:27 -0700
&gt;From: "Deke Barker"
&gt;Organization: Anderson-Barker Associates
&gt;To: "Undisclosed List"
&gt;Please read the following bulletin from CERT, the federally-sponsored
&gt;computer/Internet security organization at Carnegie-Mellon University. If
&gt;you are having problems, I *STRONGLY* recommend that you act as
&gt;in the bulletin.
&gt;If you do not understand the problem, log onto and look at their
&gt;latest news.
&gt;If you are still on-line (about the only way you could get this), please
&gt;download and apply all "critical update" patches from Microsoft
&gt;IMMEDIATELY!!! Go to Internet Explorer's TOOLS menu and click on WINDOWS
&gt;UPDATE. Then be sure to update your anti-virus software, as you should do
&gt;every two weeks AND whenever a major new virus is uncovered.
&gt;-----Original Message-----
&gt;From: CERT Advisory []
&gt;Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 7:21 PM
&gt;Subject: CERT Advisory CA-2003-20 W32/Blaster worm
&gt;CERT Advisory CA-2003-20 W32/Blaster worm
&gt; Original issue date: August 11, 2003
&gt; Last revised: --
&gt; Source: CERT/CC
&gt; A complete revision history is at the end of this file.
&gt;Systems Affected
&gt; * Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
&gt; * Microsoft Windows 2000
&gt; * Microsoft Windows XP
&gt; * Microsoft Windows Server 2003
&gt; The CERT/CC is receiving reports of widespread activity related to a
&gt; new piece of malicious code known as W32/Blaster. This worm appears to
&gt; exploit known vulnerabilities in the Microsoft Remote Procedure Call
&gt; (RPC) Interface.
&gt;I. Description
&gt; The W32/Blaster worm exploits a vulnerability in Microsoft's DCOM RPC
&gt; interface as described in VU#568148 and CA-2003-16. Upon successful
&gt; execution, the worm attempts to retrieve a copy of the file
&gt; msblast.exe from the compromising host. Once this file is retrieved,
&gt; the compromised system then runs it and begins scanning for other
&gt; vulnerable systems to compromise in the same manner. In the course of
&gt; propagation, a TCP session to port 135 is used to execute the attack.
&gt; However, access to TCP ports 139 and 445 may also provide attack
&gt; vectors and should be considered when applying mitigation strategies.
&gt; Microsoft has published information about this vulnerability in
&gt; Microsoft Security Bulletin MS03-026.
&gt; Lab testing has confirmed that the worm includes the ability to launch
&gt; a TCP SYN flood denial-of-service attack against We
&gt; are investigating the conditions under which this attack might
&gt; manifest itself. Unusual or unexpected traffic to
&gt; may indicate an infection on your network, so you may wish to monitor
&gt; network traffic.
&gt; Sites that do not use to manage patches may wish to
&gt; block outbound traffic to In practice, this may be
&gt; difficult to achieve, since may not resolve to the
&gt; same address every time. Correctly blocking traffic to
&gt; will require detailed understanding of your network
&gt; routing architecture, system management needs, and name resolution
&gt; environment. You should not block traffic to without
&gt; a thorough understanding of your operational needs.
&gt; We have been in contact with Microsoft regarding this possibility of
&gt; this denial-of-service attack.
&gt;II. Impact
&gt; A remote attacker could exploit these vulnerabilities to execute
&gt; arbitrary code with Local System privileges or to cause a
&gt; denial-of-service condition.
&gt;III. Solutions
&gt;Apply patches
&gt; All users are encouraged to apply the patches referred to in Microsoft
&gt; Security Bulletin MS03-026 as soon as possible in order to mitigate
&gt; the vulnerability described in VU#568148. These patches are also
&gt; available via Microsoft's Windows Update service.
&gt; Systems running Windows 2000 may still be vulnerable to at least a
&gt; denial-of-service attack via VU#326746 if their DCOM RPC service is
&gt; available via the network. Therefore, sites are encouraged to use the
&gt; packet filtering tips below in addition to applying the patches
&gt; supplied in MS03-026.
&gt; It has been reported that some affected machines are not able to stay
&gt; connected to the network long enough to download patches from
&gt; Microsoft. For hosts in this situation, the CERT/CC recommends the
&gt; following:
&gt; 1. Physically disconnecting the system from the network
&gt; 2. Check the system for signs of compromise.
&gt; + In most cases, an infection will be indicated by the presence
&gt; of the registry key
&gt; "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion
&gt; Runwindows auto update" with a value of msblast.exe. If
&gt; this key is present, remove it using a registry editor.
&gt; 3. If you're infected, terminate the running copy of msblast.exe
&gt; using the Task Manager.
&gt; 4. Take one of the following steps to protect against the compromise
&gt; prior to installing the Microsoft patch:
&gt; + Disable DCOM as described below
&gt; + Enabling Microsoft's Internet Connection Filter (ICF), or
&gt; another host-level packet filtering program to block incoming
&gt; connections for 135/tcp
&gt; 5. Reconnect the system to the network and apply the patches in the
&gt; recommended manner
&gt; Trend Micro, Inc. has published a set of steps to accomplish these
&gt; goals. Symantec has also published a set of steps to accomplish these
&gt; goals.
&gt;Disable DCOM
&gt; Depending on site requirements, you may wish to disable DCOM as
&gt; described in MS03-026. Disabling DCOM will help protect against this
&gt; vulnerability but may also cause undesirable side effects. Additional
&gt; details on disabling DCOM and possible side effects are available in
&gt; Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 825750.
&gt;Filter network traffic
&gt; Sites are encouraged to block network access to the following relevant
&gt; ports at network borders. This can minimize the potential of
&gt; denial-of-service attacks originating from outside the perimeter. The
&gt; specific services that should be blocked include
&gt; * 69/UDP
&gt; * 135/TCP
&gt; * 135/UDP
&gt; * 139/TCP
&gt; * 139/UDP
&gt; * 445/TCP
&gt; * 445/UDP
&gt; * 4444/TCP
&gt; Sites should consider blocking both inbound and outbound traffic to
&gt; these ports, depending on network requirements, at the host and
&gt; network level. Microsoft's Internet Connection Firewall can be used to
&gt; accomplish these goals.
&gt; If access cannot be blocked for all external hosts, the CERT/CC
&gt; recommends limiting access to only those hosts that require it for
&gt; normal operation. As a general rule, the CERT/CC recommends filtering
&gt; all types of network traffic that are not required for normal
&gt; operation.
&gt; Because current exploits for VU#568148 create a backdoor, which is in
&gt; some cases 4444/TCP, blocking inbound TCP sessions to ports on which
&gt; no legitimate services are provided may limit intruder access to
&gt; compromised hosts.
&gt;Recovering from a system compromise
&gt; If you believe a system under your administrative control has been
&gt; compromised, please follow the steps outlined in
&gt; Steps for Recovering from a UNIX or NT System Compromise
&gt; The CERT/CC is tracking activity related to this worm as CERT#30479.
&gt; Relevant artifacts or activity can be sent to with the
&gt; appropriate CERT# in the subject line.
&gt;Appendix A. Vendor Information
&gt; This appendix contains information provided by vendors. When vendors
&gt; report new information, this section is updated and the changes are
&gt; noted in the revision history. If a vendor is not listed below, we
&gt; have not received their comments.
&gt; Please see Microsoft Security Bulletin MS03-026.
&gt;Appendix B. References
&gt; * CERT/CC Advisory CA-2003-19 -
&gt; * CERT/CC Vulnerability Note VU#561284 -
&gt; * CERT/CC Vulnerability Note VU#326746 -
&gt; * Microsoft Security Bulletin MS03-026 -
&gt; * Microsoft Knowledge Base article 823980 -
&gt; Our thanks to Microsoft Corporation for their review of and input to
&gt; this advisory.
&gt; ______________________________________________________________________
&gt; Authors: Chad Dougherty, Jeffrey Havrilla, Shawn Hernan, and Marty
&gt; Lindner
&gt; ______________________________________________________________________
&gt; This document is available from:
&gt; ______________________________________________________________________
&gt;CERT/CC Contact Information
&gt; Email:
&gt; Phone: +1 412-268-7090 (24-hour hotline)
&gt; Fax: +1 412-268-6989
&gt; Postal address:
&gt; CERT Coordination Center
&gt; Software Engineering Institute
&gt; Carnegie Mellon University
&gt; Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
&gt; U.S.A.
&gt; CERT/CC personnel answer the hotline 08:00-17:00 EST(GMT-5) /
&gt; EDT(GMT-4) Monday through Friday; they are on call for emergencies
&gt; during other hours, on U.S. holidays, and on weekends.
&gt;Using encryption
&gt; We strongly urge you to encrypt sensitive information sent by email.
&gt; Our public PGP key is available from
&gt; If you prefer to use DES, please call the CERT hotline for more
&gt; information.
&gt;Getting security information
&gt; CERT publications and other security information are available from
&gt; our web site
&gt; To subscribe to the CERT mailing list for advisories and bulletins,
&gt; send email to Please include in the body of your
&gt; message
&gt; subscribe cert-advisory
&gt; * "CERT" and "CERT Coordination Center" are registered in the U.S.
&gt; Patent and Trademark Office.
&gt; ______________________________________________________________________
&gt; Any material furnished by Carnegie Mellon University and the Software
&gt; Engineering Institute is furnished on an "as is" basis. Carnegie
&gt; Mellon University makes no warranties of any kind, either expressed or
&gt; implied as to any matter including, but not limited to, warranty of
&gt; fitness for a particular purpose or merchantability, exclusivity or
&gt; results obtained from use of the material. Carnegie Mellon University
&gt; does not make any warranty of any kind with respect to freedom from
&gt; patent, trademark, or copyright infringement.
&gt; ______________________________________________________________________
&gt; Conditions for use, disclaimers, and sponsorship information
&gt; Copyright 2003 Carnegie Mellon University.
&gt; Revision History
&gt; August 11, 2003: Initial release
&gt;Version: PGP 6.5.8
&gt;-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----


Primus registratum
Re: Viruset dhe parandalimi i tyre!

po kur ke Norton Antivirus auto-protection te aktivuar
dhe qe te vjen nje mesazh ku thuhet qe norton ka iidentifikuar filan virus por qe s'ka mundur te fshije ket fichier, si duhet vepruar??

une nuk e di se çe ka zene kompjuterin tim, po sa here qe ve prizen e modemit (qe lidh dmth internetin), me del ky mesazh per virusin dhe çdo minut kompjuteri nxjerr nje mesazh tjeter ku thuhet
: the system needs to restart ...blablabla
you have (count down from 60) sec to close all your applications if you want them to be saved

dhe perseritet pothuajse çdo minut pas hapjes

po kjo gje nuk ndodh kur e shkepus nga lidhja e internetit :shrug:

Ndonjeri nga ju i kupton symptomat?
Help please


Valoris scriptorum
Re: Viruset dhe parandalimi i tyre!

Ju lutem kush mund te me thote si te c'instaloj nga PC Norton Antivirus 2001 i cili me ka skaduar por qe per nje missing file tipi navnt.isu nuk mund ta leviz nga PC, me sa shoh nuk po gjej dot as CD origjonale dhe keshtu me eshte i pamundur zhvendosja e tij dhe instalimi i nje Nortoni tjeter qe e kam ne CD.

Kush me thote si behet :confused: /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif

P.s.E di qe kjo file ka te beje me subscription por une nuk kam si e rinovoj pasi s'dua te bej dhe per me teper s'me jep mundesine edhe pse e kalova nga hidden ne te ekspoxuar serish nuk arrij ta c'instaloj /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif


Valoris scriptorum
Re: Viruset dhe parandalimi i tyre!

Askush nuk di gje si mund ta heq kete N.A.V. me lart :shrug: thashe qe me ka humbur CD :shrug:


Re: Viruset dhe parandalimi i tyre!

Zemer, akoma me kete problem ti dhe s'ma kujton fare me ndonje mesazh?

ketu ke faqen me shpjegime per c'instalimin e nortonit. Ne fund te faqes ke nje program qe duhet ta marresh ne pc, qe sherben per auto-uninstall.



Valoris scriptorum
Re: Viruset dhe parandalimi i tyre!

Muahhhhhhh ta provoj sa te shkoj ne shtepi /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Viruset dhe parandalimi i tyre!

If you are running Windows XP, then disable System Restore. Refer to the section, "System Restore option in Windows Me/XP," for additional details.

CAUTION: If you are running Windows XP, we strongly recommend that you do not skip this step. The removal procedure may be unsuccessful if Windows XP System Restore is not disabled, because Windows prevents outside programs from modifying System Restore.

Harrova te te them te kesh parasysh kete,sa per punen e fikjes se PC-se,nuk di c'te them.
Mos ke abonim me Telenetin??


Primus registratum
Re: Viruset dhe parandalimi i tyre!

jo ,me Brutélé , eshte +/- e njejta gje besoj, nga kabulli i televizorit vjen, :shrug:


Primus registratum
Re: Viruset dhe parandalimi i tyre!

Me eshte shfaqur nje problem me WinXP.

Kur lidhem ne internet, pas disa minutash me shfaqet nje dritare "System Shutdown"
dhe me thote qe pas pak PC do te me behet Shut Down...

Shkruan dicka: ....this proces is initiated by NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM....

Me poshte thote: Windows must now restart because Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service terminated unexpectedly

A eshte pune e ndonje virusi (trojan, etj) apo eshte problem softverik i PC?

Ju lutem me ndihmoni!



Valoris scriptorum
Re: Viruset dhe parandalimi i tyre!

Sapo hyna me sha ket' Warn Blaster-in po dhe ti Burim ate hall paske /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif ...duhet te besh menjehere ato qe thuhen tek linku i Symantec se e ngerene kete virusin qe me ka mbajtur mua ne zyre per 12 ore e vec nje PC kam rregulluar deri tani kam edhe nje tjeter /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif .

Shittttttttttttttttttttttt :mad:


Valoris scriptorum
Re: Viruset dhe parandalimi i tyre!

I kam bere te gjitha ato qe thuhen aty me lart se me kish qellu qe gjate dites te beja konsulenten per te tjere ndaj e dija mire c'duhej bere, tani shoh qe System me ben Disable real Time Protection /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif dhe s'di perse sepse une arrij te bej Live Update /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif mos jam e ekspozuar ndaj Virusit :confused: /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Viruset dhe parandalimi i tyre!

edhe une e kam te njejtin problem por nuk jam interesuar deri tani per ta hequr.Por kam gjetur se si te mos me jape probleme.
Sapo te ndezesh pc beni nje kerkim ne kompjuter per nje file msblast (jo msblast.exe) dhe duhet te dalin dy file. Nje me extension .exe dhe tjetri me .pf( mos gaboj ose ndonje gje e tille).Spostojini keta dy file ne nje vend ku ta keni kollaj me shkuar. Dekstopi eshte nje vend normal. Une me pas kam instaluar zonealarm pro.
Me zonealarm te aktivizuar klikoni mbi file-n msblast.exe dhe kur zone alarm te kerkoje qe ky file te lidhet me internetin ju klikoni tek tabela e zone alarm qe ti ndalohet hyrja ne internet ketij file gjithmone(jane dy vendet qe duhet te klikoni)....
Dhe me pas shuajini keta dy file qe gjetet.
Kujdes!Shuajini fare dhe nga koshi(megjithese nuk e di se nga por keta dalin perseri ne kartelat ku ishin ne fillim)
Rezultati.... nuk e kam me ate bezdine e te fikurit te kompjuterit nga authority e leshit qe ka windows.