

Primus registratum
Re: Vetja...

une me veten time s'kam shkuar shume dakord... tani po e kuptoj qe ajo ka pasur gjithnje te drejte...
pike e zeze... te gjithe kane te drejte pervec meje /pf/images/graemlins/shrug.gif /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Forumium maestatis
Re: Vetja...

<font color="black"> Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm listening; tell me, what's up. I know I stirred the entire year to make you shut up, but the point is you talk soooo much and the more the louder. Be good now and rest a bit, we'll have so many meetings of this kind and you'll tell me what went wrong. Sorry, I have bought no presents to you this year. It's not for punishment, it's only that I had no time and you understand; but even if you don't, no worries, you and I have got used to a perpetual fight /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif.</font>


Re: Vetja...


Kur enderra e lodhur doli ne agim
Dhe nata e lodhur ra te fleje,
E mua vendosi te qete te me leje
Nje zbrazeti sec ndjeva ne shpirtin tim.

Kur leter me te mos kesh
Shkruame mbi nje cope shpirt
Kur pene te mos gjesh
Merr hua gjakun tim.

Me shprit e me gjak
Letren te ma shkruash
Do te ta kthej shpirtin prape
Kurse letren do ta ruaj.

E ne qofte se me gjen mes nesh
Do te kesh thjesht lamtumire
Letren poshte deres do e gjesh
Per ta ndjere veten te lire.

Poezi mbaj mend sa isha.

ana karenina

Primus registratum
Re: Vetja...

Une them me mire ne Bari me Belleair, se autostrada eshte njecike si teper pupthi, nuk te duket? Se ja, ndryshe kur fshikullohesh me hithra e ndryshe me borzilok, apo jo? /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Vetja...

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
vetja ben, vetja peson...

[/ QUOTE ]

e propio il caso di dire... ta mbeshtes /pf/images/graemlins/shrug.gif

ana karenina

Primus registratum
Re: Vetja...

Shume shpejt do rifillosh ti harrosh kenaqesite e vogla. Nuk do blesh me jargavane e luledele, nuk do ndalesh te pyesesh per listen e filmave qe e pergatite me aq kujdes, as per muziken nuk do te te bjere me ne mend duke degjuar te njejten muzike pa kuptuar pse s' te pelqen me. Ketu ti as qe di ne cilin dyqan te ndalesh per te blere nje varese allasojshe, nga ato qe do vazhdojne te te pelqejne po ja, do i harrosh fare ashtu si do harrohesh pas monotonise e nuk do kujdesesh te shohesh as edhe c'ka ne teater. Pastaj do pendohesh qe nuk e pe kete ose ate shfaqje kur te te thone sa e bukur ishte, e do ndjehesh keq, e di! Aq kollaj do i dorezohesh veshtiresive sa nuk do marresh me asnje kenaqesi nga te shkruarit e letrave, do ti lesh pas dore derisa te jete bere teper vone, me pas do pendohesh e do zhgenjehesh, do merzitesh akoma me shume e do ndjesh fundosjen perseri e perseri. Do nisesh te nxitosh per te arritur askund thjesht sepse ketu nxitohet, kur ecen dhe kur mendon dhe kur deshiron, madje dhe kur ben ndonje plan duhet te nxitosh se eshte kaq rremuje e kaq zhurme sa mund ta harrosh sapo te arrish ne shtepi. Keshtu se shpejti pres ate listen tende me ato qe do te besh, apo dhe qe duhen bere, malin me libra qe nuk lexohen kurre ne kohe, do nisesh te hysh librarive duke kerkuar vetem poezi se te tjerat te lodhin... Do nisesh te perqendrohesh ne ate cfare ndodh duke lene pas dore aftesine e te deshiruarit dicka ndryshe, do i harrosh dhe ato te ndryshmet qe ke perjetuar deri tani. Shume shpjet do jesh nje nga ata/o qe tani te duken teper qarramane dhe te dorezuar. S'do kesh kohe te ndalesh ne asnje park per mos pare e mos u pare nga askush. Pak nga pak do bindesh qe nuk do kesh dot qetesi e do heqesh dore nga te kerkuarit. Sic e sheh nuk kam fare besim tek ty e nuk e di si do na veje halli. Shpresoj te me besh ndonje surprize, te me befasosh duke me lene me goje hapur e keshtu te mund t'ia hedhim dhe kesaj rradhe. Ndryshe e kemi pune pisk, me beso!


Forumium maestatis
Re: Vetja...

Nga nje here eshte ta perplasesh per mure.

Por thenia me e fort qe mbaj mend une ishte e nje shoku tim.

Kam tridhet e kater vejt qe jam i dashuruar me veten time dhe akoma nuk kam te ngopur. /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/lol.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Vetja...

met at a very young age , was a friend , used to see often to grandmothers , there used to play like little kids ... One day were alone and looked , strangely enough knew was going to agree with whatever said ... Hey .. u wanna play doctor and patient ? ... Hell yeah , its a fun game isnt it ? .. oh but first lock the door , grandmother might comme .. done .. now , want to take of your clothes ? yeah but u too .. lets do it at the same time actually , ... ok but fast coz there is not too much time ... brain blackout .... and they touch and play , on top felt the power but cant just be only on , hey now its my turn !!! oh ok ...Waw what the ? i dont understand what that is .. kids dont understand , but actually the insticts are born with each person and can not be changed coz u cant fight it , ... its a dream , when u dream u dont really have any control , or at least u dont want to have ... why would u ? so dont be scared if u like it .. just like this .. enjoy your body ... just take me in your arms , dont let me go ok ? i need u .. more and even more ..until u make me feel so .. but i dont think i would ever get tired of this ...too bad it just lasted a few moments ...boooom , grandma .. waittt , i will open the door now , (as soon as get dressed) ... ha ha .. adrenaline rush ..freudian slip ...
What were u doing ? .. i couldnt hear you , was in the balcony .. Why is the house so messy ? i am sorry i will fix dont worry about it but now me and my friend we going out to play ok ?

ok eh , ok please grandma ..

Comme with me friend .. (we dont talk about it ) never again .. i will see you again , u will see me too , we will like each other secretly , good girls dont do that .. u know it ... but its the first time ... , u live and u learn grown up , i know u still think about me , u are a ... now ... i know that .. maybe i am too , i dont know ...

I just remembered it .. the orient express will be leaving for ... in 45 minutes ...


Primus registratum
Re: Vetja...

Vetja eshte ajo e pa ndergjegjshmja, ajo qe kurre nuk mund ti jape domethenie ekzistences se saj. Eshte ajo qe kurre nuk e kaloj provimin, eshte ajo qe domethenien e saj e gjen te shtyre nga shqisat lumturi, karakter, vuatje, deshperim, dhe te gjitha keto per cfare ???

Tani me kujtohet nje thenje:
"Sikur te takoheshim me veten sy me sy,
do te putheshim apo kishim per tu peshty???"


Primus registratum
Re: Vetja...

Vetja duhet shume /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wub.gif-sidomos kur shef ndonje ender sikur vdes /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rolleyes.gif


Forumium maestatis
Re: Vetja...

<center><object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object></center>


Primus registratum
Re: Vetja...

I wish to kill my candour …crack my awareness….scare my face and regenerate my soul

true confidental

Forumium maestatis
Re: Vetja...

Hehe .....Why to change ......You re so perfect ........The perfection of all other objects is measured by how closely they resemble you :)......
I am perfect too, and this is reached once change is neither preferable nor wanted, lol.....its just state of mind avoiding the killing human aspect........