Turning Your Friend Into Boyfriend

Turning Your Friend Into Boyfriend

You have been friends for ages. Now, for whatever reason, you have decided he is the One. Can you turn a friend into a boyfriend? Only if he really likes you, but you or circumstances prevented the friendship from developing further.</p>

How can you be sure he always like you as more than a friend if you are just been friends? There are certain things a friend does or says when he is drawn to you. The bottom line: When a man is attracted to you, he finds ways excuses to be near you.</p>

When a friend wants to date you, he doesn’t talk about other women, even if he is dating someone else.He never seems to notice other women, even your very attractive friend. IF, in fact, he is attracted to other women, he tells everyone but you. Around you, the words will just not come out, they stick in his throat.</p>

While he is private about his private life, he wants to know about yours and ask a lot of questions. He want to know the type of the guy you like to date and what you like to do on Saturday night. When a friend is really interested in you, he tries to be helpful. He offers to show you how to play tennis or how to work the computer. He might help you move your stuff from one apartment to another. He means more than he says. He tries to be cool around you, but he is really quite nervous.</p>

When a male friend is not interested in you romantically, he behaves quite differently. He is calm, rational, meter of fact. You can take everything he does and says at face value. He ask you for advice about dating other women because he really wants your advice! He is not secretly in love with you or bringing it up to get closer to you. He talks freely about liking other women. If he likes you only as a friend, there is nothing you can do about becoming his girlfriend. Don’t try to convince him by having a heart to heart talk about your feelings because it will probably put a strain on your friendship.</p>

Now to get him to like you since you can’t but for your self esteem. Don’t call him. When he calls, get off the phone in ten minutes. Don’t play therapist when he talks about his girlfriend problems. More important, try to meet other men. You are better off forcing yourself to go social events to meet your possible husband than forcing yourself on this friend. But if you think he may be interested in you, you can casually mention that you are having boyfriends problems, not seeing your boyfriend anymore or that you are not dating anyone. See how he reacts. If he is interested, he will ask you out.</p>

Don’t talk to him like a friend but be light, feminine and mysterious. Don’t tell him all your problems. Don’t start pursuing him with callsm, notes, text and dinner invitations, just be yourself. LET THE TIME WORK FOR YOU. Good Luck!!!</p>

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