Treatments for Attention Deficit Disorder

Treatments for Attention Deficit Disorder

The array of remedies which have been proposed for ADHD has grown to mind boggling proportions. The list of medications, potions, and elixirs is a lengthy one, ranging from the widely used stimulant drugs to such exotic substances as oil of evening primrose. A host of special diets have been touted as beneficial, including diet free of sugar, dyes, additives, and other substances presumed to cause learning and behaviour problems.</p>

Various forms of psychotherapy have been tried, such as play therapy and the currently and popular family therapy. Behaviour modification programs have been widely used in the home and the classroom. Training approaches aimed at remedying presumed underlying weakness have employed eye exercise, instruction in self control and social skills, exercises to improve sensory motor integration, and biofeedback techniques. Environmental manipulations have included removal of fluorescent lights, isolation of children in individual cubicles in classroom , and the use of “minimal stimulation” classrooms with frosted windows, bare walls, and teachers dresses in drab colors.</p>

Despite the intuitive appeal of many of these remedies, only a few have survived the rigorous test of controlled scientific evaluation.</p>

Stimulant Medication
More than 60 years ago, it was discovered that central nervous system stimulants such as amphetamines had the effect of calming restless, hyperactive children and helping them maintain attention and concentration. This discovery was generally ignored for years but latter the result of many scientific studies conformed earlier findings. Interest in the use of stimulants was renewed, and Dexedrine  and Ritalin came into widespread use for the treatment of ADHD.</p>

Today drug treatment is well established as an effective means of helping children and adults with ADHD. Ritalin is the most frequently prescribed medication, followed by Dexedrine. Cylert is a relative new comes. It has been used less often because in the past, at least, effects were not obvious for a period of days to weeks. Recent research, however, suggest that beneficial effects can be obtained more quickly, and there are many who believe that this medication, because it is long acting, offers advantages in sustained control of symptoms.</p>

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