Too much love will kill you....


Forumium maestatis
Too much love will kill you....

A u besoni ketyre vargjeve? Shume veta e kane pesuar nga dashuria, shume kane vuajtur...valle keshtu ka qene, eshte dhe do te jete?


Primus registratum
Re: Too much love will kill you....

it is true to much love will burn you in and out
and finally will burn and kill you your heart can stop you can die for real i am not joking
or you can go crazy and i am talking about true love not just any love i am talking about passionate love


Primus registratum
Re: Too much love will kill you....

njerezit nuk bien ne dashuri sepse u pelqen te vuajne, ama sa me shume vuajne aq me me force dashurojne. <img src="/pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> E keni vene re qe vargjet me te bukura jane thurur gjate momenteve te dhimbjes sesa te lumturise?KJo sepse,lumturia e dikujt tjeter eshte e meriztshme dhe e njetrajtshme, kurse dhimbja, vuajtja, stermundimi i shpirtit prodhon kyrevepra.


Primus registratum
Re: Too much love will kill you....

Too much love is!
Too much love can you up!

Ordinary love <img src="/pf/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" /> eshte normale


Primus registratum
Re: Too much love will kill you....

I guess to much of everything is toxic....addiction screws up the routine do we find out tho we have to much love?....isnt just finding love by itself a bit ideal?


Primus registratum
Re: Too much love will kill you....

vetem gjerat e bukura bukura kane nje cmim te larte
vuajtja eshte cmimi i dashurise
kush dashuron ka nje shpirt fisnik dhe eshte i bekuar


Primus registratum
Re: Too much love will kill you....

Fillimisht postuar nga Dolores:
[qb] I guess to much of everything is toxic....addiction screws up the routine do we find out tho we have to much love?....isnt just finding love by itself a bit ideal?
Finding love is ideal? You must just have very little in your life that you can make such claim. Love is all around you, you just need to start embracing it and most of all appreciating it, thing a lot of people don't know how to do (not assuming you don't). Love should never be thought of as an ideal becasue the thought can scare those of us who are weak or stuborn and will never take the time and effort to search.
Just what I think, nothing major, thought it might encourage you a little.


Primus registratum
Re: Too much love will kill you....

Too much of heaven
can bring you undergroung -eiffel 65-


Forumium praecox
Re: Too much love will kill you....

Well dikush thote:
Dashuria eshte ne qender te Ferrit !!!
Gjeja e ndjenja me e bukur ne kete jete por qe dhimbjen e lumturin i ka brenda.Ti jeton brenda saj aq sa me shume beson ne te.
Dashuria ste mbyt,ne mbytemi...hah kam par njerez qe mbyten me nje luge