The founders of Skype withdraw the lawsuit against eBay

The founders of Skype withdraw the lawsuit against eBay


The company eBay has reached an agreement with the founders of Skype, because the indictment which has come to a problem with the sale of part of this service for Internet telephony through a group of investors for two billion dollars.</p>

Ebay has announced that agreement has been reached Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis, the owners of the firm Joltid Ltd.. over contested rights over software copyrights.</p>

In fact, they claimed that the company was using Skype technology without permission.</p>

The lawsuit was filed just at the time of the sale of Skype to a group of investors, but eBay has managed to solve all this situation by offering Zennstromit and Friisit 14 percent stake in Skype.</p>

Following this agreement Zennstrom and Friis will have 14, the group of investors for 56 percent of Skype until eBay would keep for themselves 30 percent stake.</p>
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