The Embryonal Tumors

The Embryonal Tumors

Embryonal tumors are a rare group of rapidly growing highly malignant tumors that afflict infants and your children and that are thought to have arisen from some slight fault in embryonic development leaving just one, or at the most a few, developing cells independent of the usual regulatory restraints.</p>

Many such tumors are already present at birth. Representative examples of such tumors are the nephroblastomas so called wilms tumors of the kidney, retinoblastomas of the eyes, medulloblastomas of the brain, neuroblastomas of the sympathetic nervous system, primitive rhabdomyosarcoma of the pelvic organs, hepatoblastomas of the liver, and a few more. All such embryonal growths are characterized by their precocious age incidence and by their tendency towards rapid growth and extreme invasiness, although as everywhere in cancer variants can occur, with some examples exhibiting slower growth and with clinical recognition delayed until late childhood.</p>

Treatment in all such situations is extremely difficult, but combinations of radiotherapy and chemotherapy with surgical excision where possible have sometimes been successful.</p>

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