Steps to Keep Yourself From Sabotaging Your Precious Relationships

Steps to Keep Yourself From Sabotaging Your Precious Relationships

If you begin to notice feelings of inadequacy and toxic behavior in yourself, here are some valuable steps you can take
in order to keep yourself from sabotaging the precious relationships in your life.</p>

1. Focus your attention on the problem. For example, why can’t you stand your neighbor, or why does your co-worker drive you up the wall? Why do these people have such a negative effect on you? Bring it to your awareness because knowledge is power. Awareness of your feelings of jealousy or inadequacy often gives you the power to change your feelings and behavior.</p>

2.You may find it helpful to take some personal time to gooff by yourself, sit down, and list all the great things the person has done for you. It may be helpful to keep a journal where you write your thoughts, feelings.</p>

3. Do something unexpected or thoughtful for that person. Show him you are thinking of him and let him know how much you appreciate his presence in your life.</p>

4. Sit down and give yourself a serious “self-talk” about the possible consequences of alienating this “terrific person”- and potentially losing him. Because of your actions, there may be no going back.</p>

Your family may love you unconditionally, but your friends- even the terrific ones- are under no such obligation. If you push them too far. you will sure be regretting having lost a terrific person from your life.</p>

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