Stealing Someones Lover

Stealing Someones Lover

All too often, I come across young men and women who are having affairs with married people. They claim that they never knew he or she was married until late in the relationship. Never mind the fact that they always had to meet in roadside motel rooms, that home phone number were never exchanged, and every sound made her jump out of bed screaming, “He is here to kill us both?” My young friends insist that they were ignorant of this deplorable fact.</p>

I argue that their ignorance is just too convenient to be believed. They are at fault for not making sure everything was “kosher” abut their partner before they jamped in the sack. Amazingly, I usually discovered that they never asked the simple question, “Are you married?” and instead just blithely carried on the relationship, hoping for the best.</p>

If you are romantically involved with a person who is married, or who is in a serious relationship already, you have stolen them away from their partner. If you never paused to verify that they were unatached, you are guilty of negligence. It is that simple.</p>

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