Something Special Just For You

Something Special Just For You

Another way to convey romance to your woman is to give her a gift of love. Romantic gifts are always appreciated gifts that convey your love for her, gifts that show you thought about her and what she would like rather than what you want her to like.</p>

Don’t wait for a holiday to give her a gist love. Gifts are expected on holidays, and it is certainly nice to receive the, but a gift takes on more romance and meaning if it comes at an unexpected moment.</p>

Don’t think that romantic gifts have to be costly. The important thing is not cost, but feeling and though. A romantic gift conveys your love for her and tells her that you have been thinking about her and about what she would like.</p>

Your time and effort will also appreciated. The fact that you took the time to think about her and get something to convey your love for her is one of the vital elements in making a gift truly romantic.</p>

Think about her and her interests. Does she love flowers? Crystal? Dolls? Does she have a collection of ceramic cats or stuffed animals? Pay Attention to her hobbies and interests and choose a gift to suit her. This conveys your appreciation of her as a unique person, and shows her that you chose the gift from her own point of view.</p>

Does she love fruit? Stop at a specialty store and buy her some out of season fruits as a small surprise. It will convert the message that you though about her likes and went out of your way especially to make her feel good. That is romantic, especially when the ripe peach of December comes with a long look into her eyes and a loving kiss.</p>

Perhaps she loves silver spoons. Why not find a beautiful one, have her initials engraved on it, and give it to her with a note telling her she is the best</p>

Maybe you could put together a photo album of her favorite people from all those loose pictures in the photo drawer. Or put together an album of photos of the two of you over the years.</p>

Write a love note that tels her how special she is to you and how much you admire her and tuck in into underwear drawer. Or write her a loving card “Honey, mu life is happier because of you” or “Sweetheart I’m the luckiest guy in the world to have you for my wife” and hide it among her lace panties and bras. Or put a little bottle of perfume in with her stocking as a nice surprise.</p>

You can use her purse or briefcase the same way, but be careful what you put in there. One of our friends was eager to try out tis suggestion and put a pair of black lace panties and stacking in his wife’s briefcase, only to have her open it ata high level business meeting in full view of her company’s top brass who no doubt will never egain see her as the conservative and traditional woman they once knew.</p>

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