She said, he said...


Forumium maestatis
Re: She said, he said...

If you only knew

Yeah, right! If I only knew! In fact, kishte nja tridhjete rreshta, ne krye te temes, aty ku thote [... edituar alinos]. Desha t'u them te tjereve ate qe dija. Me pas nderrova mendje. Pse? Sepse e dija se do i influencoja me subjektivitetin tim.
Dija eshte pushtet, apo jo?!
Ne paditurine time po te them, Evald, se nuk ka asgje rendesi, pervec asaj qe ke ndjere n'ate moment and the flavour it left in your memories.

Jeta [jo kjo e forumit] eshte nje grusht me momente...


Valoris scriptorum
Re: She said, he said...

Fillimisht postuar nga alien:
[qb] Nuk ja vlen, llokociteni simas qefit! [/qb]
Une eci dhe deti llokocitet me vete
Ca fjale pa kuptim qe i flasin vetem te vdekurit...
Shpirti i njeriut qenka nje amfore antike e braktisur,
ne breg te detit, mijera vjet me pare...

pS: Pse s'di anglisht :mad: :mad:


Forumium praecox
Re: She said, he said...

Fillimisht postuar nga alinos:
[qb] If you only knew

Yeah, right! If I only knew! In fact, kishte nja tridhjete rreshta, ne krye te temes, aty ku thote [... edituar alinos]. Desha t'u them te tjereve ate qe dija. Me pas nderrova mendje. Pse? Sepse e dija se do i influencoja me subjektivitetin tim.
Dija eshte pushtet, apo jo?!
Ne paditurine time po te them, Evald, se nuk ka asgje rendesi, pervec asaj qe ke ndjere n'ate moment and the flavour it left in your memories.

Jeta [jo kjo e forumit] eshte nje grusht me momente...
:rockband: [/qb]
Alinos, kohet e fundit i kam dhene ca mendim te mbi perfolures ad nauseum "lumturise". Nuk mendoj se kam ndonje gje qe po ta arrij une do ndihem i lumtur dhe gjithe bota do filloje te kete kuptim. Them se lumturia eshte me te vertete ai grusht momentesh, te cilat ke kenaqesi (disa here dhimbje gjithashtu) kur i kujton. Tani, gjeja e veshtire eshte kur nuk arrin te heqesh dore prej atyre momenteve dhe ngelesh i ngecur aty si vide e spanuar. Dreqi e mori, une duhet te filloj te mesoj shqip, gjithe fjalet me vine ne anglisht.

Sikur ta dije Ke te drejte, nuk ka aspak rendesi.

Nuk e di nese dija eshte pushtet ose jo, sepse nuk me rruhet shume se kush e ka pushtetin, por ignorance is bliss for sure!!!


Primus registratum
Re: She said, he said...

he said she took a shit on the bathtub... i didn't really need to hear it .. what? /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Forumium maestatis
Re: She said, he said...

Fillimisht postuar nga Glamdring:
[qb] Alinos, kohet e fundit i kam dhene ca mendim te mbi perfolures ad nauseum "lumturise". Nuk mendoj se kam ndonje gje qe po ta arrij une do ndihem i lumtur dhe gjithe bota do filloje te kete kuptim. Them se lumturia eshte me te vertete ai grusht momentesh, te cilat ke kenaqesi (disa here dhimbje gjithashtu) kur i kujton. Tani, gjeja e veshtire eshte kur nuk arrin te heqesh dore prej atyre momenteve dhe ngelesh i ngecur aty si vide e spanuar. Dreqi e mori, une duhet te filloj te mesoj shqip, gjithe fjalet me vine ne anglisht.

Sikur ta dije Ke te drejte, nuk ka aspak rendesi.

Nuk e di nese dija eshte pushtet ose jo, sepse nuk me rruhet shume se kush e ka pushtetin, por ignorance is bliss for sure!!! [/qb]
I prefer power, but it is always a personal choice as you know ... /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif

Interesant fakti qe ke folur per "lumturine ad nauseum"...
Shiko c'lexova ne nje liber, nga nje autore qe duket se me ka lexuar mendjen:

Kush te tha se dua te jem e lumtur? Ky eshte mbiemri i fundit qe do te perdorja per te percaktuar te ardhmen qe shpresoj. Une deshiroj nje jete interesante, kuturisese, te ndryshme, te perjetuar me mish e me shpirt, me nje fjale, dua gjithcka para se te jem e lumtur.



Primus registratum
Re: She said, he said...

I wish more people were able to understand that there is a thick line between real and unreal.
Sh**, I don't even remember half the things we say,because it's not important.'re not worth my effort to try and teach you so....take a hike and hopefully grow up!


Forumium praecox
Re: She said, he said...

Fillimisht postuar nga alinos:
[qb] I prefer power, but it is always a personal choice as you know ... /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Bukuria e te pasurit fuqine gjate gjithe kohes eshte ta leshosh ndonjehere Alinos! =)


Forumium maestatis
Re: She said, he said...

That's very true!

Por une desha power through knowledge, keshtu :book: e jo excersing executive power si kjo :smash:


Forumium maestatis
Re: She said, he said...

Yeah you did give my topic a romantic touch, which wasn't the purpose, but I must admit, I do like it! /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Anyways, talking business /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif shpresoj qe edhe pse shkrun kshu nje here ne vit, ajo ma siper te ndodhe ma shpesh se kaq /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I love this summer :rockband:


Valoris scriptorum
Re: She said, he said...

Ka pas shkruar dhe Nelk@ nje te tille s'di nga perfundoi :rolleyes: edhe ajo me pat pelqyer shume mua. :cool:


Forumium praecox
Re: She said, he said...

Fillimisht postuar nga *alinos*:
[qb] Yeah you did give my topic a romantic touch, which wasn't the purpose, but I must admit, I do like it! /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Anyways, talking business /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif shpresoj qe edhe pse shkrun kshu nje here ne vit, ajo ma siper te ndodhe ma shpesh se kaq /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I love this summer :rockband: [/qb]
Me fal per ndryshimin e rrjedhjes se temes. Per çfaredolloj arsye ka qene me e thjeshte te shkruaj ne kete teme. Mbase nga qe subjekti me kujton ate poezine e E. E. Cummings "May I feel said he". ;-) Ne postimin tim te pare, i dhashe dialogut, pa e ndryshuar, te njejten forme si ne ate poezi, por nuk besoj se ndonjeri e kapi idene.

Sa per komentin, nese e ke fjalen e ndarjes se krevatit me nje femer, ajo ndodh me shume se nje here ne vit! Nese e ke llafin per t'u ndjere aq i lumtur sa ate mengjes te diele, e konsideroj veten me fat nese me ndodh qofte edhe nje here ne vit...


Forumium maestatis
Re: She said, he said...

Sic e di, shkruajme sipas nje gjendje shpirterore te momentit, dhe kur hapa kete teme, s'kishte asgje romantike ne te, vec duf e inat!
Me pas, dhe kjo eshte jeta, mori frymen qe i dhe ti, e sic thash me lart, nuk me vjen keq, pasi dhe gjendja ime shpirterore ka ndryshuar! E hodha inatin ne plera!

Sa per urimin tim, nuk kishte te bente me aktin fizik, po me ndjesine...


Paper Moon
Re: She said, he said...

hajde tani dhe analizoni kete:

There was a couple, his name was 'y' and her name was 'x'. They were a very happy couple, y proposed to x on their 2 year anniversary, x accepted. They were going to get married in 2 months. x is taking time of from work to plan the weeding, she calls all her friends and everyone else to attend her weeding. x also calls her best friend from college who she hasn't seen in a long time, the friend's name was 'xx'. xx came to attend the weeding and x asked her to be the bride's maid, xx was flattered. y met xx the day they were rehearsing the weeding. x introduced the two, who immediately became friends. on the weeding date, two people are missing...

hmm ka the keshtu, mos u qani


Primus registratum
Re: She said, he said...

A ma trego njeri per ca bohet fjale te kjo tema..!? Na falni per injorancen robër po spo e kuuptoj...


Forumium maestatis
Re: She said, he said...


kto i sajo vec Sandra Bullock me Julia Roberts!

Kshu asht kur i le robt jasht qendres se vemendjes dhe merresh me "gjerat" :idea:


Paper Moon
Re: She said, he said...

alinos, mir thua ti por.... jo desha me te then se ndodh dhe keshtu... /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

eh qendra... :rolleyes:


Forumium praecox
Re: She said, he said...

She said: "Do I look fat?"

He confidently and emphatically said: "No, of course not" and then he quickly left the room...


Primus registratum
Re: She said, he said...

Fillimisht postuar nga Paper MooN:
[qb] alinos, mir thua ti por.... jo desha me te then se ndodh dhe keshtu... /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

eh qendra... :rolleyes: [/qb]
Ndodh ndodh. Njerezit frikesohen keq para martese... :cry: