She said, he said...


nuk e di...
Re: She said, he said...

Fillimisht postuar nga alien:
[qb] Nuk ja vlen, llokociteni simas qefit! [/qb]
She said,he said = vetetim = pastaj del dielli /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif


pranvera, ah e perseritshmja, e prap e Veçanta pranvera, gjurme shijesh pangopshmerie me le ne arkivin e kesaj bote qe me perket vetem mua...ti rritesh brenda meje, pergjithmone e te gjithve dhe njekohesisht Vetem e imja pranvere, te dua...AL


Forumium maestatis
Re: She said, he said...

e rrush vec ti e kuptove

m'u beft kurban dhe she ...when she said... :mad: :smash:

ps. sowy abs & ema, it wasn't love this time!


ana karenina

Primus registratum
Re: She said, he said...

He said....she said...? not love? :wub: Po mire pra, ai i tha... :idea: :idea: :idea: ...ou po ku ka keshtu dialog ndermjet he-she pa pasur love mi? He, mund te jete qe ai i tha qe nuk te dua me dhe ajo ju pergjigj qe as ajo nuk e donte me, keshtu qe e hoqen dashurine qafe :confused: Ose ajo i tha qe te mos i hidhte me plehrat nga ballkoni se i binin ke parvazi i dritares, kurse ai i tha qe do i hidhte aty ku t'ja kishte qefi. Po kjo si ju duket? :smash: Ose ajo i tha qe mos ulej me ke banka e pare se ishte shume i gjate dhe nuk e shifte dot derrasen e zeze, kurse ai i tha qe ulej aty qe ta kishte me afer meqe ajo rrinte ke banka e dyte, uppsss dolem ke dashuria prape :smash:


Forumium maestatis
Re: She said, he said...

Jo lal,
eshte nje lloj historie banale qe nje (she) i thote nje tjetri (she) kshu e ashtu per nje te trete (he), per te blere menien e she_2 ne lidhje me he_1.
Masnej duke qene se s'doli gje me she_2, qofte dhe pse s'kishte cfare te dilte, she_1 shko dhe i thote te gjitheve qe she_2 se c'ka me he_1, dhe nje she_3 e nje she_4 e tradhtojne veten sepse duan te dine nese she_2 ka gje me he_1. Po keshtu he_2 ben insinuacione per she_2 dhe he_1, duke i futur ne siklet she_2 dhe he_1, qe arrijne deri aty sa per te evitu llafet e te tjereve, nuk shkembejne me as i llaf me njeri-tjetrin, biles nderrojne dhe rruge...
Ksaj sipas kaplloqes time budallaqe i bie qe edhe sikur te kete pas ndonje shkendije midis she_2 dhe he_1, llafet i hodhen dhe ene e shuan!
Per fat (te mire apo te keq, sipas grupit te interesit) nuk do e marrim vesh kurre!


Primus registratum
Re: She said, he said...

ky nje rast po sa te tjere jane,she said apo he said,she thinks,kjo eshte me e rrezikshme...gjithsesi keto jane gjera qe u ndodhin me shume njerezve krenare mgjs une akoma nderroj rruge :smash: /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif mbase he said she said peshojne me shume se sa peshon dicka tjeter ndermjet,per dicka do behet kurban dicka tjeter.
mgjth kur mberrin puna tek keqkuptimet gjynah,shume njerez humbasin shume nga vetja dhe nga te tjeret.
kam vene re nje shok timin kohet e fundit qe kurre nuk i paragjykon njerezit dhe kjo e ben te kete marredhenie shume te mira duke nxjerre ne pah anet me pozitive te ketyre njerezve,pavaresisht se she said apo he said.
she said dhe he said eshte fenomeni me i perhapur i ketyre koherave ketu nga lagjia ime.
aq sa dua te vete per pushime qe te dal perjashte kufizimeve te monotonise.
alinos perqafime.

ana karenina

Primus registratum
Re: She said, he said...

Alinos... :eek: :eek: :eek: Vetem ke kjo qe nuk me kishte shkuar mendja :idea:

Kete temen bejne mire ta lexojne gjimnazistat se ata bien me shume ne keto gracka :smash:


Primus registratum
Re: She said, he said...

Alinos... Vetem ke kjo qe nuk me kishte shkuar mendja Kete temen bejne mire ta lexojne gjimnazistat se ata bien me shume ne keto gracka
Really???????? How come i didn't know that?? :confused:

ana karenina

Primus registratum
Re: She said, he said...

Fillimisht postuar nga heartbreaker:
Alinos... Vetem ke kjo qe nuk me kishte shkuar mendja Kete temen bejne mire ta lexojne gjimnazistat se ata bien me shume ne keto gracka
Really???????? How come i didn't know that?? :confused: [/qb]
E mesove tani? :smash: :goofy: :thumbsup:


Primus registratum
Re: She said, he said...

Une di nje rast kur k foli per x(m) dhe ate tjetren y(f) sikur keta te dy kishin dicka. Keto gjera ia tha grupit me konfidence dhe u besua. Ai dhe ajo nuk dinin qe sipas grupit ishin (x+y) dhe silleshin lirshem, ne padijeni, sikur nje x dhe nje y.
Pastaj x degjoi per historine (x+y) dhe u habit qe s'e dinte vete i pari. Ia tha y. Y u merzit (nga llafet), po me shume u merzit se nuk donte te sillej ndryshe ne prani te x. Dhe e folen dhe e folen, per te gjet nje menyre qe ta sqarojne grupin se nuk ka (x+y). Por deri gjeten menyren e pershtatshme per ta thene, s'mundnin me, se kishin perfunduar ne (x+y) . Aman ati k qe hapte th&th ia plasen nje here ne sy te t'gjithve.


Forumium maestatis
Re: She said, he said...

Fillimisht postuar nga Amira*:
[qb] Alinos eshte dicka qe nuk mund t'i falesh cdokujt, kohen! [/qb]
I suppose you are right!
Keep on running!


Primus registratum
Re: She said, he said...

He said," I wont bother you anymore,till there's earth and sky I wont dial your number, Goodbye!!!
She said," Amin, Happy 1-st of May"

Why she still suffers? Is she in..... I cant put the words together... /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif


Primus registratum
Re: She said, he said...

Trapped here in a world of she said,he said..
Trapped by their stares and their opinions
I'm oh so wonderfuly stuck
People can't say my name
Nor do they really care how
For its not about how well you know
It's about the who
And the circumstances of their buzz sessions
I'ts about who saw you where on that guy's arm, or maybe even that girl's.
Because what happens to you doesn't belong to you
It belongs to gossip, and can be twisted into anything you dont want it to.

I refuse to listen to your pool of lies
I dont like to swim
And I dont like to pretend im something im not
So please, continue to judge
Because you my dear are oh so perfect
I do in fact find you to be horribl vapid
And overly infatuated wth the dullest aspects of society
And I loathe you for thinking we are anything less then equal
But I will not sink to your level of hate towards others for socially statureistic reasons
Because it really has nothing to do with who was where and with whom
But whethere you were there because you wanted to be
Or If it was for show
But please, by all means, continue living in your world of 'she said, he said'
And boost your self-esteem by demeaning others
Make what you can of it, because its not gonna last long
And the people you hurt aren't going to cry forever...


Primus registratum
Re: She said, he said...

feels like after 24 hours of driving to florida /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Primus registratum
Re: She said, he said...

Okay, so like, I SWEAR I'll kill you
if you say I told
because, like, it's a supposed to be
a secret, I'll, like, keep until I'm old...

But Becki toldme Lindsey toldher
that Missy DID THE DEED!

And on your journal you gotta,
like, pinky swear you'll never tell a soul....

Cuz Abi saidshethinksshe,like,
heard Brittany puking
after every lunch this week.

Okay, and, like, get this....

Stacie saidthat Mindi overheard, like,
Susie goto Mandi , "I kissed Tracie's
boyfriend in Sally's dad's jacuzzi."

And Tami was caught cheating and
now is gonna fail,
and Jenni's boobs have grown
so big and fast I, like, SOOOOOO
don't think they're, like, real.
Kerri's brother, Michael,
might have to go to jail,
and Jackie , like, totally
freaked out in class
and bitched out Mrs. Kale.

So, OH-MY-GOD, you have to PROMISE
that you won't breathe a word
because you twenty fabu girls are, like,
the ONLY ones I've told this to
in the, like, whole entire world.



Re: She said, he said...

this is, like, BS...