SHBA nuk eshte me udhekryq interneti
Nje artikull ne New York Times shkruan se si trafiku boteror i internetit eshte ne menyre te vazhdueshme me nje tendence qe te mos kaloje fare neper SHBA. Kjo gje duket se ka alarmuar shume analiste te cilet permendin Patriot Act nje nder faktoret qe per vite me rradhe i ka shqetesuar kompanite jo-amerikane per informacionin e tyre ne serverat amerikane.
Duke cituar NYT:
"Organet ekzekutive ne industrine e internetit si dhe zyrtaret qeverritare kane deklaruar se trafiku nderkombetar i internetit qe kalon neper pajisjet e kompanive ne Amerike kane dhene nje avantazh te pamohueshem per agjensite e zbulimit Amerikan. Ne dhjetor 2005, NYT raportoi se NSA (National Security Agency) kishte realizuar nje program te perbashket kooperimi me firma te ndryshme telekomunikacionesh amerikane, ku perfshihej dhe interceptimi i komunikimeve nderkombetare me internet. Teknologjiste te ndryshem dhe avokate te ruajtjes se intimitetit jane te mendimit se keto veprime si dhe aktivitete te tjera jane duke ndihmuar perhere e me teper ne levizjen qe trafiku internet i Kanadase dhe i Europes te mos kaloje fare neper SHBA.
Bashke me nje koment te nje lexuesi.
This is a free market at its best. The United States provides a poor service (allow us to carry your data, and we will spy on it), so foreign telecomms decide the better value is not to route traffic through the United States. Our own laws that promote spying, snooping, invasion of privacy, and generally going against the spirit of the Constitution (I say spirit because it does not apply to foreign citizens in most cases) will be used against us. Other nations will decide that we are increasingly irrelevant: our dollar is on a trend of weakening against foreign currencies due to the massive trade deficit which in turn puts our balls squarely in the hands of countries such as China. This weakens our clout in international markets. This story is just one facet of the weakening of the United States as a superpower and our downward slide. Our politicians and corporate executives are so concerned about maintaining their wealth that they are willing to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.
No, I am not cynical. I am also not sarcastic.
Nje artikull ne New York Times shkruan se si trafiku boteror i internetit eshte ne menyre te vazhdueshme me nje tendence qe te mos kaloje fare neper SHBA. Kjo gje duket se ka alarmuar shume analiste te cilet permendin Patriot Act nje nder faktoret qe per vite me rradhe i ka shqetesuar kompanite jo-amerikane per informacionin e tyre ne serverat amerikane.
Duke cituar NYT:
"Organet ekzekutive ne industrine e internetit si dhe zyrtaret qeverritare kane deklaruar se trafiku nderkombetar i internetit qe kalon neper pajisjet e kompanive ne Amerike kane dhene nje avantazh te pamohueshem per agjensite e zbulimit Amerikan. Ne dhjetor 2005, NYT raportoi se NSA (National Security Agency) kishte realizuar nje program te perbashket kooperimi me firma te ndryshme telekomunikacionesh amerikane, ku perfshihej dhe interceptimi i komunikimeve nderkombetare me internet. Teknologjiste te ndryshem dhe avokate te ruajtjes se intimitetit jane te mendimit se keto veprime si dhe aktivitete te tjera jane duke ndihmuar perhere e me teper ne levizjen qe trafiku internet i Kanadase dhe i Europes te mos kaloje fare neper SHBA.
Bashke me nje koment te nje lexuesi.
This is a free market at its best. The United States provides a poor service (allow us to carry your data, and we will spy on it), so foreign telecomms decide the better value is not to route traffic through the United States. Our own laws that promote spying, snooping, invasion of privacy, and generally going against the spirit of the Constitution (I say spirit because it does not apply to foreign citizens in most cases) will be used against us. Other nations will decide that we are increasingly irrelevant: our dollar is on a trend of weakening against foreign currencies due to the massive trade deficit which in turn puts our balls squarely in the hands of countries such as China. This weakens our clout in international markets. This story is just one facet of the weakening of the United States as a superpower and our downward slide. Our politicians and corporate executives are so concerned about maintaining their wealth that they are willing to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.
No, I am not cynical. I am also not sarcastic.