Sex In The Office

Sex In The Office

For those of you who thought sex and the office were mutually exclusive, it may come as a shock to learn that a certain level of sexual vibration is present, on and off, sometimes more and sometimes less, in just about every office. These days, there is probably more rather than less sexual vibration as more women have assumed positions of responsibility in the workplace.</p>

Much of the time, the sexual overtones are no one’s fault , they just occur whenever men and women are thrown together in intimate surroundings, and short of family life few surroundings are so intimate as those of the office “family”</p>

Certain offices, or rather those who work in them, seem to invite sexual banter. If it is harmless, and if you feel comfortable participating, go ahead. Realize, though, that such innocent banter cab easily escalate, so keep it on a light level. This kind of banter is no more serious than frivolous joking about any other subject.</p>

One woman i know reports on a method of dealing with the banter that works especially well for her. When a colleague who obviously had a bit of a crash on her repeatedly and flirtatiously asked her out for an after work drink, she responded by saying, “I have wanted you for a long time. Why don’t you leave your wife and run away with me?” Her banter, outrageous as it was, also conveyed a serious message, which was that she was aware of his ulterior motive in inviting her. It also served to remind him that she knew, and he should remember, that he had a wife.</p>

Saying NO
Sometimes the banter turns into a more direct invitation that must be dealt with in a more direct fashion. Since the invitation usually comes from a man, it must be dealt with by a woman.</p>

In such situations, i think the direct response is the most effective and, in the long run the kindest. And throwing in a little flattery helps. If you are dating one, you can always say, “I really find you very attractive, but I’m involved with someone right now.” if you are not dating someone, it may not be wise to claim you are since you will the have to keep up the pretense at work. Your colleague is also constantly around and capable of checking to see how your affairs is going.</p>

A better response if you are not involved with someone at the present time and have no wish to see a colleague romantically is to say honestly, “I find you very attractive, but i don’t go out with people i work with.” It is a little cliche to offer friendship when someone is lusting after you, but in many instances. a work colleague does become a good friend once he or she finds out there is no chance for anything else.</p>

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