Sex And Love

Sex And Love

Sex with love is better than sex without love. People find greater satisfaction when sex is in an intimate, caring relationship.</p>

After studying 12,00 couples, this is the situation: “Our fidings lead to the overwhelming conclusion that a good sex life is central to a good overall relationship. Couples who have sex frequently say they have a good sex life. Moreover, infrequent sex is associated with conflict for everyone…</p>

Good relationships equal good love and good sex, but as i noted, everyone does seem to have the same problem: women want more love, men want more sex. Everyday problems, be they over money, in laws, or children, only exacerbate this apparently unavoidable human dilemma, and the underlying dissatisfaction over sex versus love makes the everyday problems seem worse.</p>

No matter what other problems a couple may have, the love sex frustration is often just beneath the surface, never really settled, brewing perhaps for years, and erupting whenever the relationship is strained.</p>

It is like an unavoidable corrosive force eating away at the underlying good feelings that brought the couple together in the first place until the relationship is no longer a refuse of peace, but a battleground filled with tension and open conflict, or perhaps a cold war that can last forever.</p>

This runs directly counter to our ideal. People want to get married and stay married. In fact, a full 96 percent of all Americans hold the ideal of two people sharing a life and a home together. Only a few couples (19 percent) actually achieve this ideal, however. Happiness in relationships, then, is the exception, not the rule. SEX-LOVE frustration is a factor for nearly everyone. And when this inevitable clash occurs, not wanting to get divorced, people try to solve the problems in their own ways.</p>

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