Samsung: Five Megapixels for Mobile
Samsunghas announced the development of CMOS sensor with resolution of five Megapixel dedicated for integration into high-class mobile phones. </p>
His sign is S5K4EA Criterion, until it comes to an SOC device which combines CMOS sensor with processor which can process video 1.080p 30 files per second.</p>
Sensor is also equipped with technology EES (Enhanced Energy Steering) to make high-quality files, supports auto-focus and Xenon flash. Samples of the first sensor will be sold to manufacturers of mobile phones, while Samsung mass production will begin during the first quarter of next year.
It is expected that this year worldwide will total 98 million sold phones with sensors from five Megapixel resolution, while by 2012 this figure should increase to 660 million.</p>
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His sign is S5K4EA Criterion, until it comes to an SOC device which combines CMOS sensor with processor which can process video 1.080p 30 files per second.</p>
Sensor is also equipped with technology EES (Enhanced Energy Steering) to make high-quality files, supports auto-focus and Xenon flash. Samples of the first sensor will be sold to manufacturers of mobile phones, while Samsung mass production will begin during the first quarter of next year.
It is expected that this year worldwide will total 98 million sold phones with sensors from five Megapixel resolution, while by 2012 this figure should increase to 660 million.</p>
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