Rules For the Bedroom

Rules For the Bedroom

If you want to have a happy marriage, remember to make time for your sex life! You played hard to get, you got him, now make the effort to maintain a healthy life with him. Here are some rules for the bedroom:</p>

Make your sex life a priority, even if you had a long day at work or your kids were unusually demanding and sex is the last thing on your mind. Or, you may be having one of those super ugly, bad hair days. You don’t think you look very sexy and sure don’t feel sexy. Okay, every woman has days like that. We say, try to make the time and be loving anyway!</p>

In addition, be realistic about sex. You may want your time together to be just right- unhurried and romantic. That’s not always possible – so try to be flexible. Sometimes sex is the culmination of a beautiful, enchanted evening. At other times, you just seize an opportunity-i.e.,  in the morning before the kids get up. You may have a lot on your mind. You’re thinking about your sales presentation due the next morning, your kids, how the house needs straightening, and so on. Let it go. We all have thoughts whirling in our brains. You don’t always have to have an uncluttered mind to have sex. Sometimes sex can unclutter it.</p>

Some women use sex as a bargaining tool. This is a bad idea. If you are trying to make a point, use a different method to get your message across. Don’t make his favorite pasta or go with him to the football game. It’s not healthy for your relationship to use sex as a weapon, as a way to hurt him. Remember, he can go to the football game with one of his friends, but when it comes to sex, you’re the only one!</p>

Of course, if you do have the time and the energy, may we suggest you make sex extra special by creating a romantic evening? Take the silver candlestick holders you received as a wedding present out of the closet and cook his favorite dinner, play some soft music, wear his favorite outfit, and be loving. Once in a while, you could ask your parents or in -laws to watch the kids and plan a weekend getaway.</p>

You’ll be happier-in the long run-if you have a healthy sex life! Here are seven reasons why:</p>

1. It will help keep your commitment to each-other strong!
2, He’ll think about you more often during the day.
3. He’ll appreciate your thoughtfulness.
4. He’ll be less likely to stay late at the office.
5. He’ll always want to be with you or call you.
6. He won’t be so grouchy. (Big smile.)
7. You won’t be so grouchy. (Even bigger smile.)
Always be pleased and flattered because your husband wants to have sex with you. In  marriage, your husband comes to you for sex and you’re both happy.</p>

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