Returning Affection

Returning Affection

The prohibition on stealing teaches us that there must be given take in all our dealing. If we take something, then we must give equally in return, otherwise we are stealing. In your life, make yourself open to receiving love and giving back love.</p>

Guys, this is an especially important rule for you. In general. men tend to be more naturally selfish than women. A man’s idea of doing something for his girlfriend her a wedgie before she goes to work. They think that the honor of picking up their smelly socks should be enough to please a lady in life. Men have to be especially wary of becoming complacent and taking their girlfriend’s affections for granted.</p>

So, all you men out there, be creative and recourceful, and always try to think of ways to show your girlfriend that you appreciate her. Shower once a week, whether you need it or not. Fill her car with M&amp;M. Sing loud love songs under under her bedroom window in the middle of the night. Be generous in everything you do for her. Even if you go over the top, she will appreciate the gesture.</p>

But. girls. if your man does express his affection, you should not abuse his generosity. If he takes you out to an expensive restaurant, don’t order forty main dishes and pack thirty-eight into a doggy bag to take home for your immediate relatives and distant cousins. Your date will think you are greedy and difficult to please. By not being appreciate of his generosity, you have actually stolen his trust and affection.</p>

Instead, be modest and express wonder and gratitude for everything he does. If his idea of a romantic dinner is ravioli straight out of a can, say this is the best meal you have had since your stint in that Turkish women’s prison. Don’t worry, once he marries you, then you can make him really earn your affecting.</p>

Say What You Mean, And Mean What You Say
Men and women often have a problem communicating in a relationship. For her, the problem is that he doesn’t communicate at all, especially with regard to anything pertaining to the relationship. She will say, “Honey, do you love me.” And he, staring squarely at the television, will offer a grunt designed to allay her fears. Curiously, he offers the same grunt when she wakes him in the middle of the night and tells him that the house is burning down. Men are amazingly versatile and can use a single monosyllabic response to convey a whole range of meanings.</p>

For his part, he complains that no matter what he says, she really means something else. Here is a chart ii found to translate a woman’s words:</p>

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