Re: Eksportimi me force i Demokracise dhe Kominterni!

Re: Eksportimi me force i Demokracise dhe Kominterni!

Para disa javesh, ish Kryeministri francez Edourad Balladur sapo botoi nje liber teper interesant mbi kete teme ku teoria e tij zhvillohej pikerisht mbi utopine e ideollogjise se perendimoreve mbi eksportimin e "vlerave universale" ne vendet e botes se trete. Duke qene se aktualisht Balladur nuk ushtron me asnje profesion ne ekzekutiv rjedhimisht dhe pavaresia e tij eshte ne rritje kur diskutohet per gabimet e te kaluares. Balladur thote se Evropa koloniale dhe SHBA jane gabuar qe ne koncept kur mendojne se shoqerite e tyre kane vlerat dhe virtytet me te mira universale e keto duhen eksportuar ne te gjithe boten ne menyre qe te instalohen demokraci ne çdo vend te botes. Ne bote vazhdon Balladur, egzistojne disa civilizime e rrjedhimisht mbartin kultura te ndryshme e nga çdo lloj kulture duhen marre shembull pasi ka eksperienca interesante. Sa here qe Evropa apo amerika jane munduar te eksportojne demokracine ne vende te cilat kane qene pothuajse diktatoriale rezultatet kane qene te njeta e nje disfate e vertete per popujt qe jetojne ne keto vende.
Eksperienca ka treguar se sa here Evropa apo SHBA kane vendosur qeveri "demokratike" ne vende ish diktatura ka qene nje katastrofe e vertete pasi vete ata popuj nuk kane qene te pergatitur e nuk kane jetuar kurre ne demokraci, ndaj dhe modelet e eksportuara kane qene absurditete. Modeli amerikan vazhdon te jete qesharak pasi vazhdon te kujtoj se eshte qeveria qe ben nje sistem e jo gjithe populli, ndaj dhe ne keto vende ka pas gjithmone implozione.


Pan ignoramus
Re: Re: Eksportimi me force i Demokracise dhe Kominterni!

Ky shkrim s'ka te beje shume me Kominternin. Rekomandoj te lexohet lajmi si dhe komentet me poshte...

"Time Magazine is reporting that the Bush Administration is removing U.S. delegates from the Inter-American Telephone Commission because they gave money to John Kerry in last year's election. A Bush spokesman admits it's true: 'We wanted people who would represent the Administration positively, and--call us nutty--it seemed like those who wanted to kick this Administration out of town last November would have some difficulty doing that,' says White House spokesman Trent Duffy. Employees of Qualcomm and Nokia are among those who have been removed from the commission."

I'd rather call them transparently corrupt. How about a rubberstamp government, like those we lately seem to be suggesting oughta respect democratic principles, etc. (so long as they represent the right democratic principles, unlike all those heathen socialists in South America.)

I'm one of those old enough to remember quite a few of Richard M. Nixon's shenanigans and I'm absolutely amazed how much dirtier this administration is and profoundly disappointed that people just don't seem to care. Heck, if Nixon were still around he'd probably get a Presidential Medal of Freedom for spying on americans and his groundbreaking work on coverups. Small wonder Cheney's threatening to get tough with dems in the Senate, they see what's going on and the priorities of the administration.


Its an even greater goddamn pitty that American's believe that the brilliance of its founding fathers is the soul province of its founding fathers.

it is not a secret that american founding fathers were implementing theory and practice by french and english thinkers.

an even greater pity is american's disengagment from constructive political discourse. instead of deciding a future, you have enshrined your past leaders as gods in your cult-of-america religion.

stop daydreaming about manifest destiney and inherent infallability and look around you. your 'democracy' is a f**ing laughable shambles.


What happend the last time the people of north america felt like they were being oppressed by their government? Simple. They got their guns and took it out. That's what the 2nd amendment is for, remember?

"A well-regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

It's not there so people can protect their property from criminals. It's not there so we can all hunt with them. It's there so the citizens can protect themselves from their own oppressive government. Thats the last resort of our system of checks and balances.


A number of things could bring the US Army down in a matter of weeks, if not days:

# The first time the rebels went to an army town and took out a couple dozen military family homes the army would crumble faster than you can imagine. Collateral damage is supposed to be for the enemy, not for the soliders families.

# The first time the soliders bank accounts went into overdraw because payroll is disrupted and/or checks bounce the ranks would be decimated. Both from financial constraints and from morale issues.

# The first time a unit is actually ordered and purposefully told to attack a rioting/rebellious crowd. Nothing kills morale more than taking out the people you are sworn to protect - not by accident, or lack of training, but by explicit command. All the laws and procedures setup now would be chucked out the window in a full style reveloutionary counter-action. Picking sides will halve, or quarter, the ranks.


:eek: Komenti i fundit me shume tatepjete... Shyqyr qe s'jane shume si puna e ketij. :book:


Pan ignoramus
Re: Re: Eksportimi me force i Demokracise dhe Kominterni!

... rastesisht si vazhdim i postimit te mesiperm:

Sgt MacMaster, 42, is haunted by his memories of commanding a transport unit.
For the safety of his own troops, he had been ordered not to stop moving.

"At the beginning of the war I was told: 'Don't stop for anybody - if they get in the way, run them over.'"

And he had not been in the country long before he saw a lorry run over a little girl in the road begging for food.

"I had seen dead Iraqis before, but they were fighters. These were people who were getting hit in an innocent way."

Artikulli i plote!



Forumium maestatis
Re: Re: Eksportimi me force i Demokracise dhe Kominterni!

:cry: kjo eshte arsyeja qe une nuk shoh news ...


Re: Re: Eksportimi me force i Demokracise dhe Kominterni!

Shmangia të qetëson ty Beba? Mos një ditë, një tjetër do përballesh me çfarë ndodh dhe të duhet të pozicionohesh :shrug: .


Primus registratum
Re: Re: Eksportimi me force i Demokracise dhe Kominterni!

varet nga zgjedhja Kondre
une bej njesoj si Beba :shrug: it's a choice


Re: Re: Eksportimi me force i Demokracise dhe Kominterni!

Problemi në këtë mes është pikërisht mungesa e një choice /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif .


Primus registratum
Re: Re: Eksportimi me force i Demokracise dhe Kominterni!

/pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif po flisja thjesht per veten...preferoj te mos t'a diskutoj...dhe kjo eshte prape nje zgjedhje...dhe pse ndoshta jo e duhura


Re: Re: Eksportimi me force i Demokracise dhe Kominterni!

Të mos e diskutosh nuk do të thotë që të mos kesh një mendim /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif . Mendimet dhe idetë duhen mbrojtur kur sulmohen, apo jo? Duhet me vepru si adult edhe pse nuk është e pëlqyeshme. Kjo, për të mirën e jo-adultëve :shrug: .


Primus registratum
Re: Re: Eksportimi me force i Demokracise dhe Kominterni!

po, por forumi nuk e ka akoma ate force te ndryshoje drastikisht gjerat nese EDHE UNE kontribuoj me mendimin tim...
cuditerisht sot jam negative :shrug:


Pan ignoramus
Re: Re: Eksportimi me force i Demokracise dhe Kominterni!

E shyqyr dhe ti. Se perhere sheqer e mjalte tere kohen! /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Forumium maestatis
Re: Re: Eksportimi me force i Demokracise dhe Kominterni!

jam dakort me Shirazin ... :kiss:

Gurax mos i infekto njerezit me bitterness /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Pan ignoramus
Re: Re: Eksportimi me force i Demokracise dhe Kominterni!

Pa pyte nje here Zhiraz-in, ka bitterness tek une? :angel: /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Re: Eksportimi me force i Demokracise dhe Kominterni!

s'di anen e kujt te mbaj :idea: /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
:kiss: :kiss:

kush do n'a editoje tani?? /pf/images/graemlins/blush.gif


Re: Re: Eksportimi me force i Demokracise dhe Kominterni!

Duti, kur të vij nga pushimet /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif .


Pan ignoramus
Re: Re: Eksportimi me force i Demokracise dhe Kominterni!

Per t'u rikthyer ne teme dhe qe mos na editoje shume duti...

Jo te gjithe jane dakort me eksportimin me force te demokracise. Kina dhe Rusia nuk para kane qene shume dakort me keto ide perparimtare dhe sic ka ndodhur edhe me pare, nuk para flasin shume. Qete e qete, merren me punet e tyre pa dhene shume hollesira.

U be rreth nje jave qe Kina dhe Rusia kane organizuar nje seance stervitore te perbashket gjate se ciles kane rikrijuar nje situate pushtimi kunder nje armiku imagjinar.

Duke iu referuar dates 23 gusht...


Russia and China's first joint military exercises are clearly a significant step for both countries.

Over the coming three days, more than 7,000 Chinese troops and 1,800 Russian soldiers will be taking part in live-fire combat practice.

The eight-day operation began in Vladivostok, in Russia's far east.
The exercises will culminate in an amphibious landing on the Shandong Peninsula in China.

Chinese destroyers, frigates, naval aircraft, and a submarine were joined by an anti-submarine vessel, a missile destroyer, helicopters and a surveillance plane from the Russian navy, during the exercises on Tuesday.

The two countries say the aim of the exercise is to practise for a peacekeeping operation, but correspondents say it is also meant to highlight the new, closer ties between Beijing and Moscow - both of which have expressed concern over US dominance in world affairs.

Analysts say the games give Russia the opportunity to showcase its weapons to China - one of its major arms buyers.

Russian equipment being used in the drills include Tu-95 strategic bombers and Tu-22M long-range bombers - warplanes that can carry conventional or nuclear-tipped cruise missiles, the Associated Press reported.