Practice Love

Practice Love

Practice caring about the object of your love. It is not that difficult once you know how. Think about who or what you love your woman or your kids or your football team or your car or your favorite fishing hole. The close your eyes and feel good about her, them, or it.</p>

Stay with his good feeling as long as you can, and return to it whenever you have a chance. This is a way practice caring and loving. Maybe you are at home and the kids are playing on the floor. Your woman is cooking in the kitchen, loo at your loved ones. Think about what you love and like and respect about them. Be aware of your good feelings for them. Think about your woman and how heard she works and about why you married her. Think about your woman and how hard she works and about why you married her. Think about the things you wrote about her. Then close your eyes and let yourself care. Let yourself feel your pride or warmth or respect or appreciation for her. Realize how lonely you would be without her.</p>

Think about the wonderful times you have had together in the past, about how you felt toward her when you first met and fell in love. Let that feeling come back to you. Let your heart be filled and fell in love. Let that feeling come back to you. Let your heart be filled by your caring and if tears come to your eyes, it shows you are alive.</p>

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