Pavaresia e Kosoves e vendosur

Pavaresia e Kosoves e vendosur

Drejtori i Grupit Nderkombetar per Krizen ne Evrope, Nicholas White, paska thene rastesisht se "Kosova do te behet e pavarur, patjeter" dhe e vetmja ceshte qe kerkon shqyrtim eshte ajo e serbeve dhe minoriteteve te tjera ne Kosove. Natyrisht kjo shprehje e nje drejtori nderkombetar qe ka te beje me negociatat per statusin e Kosoves duhet t'a kete prekur keq palen serbe qe mori pjese ne bisedimet ne Viense, si dhe qeverine serbe ne Beograd. Pavaresi? Pse jo? Si cdo popullesi tjeter ne bote edhe popullesia e Kosoves ka te drejten e vetevendosjes; per tani i bie qe kosovaret duan te krijojne nje shtet te pavarur nga Serbia-Mali i Zi. Ata nuk duan te krijojne nje shtet brenda Serbise-Mali i Zi, ose te jene nje zone autonome brenda Serbise. E vetmja pengese qe kane kosovaret eshte trajtimi i ardhshem ne shtetin e ri te minoriteteve, sidomos serbeve, nese duan te kene perkrahjen e SHBA-se dhe Kombeve te Bashkuara. Kosovaret shqiptare duhet te heqin dore nga ideja e krijimit te nje Shqiperie te Madhe -per tani- dhe te perqendrohen ne krijimin e shteti te tyre. Kjo nuk do te thote se ata duhet t'i shmangen marrdhenieve me Republiken e Shqiperise - perkundrazi, qeveria e RSh-se e ka mbisiper qe te forcoje marrdheniet me kete shtet te ri. Sidoqofte, popullesia e Kosoves eshte e afte per te krijuar nje shtet tolerant kunder edhe armiqeve te tyre dhe mund te krijoje nje shtet shembullor ne Ballkan ku shtetet shembullore jane te pakte -jam i njekendshem per kete sepse per mu i vetmi shtet shembullor ne Ballkan eshte Sllovenia ne c'do pikepamje. Nejse, do te shohim se c'do te behet mbi kete ceshtje ne muajt e ardhshem.Per sa i perket Serbise qeveria dhe partite politike te saje akom nuk duan te perfaqesojne realitetin. Rusisa dhe Kina e kane bere te qarte se ata nuk do te perdorin veton e tyre ne keshillin e sigurimit mbi krijimin e shtetit Kosovar, si dhe bindjen e Italise dhe Frances qe ta pranojne ate, sebashku eshet nje nderrmarje e cila i tregon Serbise se kjo pune ka marre fund. Lexoni me poshte:

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />

Russia Supports Kosovo Independence

BELGRADE -- Wednesday - Director of the International Crisis Group for Europe, Nicholas White, said that all member countries of the Contact Group, Russia included, believe that granting Kosovo conditional independence is the only solution.

White told daily Vecernje Novosti that Kosovo will definitely become independent, either this or next year, and that the main topic of discussion will be how to ensure that Serbs and other minorities will be able to remain in the region safely.

"At the end of last year, the taboo on Kosovo independence was broken in Paris, because everyone was talking about independence before the Russian officials, who did not have any arguments to counter the proposal. Even earlier, diplomatic sources in Moscow gave signals that Russia would accept conditional independence. On the other side, Russia has clearly made Serbia aware that they will not use their veto at the United Nations Security Council meeting." White said, adding that similar signals were sent to Serbia from Italy and France.

"The discussions serve to secure the existence of the minorities, taking care of the question of northern Kosovo, and to find a temporary solution from conditional to full independence. In order for Kosovo to join international organisations it must implement standards that would qualify the state, and that will include a lot of work which the international community must help with." White said.

He added that there have been no serious proposals from Belgrade on how to reintegrate Serbs in Kosovo and that the "more about autonomy, less about independence," mantra of the Serbian side sounds like Serbia wishes to keep its international responsibility for Kosovo, without having any essential contents to their plan.

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