Paul Volfowitz ne krye te Bankes Boterore!!

Paul Volfowitz ne krye te Bankes Boterore!!

Eksperte Gjermane dhe Suedeze e shohin me skepticizem verjen e Volfowitzit ne krye te nje institucioni kaq te rendesishem.Anglezet dhe Amerikanet e mbrojne figuren e tij duke e cilesuar si person shume te pershtatshem.
Ca te tjere e paraqesin si nje person kontraversiv.

Gjithsesi institucioneve me rendesi Boterore iu shtua edhe nje Cifut i cili do kete ndikim te madh ne ekonomine boterore.
Evropa ka te drejte te frikesohet mbasi lufta ekonomike ndermjet Amerikes dhe Evropes perdite e me shume po merr permasa gjigante.


Pan ignoramus
Re: Paul Volfowitz ne krye te Bankes Boterore!!

S'ka si te jete ndryshe, OROSH. Volfowitz ishte nje nga hartuesit e planit gjigantesk te luftes ne Irak.


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Re: Paul Volfowitz ne krye te Bankes Boterore!!

kam pershtypjen qe do e ket propozu antares :lol:


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Re: Paul Volfowitz ne krye te Bankes Boterore!!

Yryshi ja fut pak si kot po ne jemi mesuar me te tashme.
Sigurisht qe Europes nuk i pelqen nje cifut me ate CV por nga ana tjeter kjo nuk ka te beje me "luften" ekonomike USA-Europe.
Banka Boterore dhe IMF jane per tua futur shteteve te Botes se Trete apo leckamaneve qe dolen nga Komunizmi......
Politikat shkaterrimtare te tyre (BB dhe FMN) nuk zbatohen ne Europe se do kishin perfunduar si Shqiperia apo Somalia pastaj!
A e keni menduar se pse Kina i ka marre keta bukurosha me shqelma? Pse ka bere te kunderten e keshillave" te BB&FMN?
Si kane perfunduar shtetet qe kane zbatuar planet e tyre?
Shikojeni pak Shqiperine! :goofy:


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Re: Paul Volfowitz ne krye te Bankes Boterore!!

Ketu ke te drejte...o ka shtet ne bote qe i respektoi IMF and WB si Argjentina?Rezultati dihet...


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Re: Paul Volfowitz ne krye te Bankes Boterore!!

Antares,mos harro qe disa Vende te Evropes u bene te pasura pikerisht nga shfrytezimi i vendeve te botes se trete.
Diamantet ne Zaire u moren me marreveshje tregtare te tipit Diamante vs pasqyra /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif .
Une nuk lavderova BB por mendoj qe ka ndikim ne ekonomine boterore pikerisht nga ndikimi i saj ne boten e trete!!


Re: Paul Volfowitz ne krye te Bankes Boterore!!

Poli vocërr është vënë aty pikërisht në sajë të aftësive të tij, si t'ja fusë të tjerëve!
Shqipëria a "ndihmohet" më nga BB :shrug: ?


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Re: Paul Volfowitz ne krye te Bankes Boterore!!

Te ishte per mua BB dhe FMN nuk do kishin vend ne Shqiperi!!!!


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Re: Paul Volfowitz ne krye te Bankes Boterore!!

Kur degjova se Paul Wolfwitz eshte kandidat per kryetar i BBse thashe MOSSSS (ose bollocks ne anglisht). Wolfwitz eshte nje maskara i vertete. Ja ca nga fjalet e tij kur ishte nen sekretari i rrojtjes ashtu mbrojtjes (me falni) per 11 Shtatorin-"Al-kaeda nuk mund te kete bere kete sulm vetem. Padyshim ka pasur ndihmen e nje shteti armik me neve. Saddam Hyssain ka pasur gjithmone plane per te sulmuar kete shtet".

Keto citime jane shkeputur nga libri "Against All Enemies" nga Richard C Clarke i cili ishte keshilltar i kunderterrorrizmit i Bushit te vogel (ate idiotin dhe jo babain e tij). Sic u permend edhe me pare ai ka qene arkitekti kryesor i luftes ne Irak. Nese ai behet kryetar i BBse atehere Shqiperia bashke me shume shtete te tjere ne nevoje do te ngelen me gisht ne goje. Si mund qe nje njeri kaq negativ te behet kryetar i nje organizate kaq te rendesishme? Tani me te vertete besoj se amerikanet jane te TRASHE. ME TE TRASHE SESA VET FJALE TRASH. Po ne fund te fundit kur thone cdo gje eshte e mundur. Dhe sigurisht cdo gje qenka e mundur. Edhe idiotat behen kryetare.


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Re: Paul Volfowitz ne krye te Bankes Boterore!!

Ky plere eshte nje spiun cifut (me shtetesi te dyfishte) i kerkuar nga FBI per ......tradheti!


Another Wolf for Russia
By John Helmer

MOSCOW - And the Academy Award for the best fascist dictator goes to - Adolf Hitler! Woody Allen cracked that joke once at the expense of the US habit of making awards out of self-congratulation of the least worthy type. Were anyone to dare in the same spirit, they might award the new US nominee to head the World Bank, Paul Wolfowitz, the title of the worst American ever to hold such an international post.

But wait a minute. Wolfowitz is hardly an American at all, having spent much of his time as a career Washington warmonger under investigation by US counter-intelligence and security agencies as an agent for a foreign power, for whose benefit he is suspected of supplying intelligence, cash, weapons, and other favors. In US law books, these may be crimes against the state, possibly espionage, even treason, but not crimes against humanity, for which Wolfowitz has encouraged his favorite small state to commit and encouraged his addled (if not yet treasonous) president to commit in the first of the great Middle Eastern wars.

For Russia, against whom Wolfowitz has been waging war since he got out of short pants, the nomination of Wolfowitz as president of the World Bank presents something of a dilemma, and something of an opportunity.

Borrow from a war criminal?
During the first post-Soviet decade, the World Bank under James Wolfensohn was one of the many instruments the United States, as the World Bank's dominant shareholder, used to destroy the economic foundations of its rival superpower; pay stipends to Russian quislings; oblige the Russian government to incur sizable debts for the privilege of being advised to dismantle its systems of command and control; and transfer the nation's most valuable resources into the hands of a dozen individuals eager to betray their country for personal profit.

Not without reason was Wolfensohn's favorite Russian Victor Chernomyrdin - the prime minister who enriched himself through creating Russia's largest company, Gazprom. Wolfensohn was waging war by other means: Chernomyrdin was his collaborator; and the Russian treasury paid in full - principal and interest - for its defeat.

This arrangement couldn't last. And indeed, when the revival of the feeble Russian state began to challenge the value and terms of the World Bank's operations in Russia, Wolfensohn decided to commission an assessment of the effectiveness of the programs he himself had promoted in Russia. Wolfensohn could have engaged Joseph Stiglitz, the World Bank's chief economist and Nobel Prize winner. But by the time Russia had grown skeptical of Wolfensohn, and called a halt to new borrowings from him, Stiglitz had become a ferocious critic of everything Wolfensohn had done, or tried to do.

Wolfensohn preferred to hand the assessment job to a minor academic who had enriched himself selling Russians the very advice Wolfensohn asked him to evaluate. The hungry fox invited to call the roll in the henhouse was a US-employed Swede named Anders Aslund. "We don't necessarily take his advice," commented Julian Schweitzer, the World Bank's Moscow representative at the time, about Aslund's appointment. Aslund's defense of everything Wolfensohn had done in Russia did not encourage the Kremlin to resume borrowing. Instead, it resolved to pay Wolfensohn off, a task that the Russian Treasury completed just a few months ago.

From Wolfensohn's point of view, the evaluation may have helped salve the wounds Stiglitz had inflicted on him and the institution. More practically, it encouraged him to try evading the Kremlin's veto on borrowing, and recruit thin Chernomyrdins in the Russian provinces - provincial governors, local warlords, and corporate magnates - as keen to leverage themselves with the World Bank as the fat Chernomyrdin, and president Boris Yeltsin, had been 10 years before.

With tactics like these, Wolfensohn has hung on for another four years after the Aslund report, but in Moscow he has remained a has-been, the banker no one wants to borrow from. Wolfowitz's nomination - if it is ratified by the World Bank board - ought to remove any possibility that Russia, now a greater oil power than Wolfensohn or Wolfowitz have thought possible, would borrow itself, or recommend that anyone else should.

The dilemma posed by the Wolfowitz nomination turns out to be an opportunity for President Vladimir Putin to conclude that, from Russian experience, the World Bank does more damage than good, and should be isolated and ignored by those countries and economies most in need of development financing. This should not be interpreted as anti-Americanism. If the Federal Bureau of Investigation were permitted to disclose all it knows, Wolfowitz may not be the American he claims to be. And with a record like his, it may be a violation of the US statutes to borrow from Wolfowitz. In US jurisprudence, it is not just immoral to make covenants with war criminals, it is criminal.

John Helmer is the doyen of the foreign press corps in Russia. He first set up his Moscow bureau in 1989, and he specializes in the coverage of Russian business. US reviews of Western reporting from Russia have rated him at the top of the profession.


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Re: Paul Volfowitz ne krye te Bankes Boterore!!

Antares,akoma jeton nen ankthin e luftes se ftohte ti.
Wolfowitz nuk ka nevoje te jete spiun,aq me pak t'a kerkoje FBI :eek: .Pallavra shoku Shule.
Amerika eshte koke e kembe me Israelin,pra spiunlleku nuk ka vend.


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Re: Paul Volfowitz ne krye te Bankes Boterore!!

Une kete e dija...ka te verteta po ka edhe propagande.


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Re: Paul Volfowitz ne krye te Bankes Boterore!!

Wolfowitz: Let's Change the Rules!
An appeal of European economists

Paul Wolfowitz has been nominated to be the next President of the World Bank. Since the Bank was created almost sixty years ago, its President has always been a US citizen nominated by the US government.

At the very least, Mr. Wolfowitz is a highly controversial choice. He has not been supportive of the multilateral institutions and has not demonstrated in the past his support of the development community. His nomination to head the World Bank, the most prominent multilateral institution promoting development, exposes glaringly the limitations of the current selection process for such positions.

We urge all Governors to open up this process. Traditionally, the choice of the heads of the IMF and the Bank is, respectively, a European and a US prerogative. This latest proposal of a highly controversial candidate demonstrates that the time has come to change this system. It is outdated, undemocratic, opaque and increasingly unable to select the best or even the right person for the job. Proper governance of the multilateral institutions requires widely accepted multilateral procedures.

David Begg, Imperial College, London
Tito Boeri, Università L. Bocconi, Milano
Daniel Cohen, École Normale Supérieure, Paris
Riccardo Faini, Università di Roma Tor Vergata
Francesco Giavazzi, Università L. Bocconi, Milano
Ramon Marimon, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Jaime de Melo, Université de Genève
Richard Portes, London Business School
André Sapir, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Charles Wyplosz, Graduate Institute of International Studies, Genève
Klaus F. Zimmermann, Universität Bonn

We join:

Matteo Aquilina, Università degli studi di Roma tre.

Massimo Bordignon, Università Cattolica di Milano

Antonio Bottoni

Agar Brugiavini, Università di Venezia

Mario Calderini, Politecnico di Torino

Jeronim Capaldo, Università di Roma La Sapienza

Mauro Cherubini, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Alessandro Condina, giornalista

Francesco Daveri, Università Bocconi

Giuseppe De Arcangelis, Università di Bari

Paolo De Renzio, Fondo Monetario Internazionale

Gianfranco De Simone, Università degli studi di Milano

Giorgio Gaetano, Banca Montepaschi di Siena

Maria Giuseppina Eboli, Università di Roma La Sapienza

Marzio Galeotti, Università degli studi di Milano

Enrico Gallina, Poste italiane

Giampiero Gallo, Università di Firenze

Mario Gara, Banca d'Italia

Massimo Giannini, Università del Molise

Silvia Giannini, Università di Bologna

Giorgia Giovanetti, Università degli studi di Firenze

Maria Cecilia Guerra, Università di Modena

Pier Francesco Guizzardi, Bologna

Luciano Gutierrez, Università di Sassari

Gianmario Impulliti, New York University

Tullio Jappelli, Università di Salerno

Eliana La Ferrara, Università Bocconi, Milano

Francesco Lissoni, Università degli studi di Brescia

Alessandro Magnoli, Banca Mondiale

Tommaso Monacelli, Università Bocconi, Milano

Giorgio Barba Navaretti, Università degli Studi di Milano

Silvia Marchesi, Università degli studi di Siena

Ronny Mazzocchi, Università degli studi di Siena

Nicola Melloni, Oxford

Marcello Messori, Università di Tor Vergata, Roma

Fratesco Oddone, Eurodad

Marco Pagano, Università di Salerno

Ruggero Paladini, Università di Roma La Sapienza

Alice Pesiri, Trieste

Giuseppe Pisauro, Università di Perugina

Bernardo Pizzetti, presidente agenzia qualità servizi pubblici del comune di Roma

Alessandro Pozza, Università di Genova

Giorgio Ragazzi, Università di Bergamo

Aldo Ravazzi Douvan, Autorità Ambientale, vicepresidente comitato Ocse-Wpep

Michele Ruta, European University Institute

Fabio Sabatini, Università di Roma La Sapienza

Angelica Salvi, Università degli studi di Milano

Enrico Santarelli, Università di Bologna

Carlo Scarpa, Università degli studi di Brescia

Alessandro Sciamarelli, Roma

Maria Luisa Sini, Sassari

Maurizio Sobrero, Università di Bologna

Amedeo Spadaio, Universitat de les Illes Balears
Luigi Spaventa, Università di Roma La Sapienza

Stefano Supino, Università di Roma La Sapienza

Piero Tedeschi, Università Bicocca, Milano

Gianfranco Tusset, Università degli studi di Padova
Angel Ubide, Tudor Investment Corporation

Francesco Vella, Università di Bologna


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Re: Paul Volfowitz ne krye te Bankes Boterore!!

Dhe Hajg Zaharian- /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif .


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Re: Paul Volfowitz ne krye te Bankes Boterore!!

Le dieci persone più potenti (influenti) del mondo
Tratto da "Forbes" 2002

1) Bill Gates 40.7 miliardi di dollari (Microsoft)
2) Warren Buffett 30.5 miliardi di dollari (Oracle)
3) Silvio Berlusconi 5.9 miliardi di dollari (Fininvest, Mediaset, Capo del Governo, ecc.)
4) Rupert Murdoch 5.5 miliardi di dollari (News Corporation, ecc.)
5) Li Ka-shing 7.8 miliardi di dollari (Hutchinson Whampoa)
6) Principe Alwaleed 17.7 miliardi di dollari (Investimenti)
7) Mikhail Khodorkovsky 8 miliardi di dollari (Yukos oil company)
8) Robson Walton 16.5 miliardi di dollari (Wal-Mart: distribuzione)
9) Carlos Slim Helù 7.4 miliardi di dollari (Investimenti)
10) Azim Premji 5.9 miliardi di dollari (Wipro)

Le venti persone più ricche del mondo
Tratto da "Forbes" 2002

1) Gates William H. III (USA) - 40.7 miliardi di dollari (Microsoft)
2) Buffett Warren E. (USA) - 30.5 miliardi di dollari (Oracle)
3) Albrecht Karl & Theo (Germania) - 25.6 miliardi di dollari (Vendita al dettaglio)
4) Allen Paul G. (USA) - 20.1 miliardi di dollari (Microsoft)
5) Alsaud principe Alwaleed Bin Talal (Saudita) - 17.7 miliardi di dollari
6) Ellison Lawrence J. (USA) - 16.6 miliardi di dollari (Oracle)
7) Walton Jim C. (USA) - 16.5 miliardi di dollari (Wal-Mart)
8) Walton John T. (USA) - 16.5 miliardi di dollari (Wal-Mart)
9) Walton Alice L. (USA) - 16.5 miliardi di dollari (Wal-Mart)
10) Walton Robson S. (USA) - 16.5 miliardi di dollari (Wal-Mart)
11) Walton Helen R. (USA) - 16.5 miliardi di dollari (Wal-Mart)
12) Bettencourt Liliane (Francia) - 14.5 miliardi di dollari (L'Oréal)
13) Thomson Kenneth & famiglia (Canada) - 14 miliardi di dollari (Thomson Corp.)
14) Kamprad Ingvar (Svezia) - 13 miliardi di dollari (Ikea)
15) Rausing Kirsten & famiglia (Svezia) - 12.9 miliardi di dollari (Imballaggi Tetra Laval)
16) Ballmer Steven A. (USA) - 11.1 miliardi di dollari (Microsoft)
17) Kluge John W. (USA) - 10.5 miliardi di dollari (Metromedia)
18) Cox Sister (USA) - 10.3 miliardi di dollari (Media)
19) Amancio Ortega (Spagna) - 10.3 Miliardi di dollari (Abbigliamento)
20) Mars family (USA) - 10 miliardi di dollari (Zucchero)

Le venticinque aziende più grosse d'America
Tratto da "Forbes" 2002

In base alle vendite, profitti, assetti e valore di mercato.

1) Citigroup
2) General Electric
3) ExxonMobil
4) American Internazional Group
5) Bank of America
6) Wal-Mart Stores
7) Fannie Mae
8) International Business Machines
9) Philip Morris
10) SBC Communication
11) Morgan Stanley
12) Chevron Texaco
13) JP Morgan Chase & Co.
14) Freddie Mac
15) Merck
16) Wells Fargo
17) Microsoft
18) Pfizer
19) Goldman Sachs Group
20) Johnson & Johnson
21) Procter & Gamble
22) Bank One
23) Boeing
24) Wachovia
25) Berkshire Hathaway

Le venticinque aziende più ricche d'America
Tratto da "Forbes" 2002

In base al fatturato

1) Wal-Mart (217 miliardi di dollari)
2) Exxon-Mobil (187 miliardi di dollari)
3) General Motors (177 miliardi di dollari)
4) Ford Motors (162 miliardi di dollari)
5) General Electric (125 miliardi di dollari)
6) Citigroup (122 miliardi di dollari)
7) Chevron Texaco (97 miliardi di dollari)
8) IBM (85 miliardi di dollari)
9) Philip Morris (72 miliardi di dollari)
10) Verizon Communication (67 miliardi di dollari)
11) American Intl Group (62 miliardi di dollari)
12) American Electric (61 miliardi di dollari)
13) Duke Energy (59 miliardi di dollari)
14) Boeing (58 miliardi di dollari)
15) El Paso (57 miliardi di dollari)
16) Home Depot (53 miliardi di dollari)
17) Bank of America (53 miliardi di dollari)
18) AT & T (52 miliardi di dollari)
19) Fannie Mae (50 miliardi di dollari)
20) JP Morgan Chase (50 miliardi di dollari)
21) Kroger (50 miliardi di dollari)
22) McKesson (48 miliardi di dollari)
23) Merck (47 miliardi di dollari)
24) Reliant Energy (46 miliardi di dollari)
25) SBC Communications (45 miliardi di dollari)

Le venticinque aziende più grosse d'Europa
Tratto da "Forbes" 2002

1) HSBC Group 47 miliardi di dollari (UK) (banche)
2) ING Group 82 miliardi di dollari (Olanda) (investimenti)
3) British Petroleum 174 miliardi di dollari (UK) (petrolio)
4) Royal Dutch Shell Group 135 miliardi di dollari (Olanda/UK) (petrolio)
5) UBS bank 50 miliardi di dollari (Svizzera) (banche)
6) BNP Paribas 54 miliardi di dollari (Francia) (banche)
7) Allianz Worldwide 85 miliardi di dollari (Germania) (assicurazioni)
8) Royal Bank of Scotland 31 miliardi di dollari (UK) (investimenti)
9) Total Fina Elf 94 miliardi di dollari (Francia) (petrolio)
10) Barclays 26 miliardi di dollari (UK) (banche)
11) Credit Suisse Group 67 miliardi di dollari (Svizzera) (banche)
12) ABN-Amro Holding 40 miliardi di dollari (Olanda) (banche)
13) Nestlé 51 miliardi di dollari (Svizzera) (alimentari)
14) Llyods TSB Group 22 miliardi di dollari (UK) (banche)
15) ENI 44 miliardi di dollari (Italia) (petrolio)
16) HBOS 27 miliardi di dollari (UK) (banche)
17) Fortis 41 miliardi di dollari (Olanda) (banche)
18) Banco Santander Central 31 miliardi di dollari (Spagna) (banche)
19) Siemens Gorup 77 miliardi di dollari (Germania) (industria)
20) Société Général Group 31 miliardi di dollari (Francia) (banche)
21) E.On 62 miliardi di dollari (Germania) (elettricità accessori)
22) Aegon Insurance Group 28 miliardi di dollari (Olanda) (assicurazioni)
23) BBVA-Banco Bilbao Vizcaya 24 miliardi di dollari (Spagna) (banche)
24) Unilever 46 miliardi di dollari (Olanda-UK) (alimentari)
25) Glaxo SmithKline 29 miliardi di dollari (UK) (farmaceutica)


Primus registratum
Re: Paul Volfowitz ne krye te Bankes Boterore!!

Nuk e kuptova se çfare lidhje kane me emerimin e Volfowitz shifrat e forbes! Per info ne me te pasurit ne bote mungon nje mexican qe me duket se eshte i treti a i katerti per nga pasuria.


Primus registratum
Re: Paul Volfowitz ne krye te Bankes Boterore!!

Edhe Evropa me ne fund e pranoi Wolfovitzin!!
Kjo nuk e ben me te mire ate,por gjithsesi u pranua!


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Re: Paul Volfowitz ne krye te Bankes Boterore!!

Fillimisht postuar nga MLK:
[qb] Nuk e kuptova se çfare lidhje kane me emerimin e Volfowitz shifrat e forbes! Per info ne me te pasurit ne bote mungon nje mexican qe me duket se eshte i treti a i katerti per nga pasuria. [/qb]
banka boterore dhe fondi monetar nderkombetar jane oraganizma te krijuara dhe te drejtuara nga ata te cilet une i kam vendosur ne nje postim me siper ...........................


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Re: Paul Volfowitz ne krye te Bankes Boterore!!

Premtimet e Wolfowits ne fillim te kryesis se BB

Zedhendesi i Pol Wolfowits ish Zevendes Shefit te Pentagonit dhe tashme kryetarit te ri te BB gjate fjales se tije ne lidhje me perpjekjet per zgjidhjene ceshtjes se borxheve te vendeve afrikane ne fakt nuk ka mundur qe te uli shqetesimin e faktorit nderkombtare ne lidhje me caktimin e tije ne kete detyre.Wolfits ka premtuar se ne takimin e radhes se G8 do te beje presion mbi palet ne lidhje me ceshtjen e faljes se borxheve te vendeve afrikane.Ne fakt Wolfits eshte nje nga figurat me te njohura te konservatoreve te rinje te SHBA dhe qe ka patur nje role te madhe ne dergimine forcave amerikane ne LM dhe ne Irak.Qe nga fillimi i trajtimit te ceshtjes se dergimit te Wolfits ne krye te BB u rrit shqeteimi ne mes te faktorit nderkombtare eksperteve ekonomike se me caktimine tije ne krye te BB ajo me shume se kurre do te behet nje mjet per cuarjen para te politikave te njenanshme amerikane.Ne te njejten kohe me fillimin e dites se pare te punes se Woilfowits ne krye te BB me shume se 300 organizata te ndryshme kane protestuar ne lidhje me emerimine tije ne krye te BB dhe duke paralajemruar ne lidhje me menyren e punes se tije.Kjo ne vecanti kur pikpamje e SHBA ne lidhje me organizatat tregtare dhe financaire te botes jane thjeshte materiale.Ne kete menyre forcimi i dores amerikane ne BB dhe ne FMN do te coje ne nje ngushtim te tyre ndaj vendeve te cilat kane nje politike te pavarur nga SHBA.Wolfowits si nje konservator i ri dhe ekstremiste ka nje mardhenie te ngushte me Regjimin Sioniste.Prandaj eshte e natyrshme qe organizamt nderkombtare do te jene te shqetesuar ne lidhje me punen e tije ne krye te Organiazates se rendesishme te BB. Natyrishte qe Wolfowits ne pamje te pare me humanizem eshte perpjekur qe te uli kete shqetesim nderkohe qe ai nga ana tjeter nuk ka dhene asnje lloj programi te qarte ne lidhje me faljene borxheve te vendeve te varfera.Disa prej analisteve i shikojne deklaratat e Wolfowits te njejta me politikat amerikane ne Afrike.Kohet e fundit ndikimi ne Afrike ka qene synim i dipllomatieve amerikane dhe prononcimet e Wolfowits jane nje percjelles i synimeve dhe politikave amerikane ne Afrike.Por nese deklaratat e Wolfowits do ti analizojme ne aspektin ekonomik do te shikojme se ne te vertet se nje pjese e borxheve te vendeve te varfera afrikane jane te pamundura per tu marre dhe kjo pasi situata e renduar ekonomike e tyre e bene te pam,undur kete dhe qe vendet e tjera duhet ta shikojne si nje borxhe te djegur Nderkohe qe borxhlinjt kryesore jane BE dhe Japonia nderkohe qe SHBA nuk eshte ne niveline tyre.Nje pike tjeter e rendesishme eshte fakti se SHBA me ndikimin e saje ne krye te organizamve nderkombtare si BB i detyron vendet e tjera te falin borxhet ose te japin kredi vendeve te zgjedhura.Ne kete menyre qe shume analiste deklarojne se ka mundesi qe BB tashme te qendroje si nje mjet ne duart e zyrtareve te Shtepise se Bardhe.