Palm Pixie in November

Palm Pixie in November


Second smart phone Palm with the operating system WebOS named Pixie sale comes in the middle of next month this year.</p>

The exact date of commencement of sale is November 15, while mobile initially, as the model Pre, would be found to offer U.S. mobile operator Sprint.</p>

The device is unlike Pre candybar design, the touch sensitive screen of 2.63 inches, QWERTY keyboard and integrated into the 8 GB internal memory. In the case of model Pixie, Palm has decided not to offer support for WiFi, but has decided to rear camera with resolution of two Megapixels.</p>

Poor management has resulted in even lower price, which the United States with two-year contract is 99 dollars.</p>

Right now it is not known when the mobile will be placed in the European market.</p>
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