Nuk pata guxim...


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Nuk pata guxim...

e dua nje vajze qe eshte edhe shoqja ime
e kisha ne klase ne gjimnaz por ndjenjat per ate
me linden kah fundi i shkolles se mesme
hapin e pare e kam zor ta bej
nje dite i thash se dua ti tregoj dicka por
nuk munda.ishte e kot se nuk kisha guxim
por qe eshte me e keqja skam gudxim ende
nuk mundem ta bej hapin e pare...
ajo tash ndoshta ka nje tjeter edhe ndihem fajtor
qe nuk i thash ate dite kur i thash se dua ti tregoj dicka


Re: Nuk pata guxim...

un them ik e thuja ca ndjen per ate e mos e prish hic terezine!! edhe po tket naj tjeter,ka goca plot mket dynja!!
ps: pollin se mor vesh,se nven qe te vesh alternativa ke vone pytje aty


Re: Nuk pata guxim...

hott.-o, pse e ngatarro ti!-shif dhe sondazhin...!
ai, e ka shoqe!, dhe me shoqebahet kshu:
i thu ca ke ktu?-, dhe me gisht tregon nga gjoksi i saj...
po e hongri, dhe thot ku-,duke pa-; tngrej gishtin(ai) nalt, ti kapi hunen!
po se hongri, dihet e ka honger ... dashnin e tij!
<img src="/pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> , kshu hott.-o me pak fjal...!


Primus registratum
Re: Nuk pata guxim...

E di ate shprehjen qe perdornin te vjeterit....po qendrove aq urte, ta merr gruan kojshia....kushtu qe kutpoje vete ti...


Valoris scriptorum
Re: Nuk pata guxim...

Ky sondazhi ishte funi fare
!!! Jemi qe jemi a te votojme edhe per Arnoldin per guvernator ????


Primus registratum
Re: Nuk pata guxim...

Fillimisht postuar nga agix:
[qb] e dua nje vajze qe eshte edhe shoqja ime
e kisha ne klase ne gjimnaz por ndjenjat per ate
me linden kah fundi i shkolles se mesme
hapin e pare e kam zor ta bej
nje dite i thash se dua ti tregoj dicka por
nuk munda.ishte e kot se nuk kisha guxim
por qe eshte me e keqja skam gudxim ende
nuk mundem ta bej hapin e pare...
ajo tash ndoshta ka nje tjeter edhe ndihem fajtor
qe nuk i thash ate dite kur i thash se dua ti tregoj dicka [/qb]
It all started when I was 16 years old. While I was playing outside on my farm in California, I met a boy. He was an average kind of boy who teased you and then you chased them and beat them up. After that first meeting in which I beat him up we kept on meeting and beating each other up at the fence. That only lasted for a little while though. We would meet at the fence all the time and we were always together. I would tell him all my secrets. He was very quiet he would just listen to what I had to say. I found him easy to talk to and I could talk to him about everything. In school we had separate friends but when we got home we would always talk about what happened in school. One day I said to him that a guy I liked hurt me and broke my heart. He just comforted me and said everything would be okay. He gave me words of encouragement and helped me get over him. I was happy and thought of him as a real friend. But I knew that there was something else about him that I liked. I thought of it that night and figured it was just a Friend kinda thing that I was feeling. All through high school and even through graduation we're always together and of course I thought of it as being friends. But I knew deep inside that I really felt differently. On graduation night even though we had different dates to the prom I wanted to be with him. That night after everybody went home I went to his house and wanted to tell him that I wanted to see him. Well, that night was my big chance and all I did was just sit there with him watching the stars and talking about what I was going to do and what he was going to do. I looked into his eyes and listened to him talk about what his dream was. How he wanted to get married and settle down. He said how he wanted to be rich and successful. All I could do was to tell him my dream and cuddle next to him. I went home hurting because I didn't tell him how I was feeling. I wanted to tell him so bad that I loved him but I was too scared and frightened. I let my feelings go and told myself that someday I would tell him just how I felt. All through college I wanted to tell him but he always had someone with him. After graduation he got a job in New York; I was happy for him but at the same time I was sad to see him go. I was sad also because I didn't tell him how I felt. But I couldn't let him know now that he was leaving for his big job. So I just kept it to myself and watched him go on the plane. I cried as I hugged him for what I felt was going to be the last time. I went home that night and cried my eyes out. I felt hurt that I didn't tell him what I had inside my heart. Well, I got a job as a secretary and then worked my way to a computer analyst. I was proud of what I had accomplished. One day I got a letter with an invitation to a wedding. It was from him; I was happy and sad at the same time. Now I know that I could never be with him and that we could only be friends. I went to the wedding the next month. It was a big occasion. It was a big church wedding with the reception at a hotel. I met the bride and of course I talked to him too. I fell in love one more time. But I held back so it wouldn't spoil what should be the happiest day in his life. I tried to have fun that night but it was killing me inside watching him being so happy and me trying to be happy covering up my sadness tears inside of me. I left New York feeling that I did the right thing. Before I left on the flight, he came running out of nowhere and said his good-byes and how he was very happy to see me. I came home and just tried to forget about what went on in New York. I had to go on with my life. As the years went on, we wrote to each other on what was going on and how he had missed talking to me. On one occasion he never wrote back to me at all. I was getting worried as to why he hadn't written anything for a long time after I had already written 6 letters to him. Well, just when everything seemed hopeless and sad in my life, I got a note that said: "Meet me at the fence where we used to talk about things". I went and saw him there. I was happy to see him, but he was broken-hearted and sad inside. We hugged until we couldn't breathe anymore. Then he told me about the divorce and why he hadn't written for a long time. He cried until he couldn't cry anymore. Finally, we went back to the house and talked and laughed about what I had been going and to catch up on old times. But in all of this, I couldn't tell him how I felt about him. In the days that followed, he had fun and forgot about all his problem and his divorce. I fell in love again with him. When it came time for him to leave back to New York, I went to see him off and cried. I hated to see him leave. He promised to see me every time he could get a vacation. I couldn't wait for him to come so I could be with him. We would always have fun when we were together. One day he didn't show up like he said he would. I figured that he might have been busy. The days turned into months and I just forgot about it. Then I got a call one day from a lawyer in New York. The lawyer said that he had died in a car accident going to the airpor, and that it took this long till everything was settled. It broke my heart. I was shocked about what took place. Now I knew why he didn't come that day. Again, I was broken-hearted. I cried that night, cried tears of sadness and heartache. I asked questions: "Why did this happen to a kind guy like him?" I gathered my things and went to New York for the reading of his will. Of course, things were given to his family and his ex-wife. I finally got to meet her since the last time we met at the wedding. She explained to me how he was and how he always provided. But he was always unhappy. She would always try everything but she couldn't get him happy, as he was that night at their wedding. When the will was read, the one thing that was given to me was a diary. It was a dairy that of his life. I cried as it was given to me. I didn't know what to think. Why was this given to me? I took it and flew back to California. As I flew on the plane I remembered the good times that we had together. I started reading the diary and what was written. The diary was started with the day we first met. I read on till I started to cry. The diary told of him saying that he had fallen in love with me that day I was broken-hearted. But he was too afraid to tell me what he had felt. That is why he was so quiet and liked to listen to me. It told of how he wanted to tell me so many times, but was too afraid to say anything. It told of when he went to New York and fell in love with another. How the happiest time he had was seeing me and dancing with me at the wedding. He said he imagined it was our wedding. How he was always unhappy till he had no choice but to divorce his wife. How the best time in his life was to read the letters written to him by me. Finally, the diary ended when it said, "today I will tell her I love her". It was the day he was killed. The day I was going to finally find out what was really in his heart. If you love someone, don't wait till tomorrow to tell him/her. Maybe the next day will never come at all.

Nese e kupton mire Anglishten ajo vajze qe don me verte,tregoja kete histori dhe thuaj se cfare mendon,atehere shiko se si do reagoj ajo,per mendimin tim nuk duhet te luash me ndjenjat por beu guximtar dhe thuaj se cfare ndjen per te,nuk eshte faj i jot eshte faj i zemres tende.
So go for it and tell her.


Primus registratum
Re: Nuk pata guxim...

Dhe nje gje mos harro,kjo histori qe kam shkruar eshte teper e vertete,dhe shume e prekshme.Por per mendimin tim eshte me mire me mire ti tregosh heret se sa vone ok.
If tomorrow never comes? Cfare do besh.


Primus registratum
Re: Nuk pata guxim...

As mos ja thoj hiq <img src="/pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> ajo po te donte ta kishte thene vete e pare ehhhhhhhhh keshtu jane cupa <img src="/pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />


Primus registratum
Re: Nuk pata guxim...

Fillimisht postuar nga Belinea:
[qb] As mos ja thoj hiq <img src="/pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> ajo po te donte ta kishte thene vete e pare ehhhhhhhhh keshtu jane cupa <img src="/pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> [/qb]
Aman dhe ti ja fut kot ketu.Si ka guzim ti thote shoqja shokut te ngushte qe te dua.
Po ti mund ta besh nje gje te tille ti thuash shokut qe une te dua ty?Ajo vajze ndoshta pret nje fjale nga djali,per mendimin tim ajo dhe sikur ta doje nuk mund ti thote shokut qe te dua kurrre.Por djali eshte me ndryshe dhe mund ti shprehet,ik o djal dhe beje hapin e pare sepse asgje nuk ka,ndjenja jane ato te shkreta.


Primus registratum
Re: Nuk pata guxim...

Fillimisht postuar nga HELEN OF TROY:
[qb] Megi heres tjeter historite shqip te lutem !! [/qb]
Nuk dija ta thoja ne shqip ! Na falni Helen Troy!



Re: Nuk pata guxim...

megi nice story..ishalla sna bie per pjese ashtu..
pri verteti esht me?!

cuno thuja asaj goces..ta kam thene qe ne fillim..
merr guximin edhe thuaja..pak rendesi ka pergjigjia..rendsi ka momenti..ndjenjat... <img src="/pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
ajo eshte e gjithe magjia..momenti kur njeri do i thote njeres se cfare ndjen for real..ehh


Primus registratum
Re: Nuk pata guxim...

Per mendimin tim, gocat e kuptojne kur nje djale i pelqen. Nqs. terheqja eshte e dyanshme, marredhenia ndodh edhe te dy jane te kenaqur, por shpesh ndodh qe eshte vetem njera pale qe kerkon dicka. Dhe shpesh pasi cunat vendosin te shprehin ate qe ndiejne, detyrohen te marrin pergjigje negative. Une mendoj se ajo goca, po ta pelqente vertet kete djalin, ndoshta do ishin bashke tani.
Ajo historia me lart eshte pak e cuditshme. Duket sikur mungonte ca terheqje seksuale aty.

Ky edhe po ia tha s'humbet me shume se pa ia thene, po s'ma merr mendja se do marri pergjigje pozitive.


Primus registratum
Re: Nuk pata guxim...


agix ik shprehi ato qe ndjen vlla se do te ngelet mendja gjithe jeten tek kjo ndjenje
po nuk ja shprehe.

Une per vete kur me pelqen nje vajze ja shpreh direkt.Eshte tjeter gje do me pranoje apo jo .
Nuk eshte e thene qe te gjitha vajzat qe propozon do te pranojne.
eshte nje fjale e urte e popullit "nje vajze e propozojne 10 vete po ajo e shkrete nje zgjeth per jete"

1)Vajzat e kane me shume qejf djalin kur vete i propozon vete sesa kur fut kallaus.

2) Arma me e fuqishme ndaj nje vajze shikoje ne bebe te syrit edhe mos i ul syte.

3) [kete do ta them njehere tjeter]


Primus registratum
Re: Nuk pata guxim...

me thene te drejten te jap shume te drejte se eshte e veshtire te propozosh nje ish shoqe te ngushte por ama edhe mendja do mbledhur mblidhi forcat vetem per nje moment harro gjithcka dhe thuaja dhe ta dish mire po te pranoj te do me gjithe zemer ne fund te fundit per te humbur nuk ke se me e keqja te keqes do te kerkoj te mbeteni shok si me pare por ti prape mos u dorezo pranoje te mbetesh shok sepse me vone kur te shoqeroheni si shok te pakten ajo do ta di sec ndjen ti per te dhe ku i dihet edhe lidheni.
jepi shoku duhen forca per keto lloj punesh duhet pak guxim por ta shohesh sa ti thuash llafen e pare do ta kesh te veshtire me pas iken goja vete birbil behesh.


Primus registratum
Re: Nuk pata guxim...

Un dhe shpirti im kemi 4 vjet qe njihemi, 2 vjet kemi qee shoke shum te ngushte dhe 2 vjet kemi qe dashurohemi marrezisht. Ai, megjithese shoke e mori i pari iniciativen dhe mi shprehu ndjenjat e tij, dhe un duke e dashur sa me s'ka nuk e refuzova, keshtu qe tani ne po jetojme nje histori qe i lutem Zotit te mos mbarroje kurre. Un mendoj se ben mire te besh nje hap, sepse per kete hap te mos bere mund te pendohesh per tere jeten, sepse ta siguroj qe edhe shoqja dicka ndjen per ty, sepse s'mund te kete kurre shoqeri te ngushte mes nje djali dhe nje vajze, ajo esht thjesht nje dashuri platonike qe vec pret njerin nga te dy ti jape hovin. Te uroj ta besh hapin dhe mos refuzohesh.


Primus registratum
Re: Nuk pata guxim...

Dashuria e e bukura!

Nuk te them as thuaji as mos i thuaj,te them vetem qe... jete vajza kujtimi i se ciles ka per ta ngrohur zemren gjithmone,do jesh i denuar ta mbash gjithmone si njeriun model,çdo vajze tjeter qe do njohesh do e krahasosh me te.Do njohesh shume te tjera,do dashurohesh,do argetohesh,do tradhetohesh,do vije koha s'do te bejne pershtypje shume gjera...vetem nje gje do ngeli kostante,e pandryshueshme brenda teje...AJO!Buzeqeshja e saj do te shoqeroje kudo,kurdohere,do te pastroje nga ndjenjat e keqija,do te te beje ti shohesh gjerat me qarte,te kuptosh çfare ndjenjash nga ngopin shpirtin me te vertete.


Primus registratum
Re: Nuk pata guxim...

Djalo, behu burre.

Djalo, ja te iku femijeria,
gezoju beharit si qershia,
I qart shikimi yt, e vullneti i forte
Largohu genjeshtres, besnik ji deri ne kocke.
Djalo, behu burre!
Kjo eshte me e mira c'e te uroj.
Eres mos iu perkul kurre si nje shkop
rri qendrueshem dhe i fort
asgje kurre s'duhet te mposht.
Kryet lart! Dhe kur stuhia fort gjemon,
stuhise burri drejt i qendron.
Ai s'duhet ti bej bisht,
kurtheve te fatit jo te mos i ik.
Boten shtrengo ne grushtat e tua.
Djalo, behu burre!


Primus registratum
Re: Nuk pata guxim...

ju uroj te gjithve fat vetem e vetem se me kjo puna ime e pat
me 15.09 (e hene ishte)ishim ne fakultet per
punet tona atje po ska rendesi ajo.
puna ishte se un en binda veten qe ti them
por nuk mund ti thuash ne prani te te gjith
shoqeris keshtu qe nje shoku im me tha se ajo
kalon me personin "e dyshuar" ate e kishte marr vesh nga nje shoqe e jona e cila eshte shoqe shum
e ngusht e asaj qe e dua un shum por qe nuk eshte
kismeti im.e dini kete thenien: