Nokia N900 starts with the sale

Nokia N900 starts with the sale


Smart phone of Nokia N900 is announced this summer, and based on the appearance of new Maemo, started selling worldwide.</p>

Within a few days in shops should be submitted equipment before the Nokia N900, based on Linux Maemo interface 3.5 inches multitouch screen which is able to show condensed in vertical and horizontal position. The configuration is well integrated internet services while working space is greater than its screen which serves as a window in the information available.</p>

According to news agency Reuters, shipments from factories N900 model have started today, so within a few days will appear in stores North America, the Near East and Russia. Otherwise, it comes to a device which will be the main competitor for the Blackberry and iPhone.</p>


The phone is equipped with keyboards, sleigh, contains links Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and HSPA, and in it are 256 MB RAM and 768 MB virtual memory, a 5 Megapixel Camera, camera of 2 Megapixels and web design approach for microSD cards of 16 GB .</p>

The price of the Nokia N900 will have to be brought about 500 euros.</p>
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