New privacy options within Google account
Since we know that Google weather for each user of its services maintains a certain amount of data. Internet giant now enables its users to determine what data will be stored.</p>
Google has decided to listen to users who have expressed disappointment because it can lead to the settings of their data to Google services accounts. Google Dashboard comes under a “control center” in which each user can determine what its be provided will be kept, and which to hide.</p>
Google Dashboard provides access to information such as user name, email address, number of contacts with whom communicate, the messages within Gmail, searches that have made driving through the research and the like. Each saved given may be deleted</p></p>
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Ky artikull eshte marre nga: Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni:
Since we know that Google weather for each user of its services maintains a certain amount of data. Internet giant now enables its users to determine what data will be stored.</p>
Google has decided to listen to users who have expressed disappointment because it can lead to the settings of their data to Google services accounts. Google Dashboard comes under a “control center” in which each user can determine what its be provided will be kept, and which to hide.</p>
Google Dashboard provides access to information such as user name, email address, number of contacts with whom communicate, the messages within Gmail, searches that have made driving through the research and the like. Each saved given may be deleted</p></p>
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