NEW Jersey per pak nuk eshte quajtur Albania


Still here
NEW Jersey per pak nuk eshte quajtur Albania


King Charles II of England in 1664 decided to colonize the land he owned between the Hudson and the Delaware Rivers. He dispatched Colonel Robert Nicolls to subdue the Dutch and establish settlements. <span style="font-weight: bold">Nicolls was remarkably successful and named the land &quot;Albania.&quot; </span>But before he could return to England, the King granted his brother, James Duke of York, these same lands. The Duke named the tract &quot;Novo Cesarea&quot; or &quot;New Jersey,&quot; then gave the territory to court favorites Sir John Carteret and John Lord Berkeley. The result was that two different patent claims were made for the same land, causing title problems which persist to today. New Jersey was divided into East and West Jersey. Upon the death of Berkeley, the land was leased in 1682 by The General Board of Proprietors of the Eastern Division of New Jersey. In 1688, Berkeley's lands were organized as The Council of Proprietors of the Western Division.