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Prej kohesh me kishte terhequr vemendjen sesi ne referenca te shumta gjuhetaresh dhe shkencetaresh te albanologjise, gjuha shqipe permendej si e prejardhur nga trungu thrako-ilir apo iliro-thrak (them se renditja ka rendesi pasi tregon se prej ciles nga dy gjuhet ka marre me shume shqipja jone e sotshme). Une i perkas atij brezi shqiptaresh prodhim komunizmi me shenja te dukshme vaksinash ne llere dhe kofshe si te gjithe, por edhe me klishe te ngulura e rrenjosura thelle ne tru qe nga koha e shkolles fillore kur bashke me njoftimin se jemi prodhuesi me i madh i kromit ne bote, na thuhej edhe se shqiptaret vijne nga iliret e lashte dhe se pavaresisht se gjuha e ketyre te fundit ende nuk eshte deshifruar, sigurisht ajo ka lidhje me shqipen sikurse ka lidhje me shqipen edhe vete emri i tyre: ilire (ne shqip - I lire). Sikur na pelqente shume kjo origjine qe koincidonte edhe me vendimin tone te atehershem bolshevik dhe proletar per te qene edhe ne shekullin e njezete ashtu si paraardhesit tane ne ate te tretin para eres sone. Me nje llaf: Te lire.
Por erdhen kohe te tjera dhe dalengadale nisa te hetoj lart e poshte artikuj e libra qe flisnin per origjinen e shqiptareve. Shumica e autoreve te huaj nuk rreshtin se permenduri thrakasit e te na asociojne me ta ose me perzierjen e tyre me iliret. Keshtu ben Hahn, keshtu edhe Leibnitz. Se fundi keshtu zbulova qe mendon edhe Malcolm, autori i "Kosovo, a short story". Arsyet qe sjellin ata jane te shumta. Nderkohe qe ilirishtja vazhdon te mbetet nje mister i pazberthyeshem dhe nje problem ende i pazgjidhur ngaqe shkencetaret s'po arrijne te gjejne shkrime te cilat do te klasifikoheshin perfundimisht si ilirike e pasketaj te nisnin zberthimin e tyre per te zbuluar me cilen nga gjuhet e sotme kane ato lidhje, nderkohe pra qe ndodh kjo, ndryshon puna me thrakishten. Prej saj jane zbuluar dhe identifikuar me qindra fjale dhe shkencetaret jane sulur t'u gjejne kuptimin duke perdorur celesa te shumte qe do t'i ndihmonin, duke filluar qe nga greqishtja e vjeter, latinishtja, gjuhet gjermanike, sllave apo edhe ato balltike apo indishtja. Krejt rastesisht zbulova nje fjalorth thrakisht disa dite me pare, te shoqeruar me shpjegimin ne anglisht dhe tentativat per t'u gjetur atyre fjalezave te dashura nga nje te ngjashme ne greqisht, latinisht apo gjuhe te tjera. Ajo qe me beri me shume pershtypje e qe me la pa mend, ishte afria e tyre e pabesueshme me gjuhen tone. Per nje moment, ndersa isha duke i qemtuar, ndala dhe mendova: mos ndoshta e gjetem celesin? Mos ndoshta teksa per vite me rradhe e kemi quajtur me kot veten ilire, ne te vertete jemi pasardhes te thrakasve te lavdishem? Te atij kombi qe popullonte tere territoret e sotme te Rumanise, Bullgarise, Serbise, Maqedonise e Greqise Verilindore? Te atij kombi qe mendohet se gjuhen e te cilit fliste Aleksandri i Madh e sipas te ciles edhe Maqedonia e lashte quhej "Emathia" (Ne shqip: E madhja) dhe jo MAQEDHONIA sic e quanin greket? Kjo ndoshta shpjegon edhe ngjashmerine habitshme qe verehet mes shume fjaleve te rumanishtes paralatine me shqipen e sotme (psh. kodru - kodra, moazi - mezi, fundi - fundi, etj)
Por cfare te kete ndodhur me iliret? Ndoshta kur sllavet u dynden me miliona ne Ballkan duke u zvogeluar hapesiren fillimisht thrakasve, keta te fundit u mbivendosen mbi iliret duke u perzier me ta e se fundi duke i asimiluar derisa me ne fund, pas shume shekujsh prej kesaj ngjarjeje erdhem edhe ne, shqiptaret? Kjo mund te jete e vertete duke ditur se dyndjet sllave dhe zhvendosjet e popullsive nuk kane ndodhur brenda ores, dites, apo vitit, por ato kane qene procese te ngadalta e te pandjeshme per te cilat jane dashur te kalojne shekuj me radhe. Me poshte po ju riprodhoj pjese nga fjalorthi thrakas ne fjale, se bashku me perkthimet e mundshme ne anglisht, gjuhe te tjera dhe shqip.
Ju faleminderit.
an(a) - ‘at, on’ - [Avest. ana ‘along’, Greek aná ‘at, along’, Goth. ana ‘at, towards’] - ANE, KRAH
ala - ‘current, stream’ - [Latv. H Alaja, Lith. ale.ti ‘flooded’] - VALA (E LUMIT)
balios - 'white' - I BARDHE
berga(s) - ‘bank’ - [Old-Icel. berg ‘mountain’, Old-HighGerman berg, German Berg ‘mountain’, Bulgarian brjag ‘bank, coast’] - BREG
bolinthos - ‘wild bull, bison’ - The word is attested in Aristotle, according to whom that animal lived in the Messapian mountain, which separated the country of the Peonians from that of the Maideans (a Thracian tribe inhabiting the middle course of Struma and upper course of Mesta), and that the Peonians called it mónapos. Therefore, bolinthos was a Maidean, that is, a Thracian word. It is compared to the German Bulle ‘bull’ and is derived from the IE *bhun-ent - BUALL
briza - ‘spelt, rye’ - (Gal. de alim. facult. 1, 13/6 p. 514. Kühn). The author (Galen) saw this plant in Thracia and in Macedonia and concluded the word was Thracian. It is very probable. There are several etymologies for this word, that of A. Fick being the most acceptable one. A. Fick relates the Thracian briza to the Old-Ind. vrihi-h, Pers. birinj, Afg. vriz'e ‘rice’, Greek orinda. There is an alternative interpretation: the Thracian bryza is related to the Lith. brizdis ‘ling’, from the stem of the verb brigzti ‘to be torn, to get unraveled’ - ORIZ
bruzas - ‘quick’ - [Lith. bruz'as ‘somebody who runs to and fro’, the Slavic *b@rz@, Bulg. br@z] - BREDHES, VRAPUES
bur, buris (boris) - ‘man’ - BURRE
dero, dur - 'a stockade', [IE *dhwer- 'a door, a gate'] - DERA, GARDHI
douro - 'strong' - [Celt. *duro-] - DURIM, I DURUAR, DURUES, I FORTE
drenis - ‘deer’ - DRERI, DRENI
dumas - ‘dark’ - [Lith. dúmas ‘dark, dark brown (for cattle)’, Latv. dúms ‘dark brown’] - TYM, ERRESIRE
ermas - ‘fierce, mad’ - JERM, CMENDURI; MARREZI
gagila - 'a jackdaw' - GALA
gaidrus, gaidrys, gaidri(s) - ‘bright, clear’ - [Lith. gaidrus ‘bright, clear (cloudless)’, Greek phaidrós ‘shining, bright, cheerful’]- NDRIS, SHNDRIS, BEJ DRITE
iet(e)r (=jeter-) - ‘quick, agile’ - [Old-HighGerman átar ‘quick’, Latv. atrs ‘quick’] - I HEDHUR
iúras (=júras) - ‘water, river’ - [Lith. júra ‘a sea’, Old-Nord. úr ‘drizzle’] - UJE, UJRA
kel(l)a ‘a spring’ - [Old-HighGerman quella, German Quelle ‘a spring’] - RRJEDHA
ketri-, ketre- ‘four’ - [IE *kwetwores, Greek tetra ‘four’, Cymr. pedry- ‘four-fold’, Lith. keturi, Latv. c'etri, Bulg. c'etiri ‘four’] - KATRA, KATER
kik - ‘live, agile’ - [Anglo-Saxon cwicu, Old-Nord. kvikr, kykr ‘live, agile’, Engl. quick] - IK, QE IKEN, QE IK, Q'IK
knisa(s) - ‘eroded place’ - [Lith. knisti ‘to dig’] - GRRYES, GNYES
laza (-as) - ‘clearing (in forest), glade’ - [Serbo-Croat läz ‘clearing’, Russ. laz ‘animal pathway to a river (lake)’, lazina 'clearing’] - LAJ
lingas - ‘depression, meadow’ [Lith. lénge ‘low land’, PN Linge, Bulg. long ‘meadow’] - LUGINE, LUG
mér - ‘large, great’ - [IE *mér-, Church Slavic personal name Vladi-mer@, Old-HighGerman Volk-már, Hlodo-már, Old-Icel. már ‘big’] - MADH, I MADH
mezéna - ‘a horseman’ 'stallion' - [Roman. (substrat) mînz ‘stallion’] - MEZ, KALE I VOGEL
mukas - ‘moss, mould’ - [Old-HighGerman, Anglo-Saxon mos ‘moss, swamp’, German Moss ‘moss’, Church-Slav. m@h@ ‘moss’, Lith. musai, pl. ‘mould on yoghourt’] - MYK
pala - ‘swamp, bog’ - [Lith. palios, pl. ‘big swamp. bog’, Latv. pal,as, pal,i ‘swampy banks of a lake’, Latin palus ‘lake’] - BALTA
para, phara - ‘settlement, village’, marketplace [from the IE *(s)porá as ‘village’] - FARA, FISI
pauta(s) pavtas - ‘foam’ or ‘foaming’ - [Old-Pruss. RN Pauta, Lith. puta ‘foam’, putóti ‘to foam’, Latv. putas ‘foam’] - PESHTYMA
per, pir - ‘boy, son’ - [Lat. puer ‘child, boy, son’] - BIR
pinon - 'a drink' - [IE *poi-, *pi- 'to drink', Latin pibo 'I drink', Slavic *piti 'to drink'] - PI
pras - (resp. *praus-) ‘to wash, to splash, to bedew’ - [Lith. prausti ‘to wash, to sprinkle’, Latv. prauslat ’to splash, to besprinkle’, Old-Ind. prusnó'ti ‘to splash’] - PRASHIT
puris, poris, por, pyris, pyros, pyr - ‘son, boy’ - [Latin pure ‘child, boy, son’ in Latin PN Marci-por, Nae-por, óli-por, Etr. nei-pur, naei-purs] - BIR
pusinas, pisinas - ‘spruce forest, pine forest’ - [Lith. pušynas ‘spruce forest’ from pušis ‘pine, spruce’] - PYLL PISHASH, PISHNAJE
raka(s) - ‘eroded place, a gully’ - [Lith. rakti ‘to burrow’] - GRYKA
ramus - ‘quiet, calm’ - [Lith. ramus ‘quiet’, Old-Ind. rámate ‘to stay quiet, to rest’] - I RAME, I SHTRIRE, NE GJUME, I QETE
rera - ‘stones, stony ground’, 'sandy' - (from an earlier *lera) - RERA
romfea - 'an arrow, a staff, a thunder' - RRUFEJA
skapt - ‘to dig’ [Lith. skaptúoti ‘to cut, to carve (in wood)’, Greek skápto ‘to dig’] - HAPT, HAP, GERMOJ
strumá, strumón - ‘current, river’ - [Old-HighGerman stroum, German Strom ‘current’ river’, Lith. sraumuo, -ens ‘fast current’, srúti (srúvu, dial. srúnu) ‘to fill with water’ and ‘to flow, to outflow the banks (for a river)’] - SHKUMA, SHKUMON, (PREJ KENDEJ VJEN EDHE EMRI SHKUMBIN PER LUMIN ME TE NJEJTIN EMER, SI DHE NJE SERE TOPONIMESH TE SLLAVIZUARA NEPER BALLKAN, psh. STRUMA; STRUMICA, etj)
titha - ‘light, radiance’ - [Greek titó' ‘morning glow; morning, day’] - DITA, DITE
traus - ‘to break, to crumble’ - [Lith. traušti ‘to break, to crumble’, traušus ‘brittle’, the Latv. trauss, trausls ‘brittle, fragile’, Old-Russ. troh@ ‘lazy; sad’] - THERMOJ, THERMUES
tri - 'three' - [IE *treyes, Greek *thría 'three'] - TRI, TRE
tund - ‘to push, to knock’ - TUND, LEVIZ, SHTYJ
udra(s) - ‘otter’ - [IE *wed-, *wod-, Old-Ind. udráh ‘water animal’, Avest. udra- ‘otter’, Greek hydros, Old-HighGerman ottar, Lith. údra, Bulg. vidra ‘otter’] - LUNDRA
upula 'apple?''plum?' [IE *amlu-, *samlu- 'apple'] - KUMBULLA
zbarul - ‘light (noun); shining’ - [Lith. z'iburys ‘light’ (noun)’] - E ZBARDHUR, ZBARDHJA, AGIMI
zenis, zenés - ‘born, born in’ - [=genes in the Greek personal name of Dio=génes, from the IE *g'en- ‘to give birth’ in the Old-Latin geno ‘to produce, to give birth’] - I ZENE, I NGJIZUR
Z(e)i - ‘god’ - [shortened from ziu-, zia- and similar, IE *deiwo- 'sky god', Greek Zeus] - ZOT (DUKE U SHPJEGUAR ME NE FUND PSE EDHE FJALA GREKE 'ZEUS' VJEN NGA SHQIPJA 'ZE-ES' dmth, BUCITES, ME SHUME ZE)
zvaka(s) - ‘bright, white’ - [Lith. z'vake. ‘light (noun)’] - FLAKA
Prej kohesh me kishte terhequr vemendjen sesi ne referenca te shumta gjuhetaresh dhe shkencetaresh te albanologjise, gjuha shqipe permendej si e prejardhur nga trungu thrako-ilir apo iliro-thrak (them se renditja ka rendesi pasi tregon se prej ciles nga dy gjuhet ka marre me shume shqipja jone e sotshme). Une i perkas atij brezi shqiptaresh prodhim komunizmi me shenja te dukshme vaksinash ne llere dhe kofshe si te gjithe, por edhe me klishe te ngulura e rrenjosura thelle ne tru qe nga koha e shkolles fillore kur bashke me njoftimin se jemi prodhuesi me i madh i kromit ne bote, na thuhej edhe se shqiptaret vijne nga iliret e lashte dhe se pavaresisht se gjuha e ketyre te fundit ende nuk eshte deshifruar, sigurisht ajo ka lidhje me shqipen sikurse ka lidhje me shqipen edhe vete emri i tyre: ilire (ne shqip - I lire). Sikur na pelqente shume kjo origjine qe koincidonte edhe me vendimin tone te atehershem bolshevik dhe proletar per te qene edhe ne shekullin e njezete ashtu si paraardhesit tane ne ate te tretin para eres sone. Me nje llaf: Te lire.
Por erdhen kohe te tjera dhe dalengadale nisa te hetoj lart e poshte artikuj e libra qe flisnin per origjinen e shqiptareve. Shumica e autoreve te huaj nuk rreshtin se permenduri thrakasit e te na asociojne me ta ose me perzierjen e tyre me iliret. Keshtu ben Hahn, keshtu edhe Leibnitz. Se fundi keshtu zbulova qe mendon edhe Malcolm, autori i "Kosovo, a short story". Arsyet qe sjellin ata jane te shumta. Nderkohe qe ilirishtja vazhdon te mbetet nje mister i pazberthyeshem dhe nje problem ende i pazgjidhur ngaqe shkencetaret s'po arrijne te gjejne shkrime te cilat do te klasifikoheshin perfundimisht si ilirike e pasketaj te nisnin zberthimin e tyre per te zbuluar me cilen nga gjuhet e sotme kane ato lidhje, nderkohe pra qe ndodh kjo, ndryshon puna me thrakishten. Prej saj jane zbuluar dhe identifikuar me qindra fjale dhe shkencetaret jane sulur t'u gjejne kuptimin duke perdorur celesa te shumte qe do t'i ndihmonin, duke filluar qe nga greqishtja e vjeter, latinishtja, gjuhet gjermanike, sllave apo edhe ato balltike apo indishtja. Krejt rastesisht zbulova nje fjalorth thrakisht disa dite me pare, te shoqeruar me shpjegimin ne anglisht dhe tentativat per t'u gjetur atyre fjalezave te dashura nga nje te ngjashme ne greqisht, latinisht apo gjuhe te tjera. Ajo qe me beri me shume pershtypje e qe me la pa mend, ishte afria e tyre e pabesueshme me gjuhen tone. Per nje moment, ndersa isha duke i qemtuar, ndala dhe mendova: mos ndoshta e gjetem celesin? Mos ndoshta teksa per vite me rradhe e kemi quajtur me kot veten ilire, ne te vertete jemi pasardhes te thrakasve te lavdishem? Te atij kombi qe popullonte tere territoret e sotme te Rumanise, Bullgarise, Serbise, Maqedonise e Greqise Verilindore? Te atij kombi qe mendohet se gjuhen e te cilit fliste Aleksandri i Madh e sipas te ciles edhe Maqedonia e lashte quhej "Emathia" (Ne shqip: E madhja) dhe jo MAQEDHONIA sic e quanin greket? Kjo ndoshta shpjegon edhe ngjashmerine habitshme qe verehet mes shume fjaleve te rumanishtes paralatine me shqipen e sotme (psh. kodru - kodra, moazi - mezi, fundi - fundi, etj)
Por cfare te kete ndodhur me iliret? Ndoshta kur sllavet u dynden me miliona ne Ballkan duke u zvogeluar hapesiren fillimisht thrakasve, keta te fundit u mbivendosen mbi iliret duke u perzier me ta e se fundi duke i asimiluar derisa me ne fund, pas shume shekujsh prej kesaj ngjarjeje erdhem edhe ne, shqiptaret? Kjo mund te jete e vertete duke ditur se dyndjet sllave dhe zhvendosjet e popullsive nuk kane ndodhur brenda ores, dites, apo vitit, por ato kane qene procese te ngadalta e te pandjeshme per te cilat jane dashur te kalojne shekuj me radhe. Me poshte po ju riprodhoj pjese nga fjalorthi thrakas ne fjale, se bashku me perkthimet e mundshme ne anglisht, gjuhe te tjera dhe shqip.
Ju faleminderit.
an(a) - ‘at, on’ - [Avest. ana ‘along’, Greek aná ‘at, along’, Goth. ana ‘at, towards’] - ANE, KRAH
ala - ‘current, stream’ - [Latv. H Alaja, Lith. ale.ti ‘flooded’] - VALA (E LUMIT)
balios - 'white' - I BARDHE
berga(s) - ‘bank’ - [Old-Icel. berg ‘mountain’, Old-HighGerman berg, German Berg ‘mountain’, Bulgarian brjag ‘bank, coast’] - BREG
bolinthos - ‘wild bull, bison’ - The word is attested in Aristotle, according to whom that animal lived in the Messapian mountain, which separated the country of the Peonians from that of the Maideans (a Thracian tribe inhabiting the middle course of Struma and upper course of Mesta), and that the Peonians called it mónapos. Therefore, bolinthos was a Maidean, that is, a Thracian word. It is compared to the German Bulle ‘bull’ and is derived from the IE *bhun-ent - BUALL
briza - ‘spelt, rye’ - (Gal. de alim. facult. 1, 13/6 p. 514. Kühn). The author (Galen) saw this plant in Thracia and in Macedonia and concluded the word was Thracian. It is very probable. There are several etymologies for this word, that of A. Fick being the most acceptable one. A. Fick relates the Thracian briza to the Old-Ind. vrihi-h, Pers. birinj, Afg. vriz'e ‘rice’, Greek orinda. There is an alternative interpretation: the Thracian bryza is related to the Lith. brizdis ‘ling’, from the stem of the verb brigzti ‘to be torn, to get unraveled’ - ORIZ
bruzas - ‘quick’ - [Lith. bruz'as ‘somebody who runs to and fro’, the Slavic *b@rz@, Bulg. br@z] - BREDHES, VRAPUES
bur, buris (boris) - ‘man’ - BURRE
dero, dur - 'a stockade', [IE *dhwer- 'a door, a gate'] - DERA, GARDHI
douro - 'strong' - [Celt. *duro-] - DURIM, I DURUAR, DURUES, I FORTE
drenis - ‘deer’ - DRERI, DRENI
dumas - ‘dark’ - [Lith. dúmas ‘dark, dark brown (for cattle)’, Latv. dúms ‘dark brown’] - TYM, ERRESIRE
ermas - ‘fierce, mad’ - JERM, CMENDURI; MARREZI
gagila - 'a jackdaw' - GALA
gaidrus, gaidrys, gaidri(s) - ‘bright, clear’ - [Lith. gaidrus ‘bright, clear (cloudless)’, Greek phaidrós ‘shining, bright, cheerful’]- NDRIS, SHNDRIS, BEJ DRITE
iet(e)r (=jeter-) - ‘quick, agile’ - [Old-HighGerman átar ‘quick’, Latv. atrs ‘quick’] - I HEDHUR
iúras (=júras) - ‘water, river’ - [Lith. júra ‘a sea’, Old-Nord. úr ‘drizzle’] - UJE, UJRA
kel(l)a ‘a spring’ - [Old-HighGerman quella, German Quelle ‘a spring’] - RRJEDHA
ketri-, ketre- ‘four’ - [IE *kwetwores, Greek tetra ‘four’, Cymr. pedry- ‘four-fold’, Lith. keturi, Latv. c'etri, Bulg. c'etiri ‘four’] - KATRA, KATER
kik - ‘live, agile’ - [Anglo-Saxon cwicu, Old-Nord. kvikr, kykr ‘live, agile’, Engl. quick] - IK, QE IKEN, QE IK, Q'IK
knisa(s) - ‘eroded place’ - [Lith. knisti ‘to dig’] - GRRYES, GNYES
laza (-as) - ‘clearing (in forest), glade’ - [Serbo-Croat läz ‘clearing’, Russ. laz ‘animal pathway to a river (lake)’, lazina 'clearing’] - LAJ
lingas - ‘depression, meadow’ [Lith. lénge ‘low land’, PN Linge, Bulg. long ‘meadow’] - LUGINE, LUG
mér - ‘large, great’ - [IE *mér-, Church Slavic personal name Vladi-mer@, Old-HighGerman Volk-már, Hlodo-már, Old-Icel. már ‘big’] - MADH, I MADH
mezéna - ‘a horseman’ 'stallion' - [Roman. (substrat) mînz ‘stallion’] - MEZ, KALE I VOGEL
mukas - ‘moss, mould’ - [Old-HighGerman, Anglo-Saxon mos ‘moss, swamp’, German Moss ‘moss’, Church-Slav. m@h@ ‘moss’, Lith. musai, pl. ‘mould on yoghourt’] - MYK
pala - ‘swamp, bog’ - [Lith. palios, pl. ‘big swamp. bog’, Latv. pal,as, pal,i ‘swampy banks of a lake’, Latin palus ‘lake’] - BALTA
para, phara - ‘settlement, village’, marketplace [from the IE *(s)porá as ‘village’] - FARA, FISI
pauta(s) pavtas - ‘foam’ or ‘foaming’ - [Old-Pruss. RN Pauta, Lith. puta ‘foam’, putóti ‘to foam’, Latv. putas ‘foam’] - PESHTYMA
per, pir - ‘boy, son’ - [Lat. puer ‘child, boy, son’] - BIR
pinon - 'a drink' - [IE *poi-, *pi- 'to drink', Latin pibo 'I drink', Slavic *piti 'to drink'] - PI
pras - (resp. *praus-) ‘to wash, to splash, to bedew’ - [Lith. prausti ‘to wash, to sprinkle’, Latv. prauslat ’to splash, to besprinkle’, Old-Ind. prusnó'ti ‘to splash’] - PRASHIT
puris, poris, por, pyris, pyros, pyr - ‘son, boy’ - [Latin pure ‘child, boy, son’ in Latin PN Marci-por, Nae-por, óli-por, Etr. nei-pur, naei-purs] - BIR
pusinas, pisinas - ‘spruce forest, pine forest’ - [Lith. pušynas ‘spruce forest’ from pušis ‘pine, spruce’] - PYLL PISHASH, PISHNAJE
raka(s) - ‘eroded place, a gully’ - [Lith. rakti ‘to burrow’] - GRYKA
ramus - ‘quiet, calm’ - [Lith. ramus ‘quiet’, Old-Ind. rámate ‘to stay quiet, to rest’] - I RAME, I SHTRIRE, NE GJUME, I QETE
rera - ‘stones, stony ground’, 'sandy' - (from an earlier *lera) - RERA
romfea - 'an arrow, a staff, a thunder' - RRUFEJA
skapt - ‘to dig’ [Lith. skaptúoti ‘to cut, to carve (in wood)’, Greek skápto ‘to dig’] - HAPT, HAP, GERMOJ
strumá, strumón - ‘current, river’ - [Old-HighGerman stroum, German Strom ‘current’ river’, Lith. sraumuo, -ens ‘fast current’, srúti (srúvu, dial. srúnu) ‘to fill with water’ and ‘to flow, to outflow the banks (for a river)’] - SHKUMA, SHKUMON, (PREJ KENDEJ VJEN EDHE EMRI SHKUMBIN PER LUMIN ME TE NJEJTIN EMER, SI DHE NJE SERE TOPONIMESH TE SLLAVIZUARA NEPER BALLKAN, psh. STRUMA; STRUMICA, etj)
titha - ‘light, radiance’ - [Greek titó' ‘morning glow; morning, day’] - DITA, DITE
traus - ‘to break, to crumble’ - [Lith. traušti ‘to break, to crumble’, traušus ‘brittle’, the Latv. trauss, trausls ‘brittle, fragile’, Old-Russ. troh@ ‘lazy; sad’] - THERMOJ, THERMUES
tri - 'three' - [IE *treyes, Greek *thría 'three'] - TRI, TRE
tund - ‘to push, to knock’ - TUND, LEVIZ, SHTYJ
udra(s) - ‘otter’ - [IE *wed-, *wod-, Old-Ind. udráh ‘water animal’, Avest. udra- ‘otter’, Greek hydros, Old-HighGerman ottar, Lith. údra, Bulg. vidra ‘otter’] - LUNDRA
upula 'apple?''plum?' [IE *amlu-, *samlu- 'apple'] - KUMBULLA
zbarul - ‘light (noun); shining’ - [Lith. z'iburys ‘light’ (noun)’] - E ZBARDHUR, ZBARDHJA, AGIMI
zenis, zenés - ‘born, born in’ - [=genes in the Greek personal name of Dio=génes, from the IE *g'en- ‘to give birth’ in the Old-Latin geno ‘to produce, to give birth’] - I ZENE, I NGJIZUR
Z(e)i - ‘god’ - [shortened from ziu-, zia- and similar, IE *deiwo- 'sky god', Greek Zeus] - ZOT (DUKE U SHPJEGUAR ME NE FUND PSE EDHE FJALA GREKE 'ZEUS' VJEN NGA SHQIPJA 'ZE-ES' dmth, BUCITES, ME SHUME ZE)
zvaka(s) - ‘bright, white’ - [Lith. z'vake. ‘light (noun)’] - FLAKA