Mobile with solar power from LG

Mobile with solar power from LG


LG in its new phone GD510 mobile users will offer the possibility of integrating solar çelive the battery cover. With this, this phone has become the ideal for people who are aware of the environment and users to save energy.</p>

GD510 Pop LG phone falls in the category of medium, which means that users will not be able to browse the Internet via WiFi networks or in the large velocities that offers third generation (3G) and size. Greater speeds with which the phone accessed the Internet are those which allows the EDGE protocol.</p>

Visually, this phone gives the impression of a much more expensive equipment. For this, first of all, big screen merited is sensitive to touch with three inches diagonal and 240 x 400 pixels resolution. Mobile has also photoaparat digital three-Megapixel resolution and eight gigabytes of internal memory.</p>

Phone should be out on sale in October with the price currently unknown, the unknown that will cost even the addition of solar layer which will be placed in the back of the phone.</p>
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