miss miss miss


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miss miss miss

n'vendin e elefantave, n'tajlande, asht zgedhe miss jumbo. n'ket gare s'ka me rrejt: s'bajne pune fjalet prekse qi don me e pshtue boten, qi don me punue per fmijte, s'ka me kajte, por duhesh me e hanger nji pule t'pjekne per 10 minuta...

kurse, n'lituani asht majte gara per me e zgedhe miss burgun. disa prej gocave (edhepse ma t'forta se shume burra) jane deklarue qi per t'paren here e kane ndje veten femen. u ba mire qi gjysmefinalistet s'jane kape per flokesh e me u rrehe per me e marre kunoren...


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Re: miss miss miss

Erotic Dance Challenges the Norms in Liberal Indonesia

What has concerned some in Indonesia is Inul’s “Ngebor” dance, which roughly translates to “drilling”. This style of dance has sparked condemnation from some members of the local Ulema. The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) has advised Inul to repent her ways and to put an end to her “devilish” dancing. They say her dancing style and clothing is haram (Islamically forbidden) and immoral.

http://www.islamonline.net/English/artculture /2003/02/article12.shtml