Mini N97 in October
For a long time in Sony did not want or to prove that something exists, the price now also known as the date of presentation for sale. </p>
Although since May Nokian N97 comes to mini, small version and elaborate Nokia N97 which now can be found recently in Kosovo, yesterday at Nokia World event held in Stuttgart in Germany, Sony officially confirmed emergence of this equipment.
For a centimeter smaller than the standard N97 model, there is a little different keyboard and only eight gigabytes of memory integrated (N97 has 32 gigabytes), and equal opportunity fotoaparat the same as his brother greater.</p>
The sale comes in October, while the price will be 450</p>
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Although since May Nokian N97 comes to mini, small version and elaborate Nokia N97 which now can be found recently in Kosovo, yesterday at Nokia World event held in Stuttgart in Germany, Sony officially confirmed emergence of this equipment.
For a centimeter smaller than the standard N97 model, there is a little different keyboard and only eight gigabytes of memory integrated (N97 has 32 gigabytes), and equal opportunity fotoaparat the same as his brother greater.</p>
The sale comes in October, while the price will be 450</p>
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