Microsoft presents new video service
What we have once known as MSN Video has emerged with new look and name Bing Video. Besides changing the name, video service, Microsoft has undergone some cosmetic changes and formal.</p>
Microsoft Bing Video will offer visitors video materials placed earlier on MSN Video, but also those from service Hulu, ABC, FOX and the like, while according to official sources, their number would be higher than 300.</p>
From Microsoft point out that more than 80 percent of Internet users are looking for video content, and each of them sees a monthly basis on average eight hours of video material. On Tabor therefore the software giant has decided to offer a choice of video quality Contents and manner of seeing their quality.</p>
One of Bing Video service innovation is the way of seeing the lights dim appointed, in which case all the content, but video material which the user sees, is troubled, to stress the desired video material.</p></p>
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What we have once known as MSN Video has emerged with new look and name Bing Video. Besides changing the name, video service, Microsoft has undergone some cosmetic changes and formal.</p>
Microsoft Bing Video will offer visitors video materials placed earlier on MSN Video, but also those from service Hulu, ABC, FOX and the like, while according to official sources, their number would be higher than 300.</p>
From Microsoft point out that more than 80 percent of Internet users are looking for video content, and each of them sees a monthly basis on average eight hours of video material. On Tabor therefore the software giant has decided to offer a choice of video quality Contents and manner of seeing their quality.</p>
One of Bing Video service innovation is the way of seeing the lights dim appointed, in which case all the content, but video material which the user sees, is troubled, to stress the desired video material.</p></p>
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