Me kane prekur


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Re: Me kane prekur

People will probably be shocked that I have chosen not to remain silent, given what I did and that it was thought I benefited from being declared unfit to plead.
Had I not benefited from this decision, I would have had to appear in court and answer charges.
This book represents the response I would have otherwise have been obliged to give. All I ask is that I be allowed to give it now as I would have been compelled to in those circumstances.
I realize, of course, that what I am attempting to express here conforms neither to the nature nor the rules of court appearance. The fact that I was not and will never be tried in due and proper manner does, however, lead me to wonder if what I have to say will not render me more vulnerable to the judgement the public is free to make. But this is what I wish to happen. It is my fate, in seeking to allay one fear, to arouse countless others.


What follows, down to the last detail, is my precise memory of those events, forever engraved on my mind through all my suffering. I shall describe what happened-between two zones of darkness, the unknown one from which I was emerging and the one I was about to enter. Here is the scene of murder just as I experienced it.
Suddenly I was up and and in my dressing-gown at the foot of my bed in my flat at the Ecole normale. The grey light of a November morning – it was almost nine o’clock on Sunday the sixteenth – filtered through the tall window to the left, on to the end of the bed. The window was framed by a pair f very old Empire red curtains which had hung there a long time, tattered with age and burnt by the sun.
Hélène, also in a dressing-gown, lay before me on her back.
Her pelvis was resting on the edge of the bed, her legs dangled on the carpet.
Kneeling beside her, leaning across her body, I was massaging her neck. I would often silently massage the nape of her neck and her back. I had learnt the technique as a prisoner-of-war from little Clerc, a professional footballer who was an expert at all sorts of things.
But on this occasion I was massaging the front of her neck. I pressed my thumbs into the hollow at the top of her breastbone and then, still pressing, slowly moved them both, one to the left, the other to the right, up towards her ears where the flesh was hard. I continued massaging her in a V-shape. The muscles in my forearms began to feel very tired; I was aware that they always did when I was massaging.
Hélène’s face was calm and motionless; her eyes were open and staring at the ceiling.
Suddenly I was terror-struck. Her eyes stared interminably, and I noticed the tip of her tongue was showing between her teeth and lips, strange and still.
I had seen dead bodies before, of course, but never looked into the face of someone who had been strangled. Yet I knew she had been strangled. But how? I stood up and screamed ‘I’ve strangled Hélène!’
In a state of total panic, I rushed out of the flat and ran full pelt down the narrow staircase with its iron handrail into the front courtyard enclosed by tall iron gates. I kept running towards the sick-bay where I knew I would find Dr. Étienne who lived on the first floor. As it was Sunday and the École was half empty and people were still asleep, I met no one. I climbed the stairs four at a time, still screaming: ‘I’ve strangled Hélène!’
I knocked violently on the doctor’s door. He opened it at last, also wearing a dressing-gown; he looked bewildered. I kept on screaming that I had strangled Hélène and pulled him by the collar of his dressing-gown insisting he come and see her, otherwise I would burn the École down. Étienne did not believe me, saying ‘It’s not possible.
We hurried back down and then, all at once, the two of us were standing over Hélène. Her eyes were staring as before and the tip of her tongue was still visible between her lips and teeth. Étienne felt her heart and pulse and said: ‘There’s nothing to be done. It’s too late.’ I said: ‘Can’t she be revived?’ ‘No.’
At that point Étienne asked me to excuse him for a moment or two and left me alone. Later I realized he must have telephoned the Director, the hospital, the police station, and so on. I waited, shaking incessantly.
The long, worn-out curtains hung in tatters on each side of the window – the one on the right brushing against the bottom of the bed. I recalled seeing our friend Jacques Martin in his tiny bedroom in the Sixteenth District. He was found dead one day in August 1964 and had been stretched out on his bed for several days. On his chest lay the long stem of a scarlet rose. It was a silent message from beyond the grave to the two of us who had been his friends for twenty years, a reminder of Beloyannis. At that moment I took a ribbon of curtain and without tearing it placed it diagonally across Hélène’s chest, from her right shoulder to her left breast.
Étienne returned, and from that point on everything was confused. I seem to remember him giving me an injection and following him back through my office where someone (I do not know who) was removing books I had borrowed from the École library. Étienne spoke about hospital. I sank into darkness. I ‘woke up’ in Sainte-Anne’s Hospital, I am not sure when.

Marre nga "The future lasts forever - A Memoir" Louis Althusser


Valoris scriptorum
Re: Me kane prekur

11 November, 1912

Fräulein Felice!

I am now going to ask you a favor which sounds quite crazy, and which I should regard as such, were I the one to receive the letter. It is also the very greatest test that even the kindest person could be put to. Well, this is it:

Write to me only once a week, so that your letter arrives on Sunday -- for I cannot endure your daily letters, I am incapable of enduring them. For instance, I answer one of your letters, then lie in bed in apparent calm, but my heart beats through my entire body and is conscious only of you. I belong to you; there is really no other way of expressing it, and that is not strong enough. But for this very reason I don't want to know what you are wearing; it confuses me so much that I cannot deal with life; and that's why I don't want to know that you are fond of me. If I did, how could I, fool that I am, go on sitting in my office, or here at home, instead of leaping onto a train with my eyes shut and opening them only when I am with you? Oh, there is a sad, sad reason for not doing so. To make it short: My health is only just good enough for myself alone, not good enough for marriage, let alone fatherhood. Yet when I read your letter, I feel I could overlook even what cannot possibly be overlooked.

If only I had your answer now! And how horribly I torment you, and how I compel you, in the stillness of your room, to read this letter, as nasty a letter as has ever lain on your desk! Honestly, it strikes me sometimes that I prey like a spectre on your felicitous name! If only I had mailed Saturday's letter, in which I implored you never to write to me again, and in which I gave a similar promise. Oh God, what prevented me from sending that letter? All would be well. But is a peaceful solution possible now? Would it help if we wrote to each other only once a week? No, if my suffering could be cured by such means it would not be serious. And already I foresee that I shan't be able to endure even the Sunday letters. And so, to compensate for Saturday's lost opportunity, I ask you with what energy remains to me at the end of this letter: If we value our lives, let us abandon it all.

Did I think of signing myself Dein? No, nothing could be more false. No, I am forever fettered to myself, that's what I am, and that's what I must try to live with.


/pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif :confused: :confused: :confused:

Kafka first met Felice Bauer in 1912; for five years they pursued a tempestuous and ultimately unfulfilled love affair.


Forumium maestatis
Re: Me kane prekur

dhe ky loti ne te cilin mbytem...

bukur! kenge a poezi? hi /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Me kane prekur

Fol shqip!

Shkrimi eshte te koshi, kur te vendosesh ta sjellesh te perkthyer mund ta rrisjellim ketu origjinalin.



Primus registratum
Re: Me kane prekur

C'e do te ta perktheje! Me mire qe s'e di cfare shkruhet.. /pf/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif Ore Blendi jo gjera turpe ketu, se ke erosin per kete shkrim /pf/images/graemlins/angel.gif

ps. Cfare kishte per te te prekur ketu?


Primus registratum
Re: Me kane prekur

Qekur hynka erosi tek 'gjerat turpe' apo tabute?

Me kane prekur,sinqerisht. /pf/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Me kane prekur

po he ore ma perkthe se jam shume kurioze ku te kan prekur dhe si?


Re: Me kane prekur

Me fal por qenke vetem ti qe s'e kuptoke.
Une per vete u preka nga kjo histori 'menage a trois' /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif Blendo, me kshu gjonash merresh ti? lol


Primus registratum
Re: Me kane prekur

Me duket se Blendi e ka kuptuar gabim titullin e kesaj teme. Titulli eshte "me kane prekur..." dhe jo "jam prekur me.." /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif

Re: Me kane prekur

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
sofia jam i sigurt se shkrimet e tua jan shume prekese dhe te bukura po ka mundesi shkruaji ne shqip se smora vesh gje un... /pf/images/graemlins/eek.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Shiu, eshte ankuar qe ne vitin 2002, per dicka qe po ankoheni ju sot, por askush s´ja ka vene veshin.

Ndaj, ashtu sic i kane kuptuar te tjeret shkrimet e faqes se pare, le te vazhdojme ti kuptojme edhe te faqes se dyte.

Pastaj dhe une kur lexoj "Me kane prekur", te prekja ne kuptimin e drejte te fjales, me shkon mendja.. /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

Ah, "Me ka mallengjyyyyyyer" eshte dicka tjeter.

Daniel H

Primus registratum
Re: Me kane prekur

Dhe une thashe se ka prek ndonje... hunden, /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif por qe te ishin prekje shpirterore kete s'ma merrte mendja. /pf/images/graemlins/cry.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Me kane prekur

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
Fol shqip!

[/ QUOTE ]
"Una palabra no dice nada
y al mismo tiempo lo esconde todo
igual que el viento que esconde el agua
como las flores que esconde el lodo.

Una mirada no dice nada
y al mismo tiempo lo dice todo
como la lluvia sobre tu cara
o el viejo mapa de algún tesoro.

Una verdad no dice nada
y al mismo tiempo lo esconde todo
como una hoguera que no se apaga
como una piedra que nace polvo.

Si un día me faltas no seré nada
y al mismo tiempo lo seré todo
porque en tus ojos están mis alas
y está la orilla donde me ahogo,
porque en tus ojos están mis alas
y está la orilla donde me ahogo."

Duke pare qe nen syrin tend si moderator,kjo teme nuk bie ndesh me rregulloren e ketij forumi,atehere dhe une jam ne rregull deri ketu.
Ti nuk kupton Flamandisht, ndaj ku e gjen sigurine ti qe lajthitjet e postuara pak me lart nga une, mos te jene te Bukowskit? (ndryshe do isha drejtuar tek erosi)

Tema mund te vazhdoje dhe ne gjuhen Greke, perse jo, derisa diskutohohet rreth Kafkes!

Nese ke deshire te merresh me mua te siguroj qe nuk do kaloje shume derisa ti vesh kycin temes.
Ne te kundert mund te me raportosh "per thyerje te rregullores se ketij forumi".