Marredheniet USA -RUSI

Marredheniet USA -RUSI

Jam shum kurioz ta di qe:a kane keto dy superfuqi ndonje pike bashkimi?
Ose me sakte:ekziston mundesia qe keto te dyja te bashkepunojne ne ndonje pike(perjashto ndonje fluturim qiellor me nga dy-tre veta ne bord /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif )?
Ceshtja Checheni ,sic e dime te gjithe,eshte ba Kurban per Bajram me kohe!Sidomos Evropa nuk do tia dije per Chechenine(pervec ca Grüne Partei /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif ).
Mua me bien ne sy nganjehere levizjet e Putinit(politikisht)i cili me nje inat feminor(dhe pa piken e diplomacise)kerkon te marre ne dore ndikimin ne vendet arabe,por e ben me aq amatorizem saqe (Evropianet e kane kuptuar me kohe kete)bie ne sy edhe tek ne amatoret e vegjel te politikes "rajonale" /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif .
Sikur USA te behej pak me elastike ndaj Rusise besoj shume shpejt Rusia do behej aleatja me e madhe e USA!! /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Marredheniet USA -RUSI

Sikur te kishte qofte edhe nje gjobe te vogel per budallalleqet qe mund te postoje ndonje njeri ketu ne Alb-Forum, atehere Yrysh-trimi duhej te ndeshkohej me burgim te perjetshem!
Po mos u shqetsoni, kohet po afrohen, Jankite e dashur dhe te adhuruar te Yryshit kane filluar te leshojne gjoba edhe ........pulave qe nuk respektojne semaforin e kuq ne kryqezim.
Mos u cudisni, ja artkulli i AFP!

Source: AP
Published: May 9, 2005

May 9, 8:46 AM EDT

Chicken Ticketed for Crossing the Road

RIDGECREST, Calif. (AP) -- Linc and Helena Moore may have finally learned the answer to that age-old question: Why did the chicken cross the road? Because the chicken doesn't know jaywalking is illegal.

Kern County Sheriff's Deputy J. Nicholson does know, however. The deputy issued a ticket on March 26 to one of the couple's chickens for impeding traffic on a road in Johannesburg, a rural mining community southeast of Ridgecrest.

The Moores arrived in Superior Court on Friday to plead not guilty to their chicken's alleged transgression. A trial was scheduled for May 16.

Nicholson has declined to discuss the matter, but sheriff's Sgt. Francis Moore said chickens on the roadway have been a problem in the community of 50 residents. Officials didn't believe it could be resolved by simply issuing the couple a warning.

"Sometimes you have to let people talk to the judge," Moore said.

The chicken's owners say they believe they were cited because they were among several people who complained that sheriff's deputies haven't done enough to control off-road vehicle riders who damage roads and create dust and noise in their neighborhood.

Sheriff's officials say that isn't so, adding they are doing what they can to keep off-roaders away from the area's homes.

"The chicken thing has nothing to do with the motorcycle thing," Moore said.


Primus registratum
Re: Marredheniet USA -RUSI

Yrysh! Hiq dore nga naivitetet dhe budallalleqet ne Alb-Forum se Duti ka blere cengele te rinj dhe i mjeri ti pastaj......
Shiko koleget e tu se si kane perfunduar......


Mos ja ka dhene baba me tapi Lindjen e Mesme Bushit apo padroneve te tij cifute gje?
A po Zoti u ka thene cifuteve qe.......
Sikur Iraku, Siria e Irani te kishin ca mjete me te pershtatshme per tu mbrojtur ndoshta Jankite nuk do ishin aq te zellshem per te "perhapur demokraci"!
Hajduti dhe banditi kur te shohin me kallash nuk e marrin guximit te te grabisin portofolin (per te miren tende kuptohet)!


Primus registratum
Re: Marredheniet USA -RUSI

Anetares,shifi gjerat pak me teper politikisht dhe jo me ordiner-llek /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif .
Thuji gjerat ashtu sic i mendo ti,mos ke frike :tipsy:


Primus registratum
Re: Marredheniet USA -RUSI

Shume faleminderit per inkurajimin Orosh, tani ndihem me i qete dhe nuk kam edhe aq shume frike.
Te premtoj se do bej si thua ti..... :devil:


Primus registratum
Re: Marredheniet USA -RUSI

Fillimisht postuar nga antares:
[qb] Shume faleminderit per inkurajimin Orosh, tani ndihem me i qete dhe nuk kam edhe aq shume frike.
Te premtoj se do bej si thua ti..... :devil: [/qb]
O plako,besoj qe eshte shume me rendesi marredheniet/bashkpunimi ndermjet dy superfuqive,tjeter pune sa jemi ne te zotet ta analizojme nje gja te till!
Politika elastike Evropiane po me tmerron pak,e kane lene anash krejt USA-n :cry: ,jo se eshte hera e pare qe Evropianet do zhgenjeheshin nga Kaukezo-Siberezet /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif ,por....USA mund te beje ndonje aleance me ndonje tjeter,si Pakistanin/Indine/Brazilin/Filipinet e Indonezine!Merre me mend atehere :confused:


Primus registratum
Re: Marredheniet USA -RUSI

E pate viziten e bushit ne Gjeorgji ku lavderoi rrezimin e qeverise pro Ruse vitin e kaluar.Ky nga shume analiste ketej u shikua si nje mesazh per Putinin qe te ule nje cike hunden ndaj dhe ka shume mundesi te mos jene ne nje rruge shume vellazerore keto dy vende.


Primus registratum
Re: Marredheniet USA -RUSI

Disa Republika Kaukaze jane tashme ne duart/ndikimin Amerikan,Putini ska cfar te thote ne keto vende!
Ukraina ne momentin e fundit devijoi dhe u drejtua nga BE-ja(desh e hengren per pak /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif ).
Putini le te mbaje ato akullnajat se andej nga Jugu,atje ku vlo toka nga nafta,tashme Putineria ka deshtu!


Primus registratum
Re: Marredheniet USA -RUSI

Loja eshte e hapur Yrysh, qesh mire ai qe qesh i fundit.....
Ariu ka pare shume ne kete bote, bile dhe gjigande te tipit te Napoleonit e jo me perandori me pare borxh qe vene kujen kur u vriten 1000 ushtare...


Primus registratum
Re: Marredheniet USA -RUSI

Me sa duket ruset po bejne gati formalitetin per spiunet e amerikes - NGO!
Ndoshta nuk mund te rihapen kampet e Siberise per keta spiune dhe tradhetare, po te pakten mund te qeroheshin ashtu pa u ndjere......
Sapo kishin dale nga nje takim me padronin e tyre Bushin.......

Russia Says It Uncovers U.S. Spy Activity

Associated Press Writer

MOSCOW (AP) -- Russia has uncovered U.S., British, Kuwaiti and Saudi spy activity that was being conducted under the cover of non-governmental organizations, the head of the national security agency said Thursday.

Federal Security Service chief Nikolai Patrushev also suggested that foreign governments are using NGOs to fund and support changes of power in former Soviet republics.

Patrushev told parliament that his agency, which is known by its Russian acronym FSB and is the main successor to the Soviet KGB, has prevented espionage operations by the United States, Britain, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.

His comments came two days after President Bush visited Georgia, site of the "Rose Revolution" 18 months ago that marked the start of a wave of uprisings against entrenched leaders in ex-Soviet republics.
"The activity by these states was conducted by non-governmental organizations working in Russia," Patrushev said. He did not name any organizations or give details about the alleged spying.

Patrushev, who is considered a close ally of President Vladimir Putin - a longtime KGB officer and former FSB chief - said "foreign intelligence services are using nontraditional methods" along with classic spying techniques.

"Lobbying of the interests of foreign states and information-gathering are conducted under the cover of various humanitarian and educational programs," he said.

Patrushev reiterated claims by Russian officials who have accused the United States and other Western nations of using NGOs to aid opposition forces that have brought down governments in other ex-Soviet republics. The "Rose Revolution" was followed by an uprising followed in Ukraine, then in Kyrgyzstan.

"Our opponents are steadily and persistently trying to weaken Russian influence in the Commonwealth of Independent States and the international arena as a whole," Patrushev said. "The latest events in Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan unambiguously confirm this."

Patrushev suggested Russia believes the next Western target is Moscow ally Belarus, where U.S. officials have not masked their disgust at authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko and have called for free elections next year.

He said that "according to certain information, more than $5 million has been earmarked by non-governmental organizations for financing future elections," and claimed there were efforts to bring Ukrainians who protested the former government during last year's "Orange Revolution" to foment change in Belarus.

The FSB routinely claims to have uncovered spying by foreign countries, including the United States, but Patrushev's remarks in the lower parliament house came days after Putin and Western leaders, including Bush, celebrated unity during commemorations of the 60th anniversary of the Allied victory over Nazi Germany. Putin also reached a new agreement this week deepening cooperation with the European Union.

Patrushev's statement was the latest from a top official assailing civil society groups, which Putin criticized last year as often being more interested in foreign funding than in helping the Russian people.

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Primus registratum
Re: Marredheniet USA -RUSI

Ore plako,Gorbatjov nuk shef me Rusia,ky anemiku i ka ditet e numeruara,Shirak e Schroder nuk do udheheqin gjithmone ,te tjere me pak pro-Ruse do marrin frenat e Evropes ne dore!


Primus registratum
Re: Marredheniet USA -RUSI

....Dhe ti bejne shurren baces pastaj. Ku do ta gjejne naften? A po, do ja blene Jankive aq sa do Amerika dhe me cmimin qe do Amerika.
Te ishin te gjithe burrat e shtetit te Europes si ti Yrysh......Europa do dyndej me gomone per ne Arnautistan e jo anasjelltas.


Primus registratum
Re: Marredheniet USA -RUSI

Fillimisht postuar nga antares:
[qb] ....Dhe ti bejne shurren baces pastaj. Ku do ta gjejne naften? A po, do ja blene Jankive aq sa do Amerika dhe me cmimin qe do Amerika.
Te ishin te gjithe burrat e shtetit te Europes si ti Yrysh......Europa do dyndej me gomone per ne Arnautistan e jo anasjelltas. [/qb]
Mos ki frike,bizneset/marrdhanjet ekonomike nuk prishen kurre,kjo eshte e bukura ne vendet Perendimore.
Politika eshte e ndare nga ekonomia(sigurisht,jo tek te majtet).
NUk e kuptoj se cfare shikon tek Rusia ti?


Primus registratum
Re: Marredheniet USA -RUSI

Sigurisht Rusia nuk mbetet pa shitur nafte ne cdo rast mor qyp..... Kina e India jane shume te gatshme ta blene naften Ruse dhe me cmime goxha te mira....
Prandaj them "beji shurren baces". kerkesa eshte me e madhe se oferta prandaj ata qe bejne kerkesen duhet te jene te kujdesshem me ate qe zoteron kete lende strategjike. Ne fund te fundit c'kerkon Rusia? Te depozitoje bomba atomike ne Europe (sic ka bere e ben Daj Sami?) Jo, ata duhan thjesht te jene zoter ne shtepine e tyre babush!


Primus registratum
Re: Marredheniet USA -RUSI

Fillimisht postuar nga antares:
[qb] Sigurisht Rusia nuk mbetet pa shitur nafte ne cdo rast mor qyp..... Kina e India jane shume te gatshme ta blene naften Ruse dhe me cmime goxha te mira....
Prandaj them "beji shurren baces". kerkesa eshte me e madhe se oferta prandaj ata qe bejne kerkesen duhet te jene te kujdesshem me ate qe zoteron kete lende strategjike. Ne fund te fundit c'kerkon Rusia? Te depozitoje bomba atomike ne Europe (sic ka bere e ben Daj Sami?) Jo, ata duhan thjesht te jene zoter ne shtepine e tyre babush! [/qb]
Ore filorus,ti sikur me pa mbaru shkollen ne Rusi ne vitin 1957 :tipsy: .
Politika Putan-iste eshte e destinuar te deshtoje nqs vjen e djathta Kristiane ne qeverine Gjermane!!
Ruset po hane akoma buke nga markat Gjermane!!
Ku e ka Rusia naften?Ne veri apo ne Jug?
Cfare po ngjet me Jugun?
E kupto qe Amerikanet ja kane fillu duke ngrene torten anash /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif .
E din ate punen e vizave me Ukrainen(vizat Gjermane)300 mije viza nga e majta/Grünet.
Majtistet e dreqit akoma e shofin Rusine si nanen e kuqe te tyren!


Primus registratum
Re: Marredheniet USA -RUSI

Or trangull i hidhur! Nese do te linte Rusia qe politika e amdhe gjeostrategjike te varej nja zgjedhjet parlamentare gjermane atehere po....
Duke degjuar e thene dokrra ke filluar ti besosh edhe vete ato, e kam fjalen per ate qe Rusia po u mbajtka me "markat" gjermane.....
Rusia sapo beri marrveshjen me klubin e kreditoreve per pagesen e parakoheshme te 14 miljard dollareve.
Eshte ironike po gjendja ekonimiko-financiare e Rusise eshte shume shume me e shendeteshme se sa e Daj-Samit tend te dashur qe aktualisht eshte superfuqi ne borxh dhe parazitizem!
Trangull! Gjermania ka vite qe nuk e ka me marken po punon me Euro!


Primus registratum
Re: Marredheniet USA -RUSI

Heeee,kane qene markat atehere kur i jane dhan paret Rusise(pranaj thashe edhe une,me dy kuptime,po ku merr vesht ti) :goofy: .
Po me tregon mu ti dollarez Canadez se cfar eshte tani ne Gjermani /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif .
Rusia(sidomos kjo e putanes Putin)nuk ka politike ekonomike afatgjata,nuk kane mundesine qe t'i bejne!
Nqs ne Evrope bie pro-rusizmi,ne Rusi ka per t'u vu diktature plako!!


Re: Marredheniet USA -RUSI

Rusia(sidomos kjo e putanes Putin)nuk ka politike ekonomike afatgjata,nuk kane mundesine qe t'i bejne!
Nqs ne Evrope bie pro-rusizmi,ne Rusi ka per t'u vu diktature plako!!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Orosh, a thu ka shku Arben Malaj si ministër ekonomije n'Rusi? Rusia akoma i mbetet besnike programeve të filluara nga Carët mor çun dhe kjo ngaqë që atëherë e dinin se kush ishte e mira për RUSINË. Vendet Europiane kanë leverdi të bashkëpunojnë me Rusinë pasi nuk duan që kjo e fundit të lidhet shumë me Kinën dhe sepse kanë nevojë për eksperiencën Ruse në garën me SH.B.A. Këto dy arsye janë të mjaftueshme besoj që Europa të vazhdojë ta ndihmojë Rusinë aty ku ajo ka nevojë.
Mos harro daje që Rusia mbetet vendi më i madh në botë (që do të thotë shumë) dhe gjendet në portat e Europës.


Primus registratum
Re: Marredheniet USA -RUSI

vendi me i madh ne bote....,po zvogelohet,mos ke merak /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif ,bashkepunim Kine-Rusi nuk mund te kete,Rusise i interesojne vendet e OPEK-ut,njesoj si Amerikes /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif ,por gjithmone ka deshtu,ngaqe politika Amerikane ka qene shum me profesioniste dhe shume me e vendosur se sa ajo e Rusise!
Pastaj kemi nje shkeputje prej 70 vjetesh te Rusise nga politika inteligjente e Careve,(dikush e permendi me siper).
Rusia kurre nuk i ka dhane provat qe mund t'i zgjidhe situatat problematike,as me force e as me diplomaci!
Kudo ka pas deshtime!
Mund te thoni:sepse kudo i kane fut hundet Amerikanet,epo normalisht qe do fusim hundet ne /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif ,e doni te shtruar rrugen ju? /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif