Mamiya DM22 and DM28 DSLR

Mamiya DM22 and DM28 DSLR


If you deal with professional photographs that even if you have money or abundant, Mamiya has developed two extremely photoaparats professional DSLR, Mamiya DM22 and DM28 models.</p>

Fotoaparats coming from 22 Megapixel CMOS sensor (DM22) and 28 Megapixels (DM28), with 16 bit for true color pleasure.</p>

In background is large LCD screen with dimensions of 6 x 7 cm. However, as we said, big problem is price, because to have to separate these devices must first fat: Mamiya DM22 costs 9995 dollars, 14,990 dollars while Mamiya DM28.</p>


Fotoaparats will be found on sale in November this year.</p>
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