Kunder Helsinkit; Tokat vakef te konfiskohen

Kunder Helsinkit; Tokat vakef te konfiskohen

Tokat Vakef te konfiskohen me sherblim ose me toke tjeter.

Muslims Decry Waqfs’ Land Seizure in Albania

A file photo of the Islamic Sheikhdom in Tirana

By Hani Salah, IOL Correspondent

TIRANA, February 2 (IslamOnline.net) – Albanian Muslims reacted angrily to a law ratified by the parliament allowing land swap or compensation for Muslim bodies which had their endowment lands (waqfs) confiscated during the Communist era.

“The law, which was enacted late January 2005, runs counter to the Helsinki agreement, adopted by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, on the ownership rights,” the Islamic Sheikhdom in Tirana said Tuesday, February 1, in a statement obtained by IslamOnline.net.

The Helsinki agreement bans giving compensation for the confiscation of endowment lands, considered as public property.

Successive Albanian governments eyed Muslim endowments land for its unique and picturesque downtown location, building skyscrapers and parks on them, IOL correspondent says.

A government architectural committee planning the Albanian cities, supervised by Prime Minister Fatos Nano, has decided not to rebuild the ancient Balliasit mosque, which was built during the Ottoman era but destroyed under the Communist yoke.

The government said the mosque’s land would be used as parks and rebuild the mosque on a remote land, which was roundly rejected by the Sheikdom, the highest Islamic body in the country.

In the northern city of Shkodra, the city council decided to build a series of five-star shopping malls on confiscated waqfs, paying no heed to impassioned appeals from the city mufti to return back the Muslim rights.

Waqfs confiscated by the government are stretching across the country in cities such as Elbasan, home to many mosques and historic Islamic fortresses.

The Sheikhdom is currently working to count the confiscated waqfs to press for their return.

Financing Source

Sheikdom deputy chairman Blidar Myftari hit out at the new law, saying it is tailored for tourist projects.

“We want the endowment lands back to rebuild the mosques destroyed during the Communist era,” he said in the Sheikdom’s missive.

He said parks have been built on vast swathes of confiscated waqfs.

Calling for an even-handed treatment, Myftari complained that the government sold some pieces, already designed for parks, to churches over the past few years.

Though Muslims make up a majority of 75 percent of Albania’s 3.2 million population, the country’s president is a Catholic and its prime minister is an Orthodox.

The number of churches in the country also outnumbers that of mosques, which are estimated roughly at 270 out of 1667 established before the Communist era.

“The Sheikhdom is an independent religious body that mainly depends on foreign aid, mostly from Arab and Islamic bodies though it actually owns a lot of [confiscated] waqfs and lands, which all stand idle.”

Myftari added the return of the confiscated waqfs will provide the Islamic body with a permanent financing source instead of waiting eagerly every month for foreign aid.

On the status of the confiscated waqfs, Myftari said bitterly that they have been either leased, sold or ironically given to other parties in compensation.

<img src="/pf/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/pf/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/pf/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/pf/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" />

FcuK the albanian government


Valoris scriptorum
Re: Kunder Helsinkit; Tokat vakef te konfiskohen

Fillimisht postuar nga genci:
Though Muslims make up a majority of 75 percent of Albania’s 3.2 million population, the country’s president is a Catholic and its prime minister is an Orthodox.

The number of churches in the country also outnumbers that of mosques, which are estimated roughly at 270 out of 1667 established before the Communist era.

<img src="/pf/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/pf/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/pf/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/pf/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" />

FcuK the albanian government [/qb]
race e keqe :tipsy:
ps ata q1 shkrujne e lexojne me pasion kto artikuj


Primus registratum
Re: Kunder Helsinkit; Tokat vakef te konfiskohen

Presidenti i Shqiperise nuk asht katolik <img src="/pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
merre me mend se sa informacion kane ata mullaret per shqiperine :tipsy:


Primus registratum
Re: Kunder Helsinkit; Tokat vakef te konfiskohen

Fakti eshte se komuniteteve fetare ne Shqipri u jane konfiskuar padrejtsisht pronat gjate regjimit komunist . Ato prona duhet t'iu kthehen prapa ku eshte e mundeshme dhe ku nuk eshte mundesia per te kthyer pronat , atehere ato duhet te kompensohen me para ose toka te tjera me konsensus midis komunitetit perkates dhe qeverise .
E kjo ne vecanti per komunitetin musliman i cili si me i madhi qe eshte duhet te kete edhe me shume prona ende te pakthyera .

Me sa di une keto kohet e fundit kane qene disa projekte dhe perpjekje per nje gje te tille nga qeveria apo parlamenti , nuk i di ne detaje , por di qe dicka eshte ne rruge per kete pune .

Sa per ate shkrimin e mesiperm ka shume tendenca , te paverteta dhe nuk eshte aspak dashamires per shqiptaret ne pergjithsi qofshin muslimane ,ortodokse apo katolike .


Primus registratum
Re: Kunder Helsinkit; Tokat vakef te konfiskohen

75% e popollsise shqiptare eshte myslimane!! Lum si keta njerez, qe kane bere dhe shkolle, dhe me e forta eshte se marrin dhe para qe te shkruajne budallalliqe.
60% e popullsise eshte me e re se 40 vjeç ne Shqiperi. Nga viti 1968 ne Shqiperi nuk ishte me as kisha e as xhamia e asnje feste fetare e rrjedhimisht pothuajse e gjithe shqiptaret qe ne 1968 ishin femije si dhe ata qe linden me pas u rriten pa fe e kulture fetare. Nje pjese e madhe u shkartisen duke u martuar familje myslimane me familje katolike apo ortodokse, keshtu qe dhe sikur te duam ti veme nje fe femijeve te tyre veshtire se ja gjejme. Pra kur rreth 60% e popullsise eshte e pa fe apo pa kulture fetare, si mund te na dalin 75% mysliman ne Shqiperi?! Do kisha deshire te dija ke ka patur per profesor matematike gazetari qe ka shkruar artikullin, gjithashtu dhe emrin e institutit qe ka dhene keto statistika pasi qeka teper kredibel