Keep Your Ex Your Ex
Your date may ask questions about your former lovers. Don’t presume that they are nosy and prurient they may just be making polite conversation because you have been staring at your shoes for the last fifteen minutes. But neither should you be drawn into this topic of conversation. If they ask you why you broke up, don’t be tempted to start telling them. I know it is been preoccupying your waking and sleeping thoughts for the past year but believe me, it is not healthy for your building romance to talk about your former relationship. Say something like “It was pretty complicated, but i guess in retrospect it wasn’t meant to be. Please excuse me for not wanting to talk about it.” That’s it. Don’t add anything else. You should certainly not praise your ex at length. In short, the less said, the better.</p>
There are those who believe that it is healthy, even advisable to discuss previous boyfriends or girlfriends on a date. The thinking is that by discussing previous relationships you can allow issues within this relationship to be aired. Many people also think that tell them every last little detail because.</p>
1. It makes them jealous, and a little jealousy is always a good thing.
2. It makes you sound incredibly desirable to have had all these previous paramours
3. You can flatter them by always favorably comparing them with your ex.</p>
But this is a terrible mistake. Your date should never be made to feel that he or she has own, or still in some sort of contest, or left feeling you might dump them the minute some newer, better contestant come along. Because lets face it, you probably had intense feelings about most of your former boyfriends or girlfriends. Your date already knows this, presumably the same is true of them. But when you reminisce about former partners, you betray the fact they still occupy your thoughts. Your date will not feel at all flattered by the distinction of being “more special” than all the rest. In fact there is a strong possibility that your date, if he or she has any pride, will refuse to play the comparison game and will become defensive and hostile. However they choose to respond, the end result will be that they will misrepresent themselves and deprive you of the opportunity of getting to know their true self.</p>
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Your date may ask questions about your former lovers. Don’t presume that they are nosy and prurient they may just be making polite conversation because you have been staring at your shoes for the last fifteen minutes. But neither should you be drawn into this topic of conversation. If they ask you why you broke up, don’t be tempted to start telling them. I know it is been preoccupying your waking and sleeping thoughts for the past year but believe me, it is not healthy for your building romance to talk about your former relationship. Say something like “It was pretty complicated, but i guess in retrospect it wasn’t meant to be. Please excuse me for not wanting to talk about it.” That’s it. Don’t add anything else. You should certainly not praise your ex at length. In short, the less said, the better.</p>
There are those who believe that it is healthy, even advisable to discuss previous boyfriends or girlfriends on a date. The thinking is that by discussing previous relationships you can allow issues within this relationship to be aired. Many people also think that tell them every last little detail because.</p>
1. It makes them jealous, and a little jealousy is always a good thing.
2. It makes you sound incredibly desirable to have had all these previous paramours
3. You can flatter them by always favorably comparing them with your ex.</p>
But this is a terrible mistake. Your date should never be made to feel that he or she has own, or still in some sort of contest, or left feeling you might dump them the minute some newer, better contestant come along. Because lets face it, you probably had intense feelings about most of your former boyfriends or girlfriends. Your date already knows this, presumably the same is true of them. But when you reminisce about former partners, you betray the fact they still occupy your thoughts. Your date will not feel at all flattered by the distinction of being “more special” than all the rest. In fact there is a strong possibility that your date, if he or she has any pride, will refuse to play the comparison game and will become defensive and hostile. However they choose to respond, the end result will be that they will misrepresent themselves and deprive you of the opportunity of getting to know their true self.</p>
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