Re: interneti avantazhet dhe disavantezhet etij
30% e studenteve te viteve te para, nuk marrin dot 'nje provim te thjeshte te gjuhes anglisht'. Ky perfundim eshte arritur ne Universitetin e Waterloo. Vjet po kjo statistike ka qene 25%. Detyrat e kursit apo ne pergjithesi te tera punimet akademike jane plot me terma si 'cuz'(because), 'b4'(before), 'str8'(straight), 'wanna'(want to) si dhe me figura *emotikonash*!! Nje nga profesoret u shpreh madje se per nje pjese te madhe te studenteve "presjet jane nje garniture estetike per fjalet qe shperndahen sa per lezet sic ndodh me djathin Parmigiano Regiano". Kurse ne Universitetin "Simon Fraser" ka 10% te studenteve qe nuk jane as ne nivelin e mjaftueshem te kualifikimit per tu futur ne provimet me shkrim. Dhe keto provime jane nga ato provime qe universiteti i ka klasifikuar si Themeltare Baze.
Ne te dyja keto raste, shpjegimi i ketij fenomeni ka qene i njejti: Ndikimi i internetit.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
The Internet norm of ignoring punctuation and capitalization as well as using emoticons may be acceptable in an email to friends and family, but it can have a deadly effect on one's career if used at work.
"It would say to me ... 'well, this person doesn't think very clearly, and they're not very good at analyzing complex subjects, and they're not very good at expressing themselves, or at worse, they can't spell, they can't punctuate,' " [an expert] says. </div></div>