E keni lexuar ? disa nga shkrimet e tij gjenden ketu sdo guxoja te them te gjitha sepse ka shkruar shume e une kam lexuar gati 4 prej shume qe jane , nje nder to ishte The Sacred Yes nuk eshte nevoja ta perkthej sepse e dine cdo te thote,une kete njeri e zbulova ne burg nga nje person i cili i therrisnin profesori sepse rrinte gjithnje me libra ne duar dhe se jashte kishte qene profesor literature,nje dite me ofroi nje liber qe titullohej The Supreme Understanding te cilin nuk e hiqja duarsh ju lutem lexojeni dhe do hpni syte ne shume gjera , nuk dua te zgjatem ne jeten e ketij njeriu sepse ma do mendja qe te gjithe e njihni ( Tantra & Yoga ) .
ps:Librat tek siti jane ne XML une jam ne Ubuntu Linux dhe mu donte ti ktheja ne Word dhe ti rregulloja pak POR JA VLEN
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This article is about the spiritual teacher formerly known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. For other meanings of the word "Osho", please see Osho (disambiguation).
Born 11 December 1931
Kuchwada, India
Died 19 January 1990
Pune, India
Nationality Indian
Movement Jivan Jagruti Andolan; Neo-sannyas
Famous works From Sex to Superconsciousness
My Way, the Way of the White Clouds
The Book of Secrets
Rajneesh Chandra Mohan Jain (रजनीश चन्द्र मोहन जैन) (December 11, 1931 – January 19, 1990), better known during the 1960s as Acharya Rajneesh, then during the 1970s and 1980s as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh and later taking the name Osho, was an Indian spiritual teacher. He lived in India and in other countries including, for a period, the United States, and inspired the Osho movement, a controversial spiritual and philosophical movement that still has many followers.
Ne fytyre duket si Trufator por aparenca ingana /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/Eliterate.gif
E keni lexuar ? disa nga shkrimet e tij gjenden ketu sdo guxoja te them te gjitha sepse ka shkruar shume e une kam lexuar gati 4 prej shume qe jane , nje nder to ishte The Sacred Yes nuk eshte nevoja ta perkthej sepse e dine cdo te thote,une kete njeri e zbulova ne burg nga nje person i cili i therrisnin profesori sepse rrinte gjithnje me libra ne duar dhe se jashte kishte qene profesor literature,nje dite me ofroi nje liber qe titullohej The Supreme Understanding te cilin nuk e hiqja duarsh ju lutem lexojeni dhe do hpni syte ne shume gjera , nuk dua te zgjatem ne jeten e ketij njeriu sepse ma do mendja qe te gjithe e njihni ( Tantra & Yoga ) .
ps:Librat tek siti jane ne XML une jam ne Ubuntu Linux dhe mu donte ti ktheja ne Word dhe ti rregulloja pak POR JA VLEN
Marre ne
This article is about the spiritual teacher formerly known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. For other meanings of the word "Osho", please see Osho (disambiguation).
Born 11 December 1931
Kuchwada, India
Died 19 January 1990
Pune, India
Nationality Indian
Movement Jivan Jagruti Andolan; Neo-sannyas
Famous works From Sex to Superconsciousness
My Way, the Way of the White Clouds
The Book of Secrets
Rajneesh Chandra Mohan Jain (रजनीश चन्द्र मोहन जैन) (December 11, 1931 – January 19, 1990), better known during the 1960s as Acharya Rajneesh, then during the 1970s and 1980s as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh and later taking the name Osho, was an Indian spiritual teacher. He lived in India and in other countries including, for a period, the United States, and inspired the Osho movement, a controversial spiritual and philosophical movement that still has many followers.
Ne fytyre duket si Trufator por aparenca ingana /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/Eliterate.gif