If He Doesnt Call, He Is Not Interested. Period!

If He Doesnt Call, He Is Not Interested. Period!

We know this is hard to accept. We have heard it all every rationalization imaginable used to avoid having to confront this unpleasant truth, he said he was going to call at the end of the last date, but didn’t.  Now you are sure it is because you didn’t smile or talk enough, or you talked too much. You didn’t thank him for dinner. You ordered the most expensive dish and now he thinks you are after his money.</p>

Or he hasn’t called because he is busy, or he is going through sometimes with his father or ex wife.</p>

Business is rough and that’s why he hasn’t called.
He thought you didn’t have a good time on the last date, so he didn’t call.
He hasn’t called because he lost your number.</p>

We can all come up qith 100 reasons why a man didn’t called. But the bottom line is, if he hasn’t called, he is not interested.</p>

I am not saying he doesn’t like you or that you didn’t have a great date or that you are not on his mind sometimes, but if he hasn’t actually dialed your number, how interested can he be?</p>

If you have to call him to remind him you exist, something is wrong. Then, if you pursue him and he ever marries you, you will have to remind him it is your birthday or your wedding anniversary or call him at work to get his attention. You might have to initiate sex and vacations. You will always have the one to call the travel agent because he may think about vacations, but he never gets around to calling. Things are the way they are! This is not the kind of relationship a girl want to get involved to.</p>

So don’t waste your time analyzing what you may have done to discourage him from calling. Let it go. No matter what the reason, if he doesn’t call, it is next!</p>

Ky artikull eshte marre nga: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=153. Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni: http://www.datingcare.com/?p=153