Healthy Bones

Healthy Bones

You can wind up with low bone density two different ways. One, you could have an acceleration loss of bone mass, which is what happens to women at menopause. Or you could have slowed bone growth. The latter is currently harder to deal with. We are better at slowing loss than spurring new growth, though new developments in this area coming fast and furious.</p>

Resorption itself isn’t the enemy. Destroying old or weak bone cells to make way fro stronger new bone is crucial for healthy bone. Without remodeling, even dense bone wouldn’t be healthy bone.  In fact, many people who suffer fractures as a result of minor trauma have bones with normal but poor bone quality.</p>

The breakdown of bone take space relatively quickly, and the better part of each 120-day remodeling cycle is devoted to synthesizing new bone. Many chemicals in your body signals the starting and stopping of resorption and formation, including thyroid and parathyroid hormones, growth hormone, estrogen and testosterone and others. The rate at which bone is made and broken down is also effected by calcium intake and your body’s usage of it once it has it, and the amount of stress placed on the bone.</p>

When your body gets too many green lights for remodeling, yoy may get a quickening of the pace at which bone is formed, but it won’t be enough to keep up with the increase in breakdown.  That is just what happens with the drop in estrogen in menopause, or with any condition that entails an imbalance of hormones. Lack of calcium, too, can signal bone remodeling, perhaps prematurely. In addition, rapid turnover of bone cells usually yields bone of low quality, even if the quantity is normal. That’s why, once again, this book is designed not just to build bone but to build and maintain healthy bone.</p>

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