Google buys admob company
Google expands its advertising in mobile platforms – is purchased admob company which is specialized in Mobile.</p>
Purchase value is 750 million dollars, of the experiences and solutions that the company has purchased will enable Google to advertisers to enable advertisers to advertise in the growing market in mobile phones. This is a developing market but potential is very great offers, order from Google.</p>
The agreement to purchase will be completed within a month, the admob thereafter will join Google. When will the advertisements can be presented before the size, currently not known.</p>
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Ky artikull eshte marre nga: Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni:
Google expands its advertising in mobile platforms – is purchased admob company which is specialized in Mobile.</p>
Purchase value is 750 million dollars, of the experiences and solutions that the company has purchased will enable Google to advertisers to enable advertisers to advertise in the growing market in mobile phones. This is a developing market but potential is very great offers, order from Google.</p>
The agreement to purchase will be completed within a month, the admob thereafter will join Google. When will the advertisements can be presented before the size, currently not known.</p>
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