Google adds new features in Gmail
Recently Google has introduced several innovations which are implemented in its service for e-mail – Gmail.</p>
Application named “Got The Wrong Bob?” helps users to cancel an order which certifies that it has sent incorrectly. If you happen to anyone to send e-mail which should not to see, the mistake you can set within a few seconds.</p>
Application can be used only if an e-mail send to more addresses, by analyzing what and to whom sent. Gmail is locked in the possibility of automatic address recognition with the introduction of initial letters. Creator of this application is Josie Matthias.</p>
Second application which Google has started to test Google Voice. This application helps guide people through voice communication with mobile phones.</p>
Thanks to this service telephone number can be called with the expression of only one figure, voice messages are heard, and transcribed in shfletohen messages inboxin (ark) of your email.</p>
Google Voice – Voicemail transcripts</p>
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Ky artikull eshte marre nga: Per me shume artikuj te ngjashem vizitoni:
Recently Google has introduced several innovations which are implemented in its service for e-mail – Gmail.</p>
Application named “Got The Wrong Bob?” helps users to cancel an order which certifies that it has sent incorrectly. If you happen to anyone to send e-mail which should not to see, the mistake you can set within a few seconds.</p>
Application can be used only if an e-mail send to more addresses, by analyzing what and to whom sent. Gmail is locked in the possibility of automatic address recognition with the introduction of initial letters. Creator of this application is Josie Matthias.</p>
Second application which Google has started to test Google Voice. This application helps guide people through voice communication with mobile phones.</p>
Thanks to this service telephone number can be called with the expression of only one figure, voice messages are heard, and transcribed in shfletohen messages inboxin (ark) of your email.</p>
Google Voice – Voicemail transcripts</p>
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