Gjyqi Albforumi vs. Prodigy.


Primus registratum
Gjyqi Albforumi vs. Prodigy.

Dje ne mes te nates prokurori i albforumit ka hedhur akuzat kunder personit tim, duke me indinjuar jashte mase:

Anetar/e # 2567
Shkruajtur më 19 Korrik, 2004 21:15      
Kemi marre shume mesazhe ose me mire ankesa nga moderatore dhe anetare te AlbForumit te cilet kerkojne masen e paralajmerimit per ban ndaj jush.
Te lutem te me kuptosh,ky nuk eshte forum sharjesh dhe ofendimi,por c'do gje e ka nje cak.
Nese do te kundershtosh beje me fakte dhe pa ofendime!
.....dhe nje here,kujdes GJUHEN QE PERDOR!!!
Te pershendes si anetar i thjeshe dhe admin ne kete forum.
Me te mira.

"They made us many promises,more than I can remember.
But they kept but one-
They promised to take our land....and they took it

Postime: 4326 | Nga: BeNeLux | Regjistruar: Mar 2003


Ju ftoj te gjithe juve qe keni ankesa te me drejtoheni direkt ne kete teme.

Boll me keto shpifje e kercenime mbrapa dyerve. Keni c'keni mi thoni direkt ketu ne gjyq!

Seanca hapet.



Re: Gjyqi Albforumi vs. Prodigy.

Ti ne kte rast si deklarohesh ?? Fajtor apo i pafajshem?? :confused:

P.S Eh,te ishin gjithe prokuroret e sjellshem si ky i albforumit!


Primus registratum
Re: Gjyqi Albforumi vs. Prodigy.

Une deklarohem i pafajshem sigurisht. Tani pres deshmitaret te konfirmojne pafajsine time. Prokurori eshte nje dhelper qe luan "good cop, bad cop", dmth me te futme.

Po se ha une ate koqe ulliri. Une dua pafajsine, dhe do hap nje ceshtje tjeter kunder administrates per deformim karakteri.


Primus registratum
Re: Gjyqi Albforumi vs. Prodigy.

I dashur,ketu duket mos serioziteti yt,duke e hapur kete teme ne vendin e gabuar.
Nejse,nese do ti besh rreklame vetes vazhdo se nuk te pengon njeri.
..dhe se fundi nuk po te ben njeri gjyq,por nje rruge normale per te zgjidhur pakenaqesirat e ndryshme.
Me te mira.!!


Primus registratum
Re: Gjyqi Albforumi vs. Prodigy.

I padashur,

Seriozitetin tim nuk ja kam lene ne dore barometrit tuaj. Trupi gjykues do vendosi per kete ceshtje.

Problemi qendron se mungojne deshmitaret...

Ne enderr i pe ankesat kunder meje? :idea: Ku i ke sharjet e ofendimet???


Valoris scriptorum
Re: Gjyqi Albforumi vs. Prodigy.

shume interesante kjo tema

A mund te marr pjese?


Ku jane provat?

Cilat jane rrethanat ne te cilat jane perdorur shprehjet ne fjale?
a ishin vertet te papershtatshme ato shprehje ne ato rrethana?

kaq per sot


Primus registratum
Re: Gjyqi Albforumi vs. Prodigy.

Ti Gene,

Duhe te behesh deshmitare karakteri meqe me ke njohur qe te vogel. Tregoji pak trupi gjykues se cfare engjelli kam qene, dhe kam qene i preferuari i Zyshes Historise qe e kishim dhe kujdestare.


Re: Gjyqi Albforumi vs. Prodigy.

Prodigy, ankesat mund te behen me ane te butonin roportoje.Gjithashtu moderatoret kane nje pjese te forumit ku tregojne pengasat qe hasin gjate moderimit qe ato bejne.

Sukse per gjyqin.. /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif po fut noj lek se hane gjykatsat tone :tipsy:


Primus registratum
Re: Gjyqi Albforumi vs. Prodigy.

PO SI TE ERDHI :smash: :smash: :smash: /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Gjyqi Albforumi vs. Prodigy.

Fillimisht postuar nga Uffaaaa:
[qb] Prodigy, ankesat mund te behen me ane te butonin roportoje.Gjithashtu moderatoret kane nje pjese te forumit ku tregojne pengasat qe hasin gjate moderimit qe ato bejne.

Sukse per gjyqin.. /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif po fut noj lek se hane gjykatsat tone :tipsy: [/qb]
Pergjumesh je ti lal? Mua me tregon per butonat e Albforumit. Une shpika internetin ti thua butonat. Moderatoret te vijne ketu te shprehen, jo mbrapa skenash si hijenat qe pregatiten te sulmojne ne erresire.

Asnje kokerr leku nuk jap. Une dua pafajsine time dhe pike.

Ketu nuk ka as prova as deshmitare. Prokuroria ka filluar nje gjueti shtrigash kundrejt meje. Por do te bien vete ne gropen qe kane hapur. :smash:


Primus registratum
Re: Gjyqi Albforumi vs. Prodigy.

prodigy ne gjyq, cfare behet mor vlla,
cfare bere mor katil, per pak me vjen me qa,
b'more nga freestyle, e ke deshmitar karakteri,
prodigy nuk shan, per koken e xhaxhi enverit,
eshte djale me talent, i bie fjaleve verdalle,
sa ta kuptosh ti qe te shajti, ai ben rrumpalle,
ndonje avokat te duhet, po deshe vec hape gojen,
per ndonje gje tjeter, me thuaj e ke nevojen,
po kush te ka hudh ne gjyq, kush i ka bere ankesat,
ku jane keto kopila, pse ketu bejne mungesa,
ku jane faktet, deshmia, ku eshte demi qe bere,
ca lloj gjyqi eshte ky, njoftimin kur e morre,
prodigy shan me metafora, ai seshte krim, eshte art,
pesha e ketij gjyqi, is lighter than a baby's fart...


Primus registratum
Re: Gjyqi Albforumi vs. Prodigy.

These kids don't understand, they got this story all wrong
when I was rhyming for dollars, they were hitting the bong
When I was telling the truth, and nothing but the truth
they were conspiring together in a McDonalds booth
these kids were trying to go on a witches hunt spree
you better recognize when you start messing with thee
I got more intellectual power than Encarta 2thousand three
opposing side on a court room you never, never wanna be.
I was born to be a lawyer, cut throat, yet sophisticated
my words hit harder than bullets, yours just evaporated
I carry a trail of evidence, longer than the Canadian costal line
When I stand in front of the courtroom, the judge and jury are mine
So stop your whining and moaning, and put down that gun
I am here to stay, analyze and post in more ways that one
I got more charisma than Bill Clinton, more appeal than Brad Pitt
you all are little Titos, with no intelligence, cash, or wit
Your mouths wrote checks, your a$$es could not cash
I am always ready to go to war, victories I always stash


Primus registratum
Re: Gjyqi Albforumi vs. Prodigy.

that's the prodigy i know, he's back to the original,
in between me and you, can turn this in a carnival,
watch one of this moderators, come erase this cause is english,
men if ya all do that, this whole place is jibberish,
more knowledge than encarta, that's a really good line,
but not many get it, rappin ain't in their mind,
free prodigy is the mission, the charges still are not clear,
you'll be alright homeboy, for that i have no fear,
let's just keep it rapping, before we get to clappin,
so this stupidity and its members, can stop yeppin and yeppin,
anyways prodigy, good luck with this carnival,
let people know wassup, before the decision is final...

helibak mucogllava

Primus registratum
Re: Gjyqi Albforumi vs. Prodigy.

prodigy si i ri qe me dukesh ne kete fush po te them
seshte e nevojshme qe ti te shash e ku ta di une
mjafton qe ti te kesh ngacmuar te dashuren e ndonjerit qe eshte kok e madhe dhe tjerat vin vet
besoj se me kupton se sma mban te flas me hapur /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Gjyqi Albforumi vs. Prodigy.

Fillimisht postuar nga ZEQO_PILAFI-:
[qb] prodigy si i ri qe me dukesh ne kete fush po te them
seshte e nevojshme qe ti te shash e ku ta di une
mjafton qe ti te kesh ngacmuar te dashuren e ndonjerit qe eshte kok e madhe dhe tjerat vin vet
besoj se me kupton se sma mban te flas me hapur /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif [/qb]
Jo vetem qe ju kam ngacmuar te dashurat, por edhe i kam lene te me bejne seks oral. E pranoj kete akuze. Per te share nuk i kam shere vetem i kam lene ta marrin ne goje...

A lejohet me e thene kete ne Albforum? :idea:


Valoris scriptorum
Re: Gjyqi Albforumi vs. Prodigy.

qafsh burrnin e dajes, prodigy ka qen djale i mire /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif

edhe proven e karakterit e kemi tani.
50% e punes eshte e mbaruar :thumbsup:


Primus registratum
Re: Gjyqi Albforumi vs. Prodigy.

qa bohet keto ore? /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
ne shqiperi jon tu dal te pafajshem vrasesit,hajdutet,etj...dhe nuk mundim me fal prodigyn vetem se ja ka lypur noj njones.. /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

prodig nje vot e ke nga une si i pafajshem. /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif :wave: