Gjermania, Zvicra dhe sot Vatikani - Cifutet kerkojne 100 miljon dollare!

Gjermania, Zvicra dhe sot Vatikani - Cifutet kerkojne 100 miljon dollare!

Nuk priten Shejloket as te merrnin vesh emrin e Papes se ri dhe menjehere i paraqiten Vatikanit listen e kerekesave - 100 miljon dollare!
Dhe Gjon Pavli i Dyte njohu shtetin e gjarperinjve, nuk e di se cfare po i thote sot Shen Pjetrit kur ai e pyet si i kam cifutet!

9-th Circuit OKs Suit Against Vatican Over Holocaust
Tuesday April 19, 2:59 am ET
Jeff Chorney, The Recorder

Just in time for the picking of a new pope, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decided Monday that Holocaust survivors can pursue the Vatican Bank for profiting from a Nazi puppet regime.

The decision in Alperin v. Vatican Bank, 05 C.D.O.S. 3216, revives a class action that had been dismissed by San Francisco U.S. District Judge Maxine Chesney.


Groups of Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian Holocaust victims -- potentially hundreds of thousands, according to plaintiffs attorneys -- had sued the Vatican Bank, the Franciscan Order, the Croatian Liberation Movement and various banks in 1999.

Plaintiffs allege the defendants "profited from the genocidal acts of the Croatian Ustasha political regime," which was installed by the Nazis during World War II, according to the opinion.

The Ustasha regime operated death camps where as many as 700,000 Serbs died. After the Croatian government collapsed at the end of the war, its leaders fled to Italy and some assets went into Vatican control, according to a State Department report. Plaintiffs allege that the Vatican Bank, an arm of the sovereign Vatican government, essentially laundered the money, said plaintiffs lawyer Thomas Easton of Eugene, Ore.

Easton said he believed it was "just a coincidence" that the decision came on the first day cardinals deliberated who will be the next pope.

However, Easton hopes the Catholic church takes advantage of the timing and agrees to settle the case.

"I would think a new pope might want to clean the decks of this kind of stuff," Easton said. "I'm thinking we have a good chance to settle now."

The claims could exceed $100 million, according to a press release put out by Easton's partner in the case, Jonathan Levy of Ohio. Pepperdine University School of Law Professor Kathryn Lee Boyd argued the plaintiffs case at the 9th Circuit.

Chesney had granted a motion to dismiss because she believed the case wasn't justiciable under the political question doctrine. That legal test requires courts to stay out of business normally conducted by the executive and legislative branches.

Monday's divided 9th Circuit panel said Chesney was right, but only regarding the so-called "war objective" claims. Two of the three panel judges -- 9th Circuit Judge M. Margaret McKeown and Senior Illinois District Judge Milton Shadur, sitting by designation -- said they would allow the more "garden variety" tort of conversion claims.

"In the landscape before us, this lawsuit is the only game in town with respect to claimed looting and profiteering by the Vatican Bank," McKeown wrote for the majority. "No ongoing government negotiations, agreements or settlements are on the horizon. The outside chance that the executive branch will issue a statement in the future that has the 'potentiality of embarrassment' when viewed against our decision today does not justify foreclosing the Holocaust survivors' claims."

But the third panelist, 9th Circuit Judge Stephen Trott, said that's not good enough.

"With all respect to my valued colleagues, I see it as a mistake to measure this issue of justifiability by a 'this lawsuit is the only game in town' standard," Trott write in dissent. "This is not our 'game,' period, and we do not become vested with jurisdiction by default of the other branches."

The defendants have not yet decided whether to appeal, said Paul Vallone of San Francisco's Hinshaw & Culbertson, who represents the Franciscan Order.

Although Monday's decision was a setback for his client, Vallone pointed to sections of the opinion that tell the plaintiffs they are by no means home free.

"There are several other obstacles that plaintiffs need to get through," Vallone said.

Indeed, several times the judges noted the complexity and difficulty of the massive case, calling it a "behemoth" and comparing the district court's work on it to Sisyphus, the mythological figure who rolled a boulder up a hill only to have it roll back down for eternity.

Easton, on the other hand, found those comments encouraging. "Those are signals to both sides to settle the case," he said.

The lawyer for the Vatican Bank, Jeffrey Lena of Berkeley, Calif., could not be reached for comment.

rrok deda

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Re: Gjermania, Zvicra dhe sot Vatikani - Cifutet kerkojne 100 miljon dollare!

Ne fakt Papa i ri sapo u zgjodh eshte Joseph Ratzinger dhe ka marre emrin Benedeto XVI...Mesa duke "der juden" me te marre vesh vesh se ai eshte gjerman u nguten te kerkojne demshperblime...


Primus registratum
Re: Gjermania, Zvicra dhe sot Vatikani - Cifutet kerkojne 100 miljon dollare!

Ne fakt ai ka kryesuar Komisionin per Ruajtjen e Doktrines qe ne kohet moderne mund te quhet me te drejte pasardhes (Komisioni) i Inkuizicionit te Shenjte.
Ndoshta ky Pape i Ri nuk do te jete aq servil ndaj vrasesve te Zotit te Tij sa ishte ai paraardhesi!
Nuk ka nevoje per te qene Prift per te kuptuar se Bibla e thote qarte se "Nese cifutet nuk so te kthehen ne rruge te drejte ata do te vazhdojne te rrojne ne mekat"
Ata qe e kujtojne Kishen Katolike apo Ortodokse si nje Institucion qe duhet te shkoje pas berihajt (pederasteve, homoseksualeve, heretikeve) gabohen rende!
Shpresojme qe Ati i Shenjte Ratcinger te mos perkulet para presioneve te medha!
Viva il Papa!


Primus registratum
Re: Gjermania, Zvicra dhe sot Vatikani - Cifutet kerkojne 100 miljon dollare!

Ratzinger eshte me konservator me duket,kjo nuk do te thote qe do jete me mire per kishen katolike.
Megjithse Papa Woyjtila ishte me liberal Ai e lartesoi me shume se asnje paraardhes i tij kuptimin e ekzistences se kishes ne bote!

Dje,pa e ditur qe do vihej Ratzinger ne krye te kishes,i thashe nje Gjermani se do ishte mire qe te zgjidhej ai,Gjermani me tha:me mire Ratzinger sesa ndonje Aziatik apo Afrikan /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif .
Megjithate me sa di une Italishtja e Ratzingerit le per te deshiruar :confused: ,si Shkodranet kur flsin Greqisht /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif .


Primus registratum
Re: Gjermania, Zvicra dhe sot Vatikani - Cifutet kerkojne 100 miljon dollare!

Orosh! Kisha nuk lartesohet duke shkuar qorrazi mbas modave dhe tekave te kesaj bote, pra duke u krehur bishtin pederasteve e duke u tundur si majmune me "muzike" Rap!
Ndryshe nuk do kishte jetuar 2000 vjet (uroj edhe 2000 te tjera).
Se e flet mire italishten Ati i Shenjte kjo nuk ka nldonje rendesi mjafton qe te dije ne maje te gishtave (as e ve ne dyshim kete sigurisht bile ai di e nja 10 gjuhe te tjera besoj) latinishten!

Ketu nuk zgjidhen spikera mendjelehte e bukuroshe radiosh po Barinj Popujsh!
Presim dhe shohim!


Primus registratum
Re: Gjermania, Zvicra dhe sot Vatikani - Cifutet kerkojne 100 miljon dollare!

Ja disa nga fjalet e Atit te Shenjte Orosh!
Lexoi me kujdes dhe veri vath ne vesh!!!!


"Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the church, is often labeled today as a fundamentalism," he said Monday. "Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and 'swept along by every wind of teaching,' looks like the only attitude acceptable to today's standards."

"We are moving toward a dictatorship of relativism which does not recognize anything as for certain and which has as its highest goal one's own ego and one's own desires,"


Primus registratum
Re: Gjermania, Zvicra dhe sot Vatikani - Cifutet kerkojne 100 miljon dollare!

Fillimisht postuar nga antares:
[qb] Orosh! Kisha nuk lartesohet duke shkuar qorrazi mbas modave dhe tekave te kesaj bote, pra duke u krehur bishtin pederasteve e duke u tundur si majmune me "muzike" Rap!
Ndryshe nuk do kishte jetuar 2000 vjet (uroj edhe 2000 te tjera).
Se e flet mire italishten Ati i Shenjte kjo nuk ka nldonje rendesi mjafton qe te dije ne maje te gishtave (as e ve ne dyshim kete sigurisht bile ai di e nja 10 gjuhe te tjera besoj) latinishten!

Ketu nuk zgjidhen spikera mendjelehte e bukuroshe radiosh po Barinj Popujsh!
Presim dhe shohim! [/qb]
Antares,e ke gabim ne disa pika.
Papa perderisa cdo te diele mban meshe ne sheshin Shen Pjetri ka te baje pra ne shumice me Italiane!!Pra nje Italishte e rrjedhshme mund te evitoje shum gjana dhe mund te krijoje nje simpati e cila asht e domosdoshme per nje Pape/bari!!

Persa i perket pjesmarrjes se Papa Woyjtila ne dans se bashku me pjesmarrsit une nuk shoh ndonje gje te keqe!
Nuk mund ta adhuroj nje Pape qe merr poza prej polici apo prej diktatori(mos e ngaterro Papen me Ajetollahet/mullaret /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif ).

Pastaj,feja nuk eshte me aq e rendesishme ne vendet Perendimore,a eshte Ratzinger njeriu i cili do ta mbaje(te pakten)ndikimin e kishes aty ku e la Papa Woyjtila?
Ndoshta,une ne fakt u gezova per Ratzinger,se pata frike per ndonje Afrikan apo Aziatik.
Pata kriju nje simpati per Ratzinger qe ne varrimin/meshen per Papen.


Primus registratum
Re: Gjermania, Zvicra dhe sot Vatikani - Cifutet kerkojne 100 miljon dollare!

Sheee pa hedhur kembet mire papa i ri paskan kerkuar leke judet e :rolleyes:


Primus registratum
Re: Gjermania, Zvicra dhe sot Vatikani - Cifutet kerkojne 100 miljon dollare!



Primus registratum
Re: Gjermania, Zvicra dhe sot Vatikani - Cifutet kerkojne 100 miljon dollare!

Ata cifutet jan ca plera ata, me vjen shume keq. Por gjermanet mezi po i reziztojn ndjenjes of "guilt", edhe ata e vuajn vet ate qe ka ndodhur. Dalin tani ca copa cifutesh, pas gjithketo vitesh, dhe kerkojn lek. Pse te paguajn gjermanet *tani* njehere, s'e kuptoj. Apo duan lek ata cifutet, edhe nuk din ke te vjedhin. Peh...palacot. S'u vjen turp s'u vjen.