Giving Advice on Dating

Giving Advice on Dating

When listening to your date, try not to give advice too soon. Because we are so eager on a date, we tend to try to offer solutions to all their personal and professional problems. But your date probably does not want advice they are asking for a moment of attention and sympathetic companionship.</p>

The way we get through all the petty, needling problems of everyday life is by unburdening ourselves to a sympathetic human listener. Usually the best way to tell your date that you appreciate the way  they feel is ti use simple statements like “I can’t imagine how you put up with it”, or “well, that never happened to me, but i can imagine how painful it must be.” I know you are longing to scare all that wordily wisdom but don’t. Be a listener before a MR.Fix-it.</p>

As a child, when you didn’t finish your revolting sorry green beans, your mother probably made speeches about the starving children in Africa. Remember how you hated it? Keep that in mind when your date complains about how their boss made them go down the road to the mailbox. Don’t say when you dating things like “You are such a complainer,” or “Man, are you a whiner. I bet if i married you i would locked up in the funny farm within a moth.”</p>

And by all means, don’t go into long family histories. “I can’t believe how much you complain. You are lucky to have a job at all. Why, my Grandpa arrived in this country with nothing but a reed covering his genitals.”</p>

The importance message to give is “You and I are the same. You are not alone. Don’t feel despondent or crushed.” You are affirming your date’s right to feel important, and you linking his or her life with your own. If, on the other hand, you dive advice, you can come across as a know it all who is insensitive to their predicament. You can aggravate their sense of isolation and insignificance.</p>

A delay in offering your solution is better than talking the risk of alienating your date. If you have to bite your lip, then so be it.  A good general tip for avoiding knee jerk advice giving is to ask questions of your date, to be absolutely sure you understand their problems before you offer your advice.</p>

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