Franca antisemite se kuron......Arafatin!
Behet thirrhe nga cifutet per bojlotim te plote te Frances duke perfshire edhe .....gjuhen per arsye se ajo po kuron Arafatin! Dhe pastaj njerzit cuditen se pse egziston antisemitizmi!
American Board of Rabbis blasts France over Arafat
Big News Monday 1st November, 2004
In an unprecedented and extraordinary attack on France, the American Board of Rabbis has demanded a worldwide ban on French products.
The New York-based association which promotes Jewish unity abroad voted unanimously to call on Jewish people around the world to boycott everything French: goods, services, and even the language.
The board is outraged at France's providing hospital treatment for Palestinian leader Yasser Araft, who it describes as a 'master terrorist', responsible for 'the murder of thousands of infants, children, women, and men.'
Association President, Rabbi Mordechai Yitzchok Friedman, said 'France’s harboring of Arafat, is consistent with its tradition of anti-Semitism and anti-American activities.”
The Rabbi said the hosting of Yasser Arafat was an act of terrorism and was in breach of the U.S.'s Global Anti-Semitism Bill, under which the U.S. State Department is to monitor global anti-Semitism and annually rate countries on their treatment of Jews.
Rabbi Friedman continued his extraordianry attack by referring to the Book of Gensis, Chapter 12, Verse 3, claiming, 'God will curse those who curse the Jewish People, and so shall the people and country of France be cursed.”
Arafat meantime is recovering in a hospital near Paris after being flown there from Ramallah via Jordan for emergency medical treatment. Aides say doctors have ruled out leukaemia and are testing the ailing 75-year old leader for a possible virus.
Behet thirrhe nga cifutet per bojlotim te plote te Frances duke perfshire edhe .....gjuhen per arsye se ajo po kuron Arafatin! Dhe pastaj njerzit cuditen se pse egziston antisemitizmi!
American Board of Rabbis blasts France over Arafat
Big News Monday 1st November, 2004
In an unprecedented and extraordinary attack on France, the American Board of Rabbis has demanded a worldwide ban on French products.
The New York-based association which promotes Jewish unity abroad voted unanimously to call on Jewish people around the world to boycott everything French: goods, services, and even the language.
The board is outraged at France's providing hospital treatment for Palestinian leader Yasser Araft, who it describes as a 'master terrorist', responsible for 'the murder of thousands of infants, children, women, and men.'
Association President, Rabbi Mordechai Yitzchok Friedman, said 'France’s harboring of Arafat, is consistent with its tradition of anti-Semitism and anti-American activities.”
The Rabbi said the hosting of Yasser Arafat was an act of terrorism and was in breach of the U.S.'s Global Anti-Semitism Bill, under which the U.S. State Department is to monitor global anti-Semitism and annually rate countries on their treatment of Jews.
Rabbi Friedman continued his extraordianry attack by referring to the Book of Gensis, Chapter 12, Verse 3, claiming, 'God will curse those who curse the Jewish People, and so shall the people and country of France be cursed.”
Arafat meantime is recovering in a hospital near Paris after being flown there from Ramallah via Jordan for emergency medical treatment. Aides say doctors have ruled out leukaemia and are testing the ailing 75-year old leader for a possible virus.